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OK, that's not exactly accurate.
While mobsters existed in [[Imperial Russia]] and the [[Soviet Union]] (a lot of people in [[The Gulag]] were actual criminals by objective standards), they really exploded with the collapse of the Soviet Union. There was widespread unemployment, [[Reds With Rockets|many ex-military men]] and others with [[Former Regime Personnel|the right skill-set for this sort of thing, but no work.]] Old KGB men and lots of abandoned military hardware quickly found themselves both with new homes. Note that before [[The Great Politics Mess-Up]], it was kinda taboo in [[The Mafiya]] to accept people who once wore uniforms and shoulderboards of any kind. After WWII, when the majority of Soviet male population (including the crooks) served in the Red Army, it even caused a major internal conflict in [[The Gulag|the gulags]], called "Bitch Wars" (Сучьи войны), when the ''vory v zakone'' refused to welcome back their former peers who fought in the war. But after the USSR fell, this restriction became mostly obsolete.
Russian mobsters engage in all the activities that the Italian mobsters do. However, they are frequently depicted in a much more openly ruthless, sadistic, brutal and vicious fashion than the Italian Mafia, without the [[Faux Affably Evil|thin veneer of class and sophistication]] that [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be a Gangster!|many depictions]] of the Italian Mafia have [[The Coconut Effect|built up around the organisation]]. This is often [[Lampshade Hanging|explained]] by them being [[Mother Russia Makes You Strong|tough enough]] to survive and prosper in the underworld of both the Soviet Union and post-collapse Russian society, neither of which were/are exactly healthy environments for milquetoasts to begin with.
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* A ''bratok'' is a low-ranking mafiya soldier. These are stereotyped as extremely stupid and sometimes tastelessly flamboyant.
* An ''avtoritet'' is a "middle manager" of the Bratva. Usually an old, crusty, experienced bro who proved to be smart enough to survive and outlive his peers.
* A ''vor v zakone'' (lit. thief in law) is a high-ranking mafiya member, like an Italo "wiseguy". Traditionally, ''vory v zakone'' lived by an ascetic code of conduct that forbade having a family or large living expenses. By now, this code is a thing of the past. Another dying tradition is that because by the old proverb the prison is the home for a thief, no crook should be made without a prior conviction. Becoming a ''vor v zakone'' is a ritual that is often called "coronation" by the Mafiya members. Nowadays it's often enough to endow the "obschak"<ref>the underground mutual help fund-cum-expenses account</ref> with a large sum of money to be crowned. There is no Capo-equivalent boss rank in [[The Mafiya]]. The most powerful Russian criminal masterminds are simply the older, smarter ''vory v zakone'', with no special fancy title.
* A ''tolkach'' (possibly an outdated term) is a nonviolent crook with big connections, who uses these connections to help people for a price. Unlike [[The Don]] of an Italian Mob, a ''tolkach'' doesn't directly command lesser bros, but he knows many people who do. In modern times, these people are more associated with government graft than [[The Mafiya]] proper.
* A ''suka'' or ''ssuchenniy'' (literally "bitch") is any former member of the mafiya who tries to reform and aid the law. These are the enemies of any mafiya members, and that's why you should [[Berserk Button|never]] call any Russian criminal a "bitch".
** In the years following WWII, ''avtomatchik''s (lit. "riflemen") were the crooks who fought in the war and then got back in prison for old or new crimes. The ''vory'' considered them a kind of ''suka'' because of the aforementioned taboo.
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Mafiya members have a system of symbolic tattoos that reflect their position in the hierarchy and their history of crimes and prison terms. It even has symbols for "snitch" and "prison sex slave"; these are usually tattooed forcibly, as is to be expected.
During the years following the collapse of the USSR, [[The Mafiya]] was very prominent in Russian life, running many protection rackets that most small to medium businessmen had to deal with. Even now, it's far from being gone, though crooked police officers are the ones running most protection rackets now, not [[The Mafiya]].
Something that no western media and little Russian media touchestouch upon is "Fenya" - a highly extensive thieves' cant that makes true Bratva dialogues indecipherable to civilians. Western productions have more than enough [[Lost in Translation|problems]] with regular Russian, and Russian productions would have to rely on [[Footnote Fever]] or assume [[Viewers Are Geniuses|viewers have extensive knowledge]] of the criminal world.
Note there are also Russian [[Gang-Bangers]], called ''gopniki''. The name comes from "gop-stop" (a Fenya term for mugging) and the same "nik" suffix as in "beatnik". They are not part of [[The Mafiya]], but rather your garden variety petty criminal youths from the [[Wrong Side of the Tracks]], speaking badly bastardized Fenya mixed with [[Cluster F-Bomb|Cluster F Bombs]]s, practicing street robberies, vandalizing buildings and beating the crap out of gopniki from another 'hood. Some of them eventually grow into full-size bros. Some don't.
Aside from the Bratva proper, there are also ethnic mafiyas in Russia, mostly from the Caucasus. Some of them follow the usual Bratva mold, but are even more vicious and ruthless. Some (most famously the Chechen Mafiya) do not, and are even worse.
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* Hotel Moscow from ''[[Black Lagoon]]''. It is represented in Roanapur by an outpost consisting of ex-Spetsnaz, led by [[The Baroness]] Balalaika. It's ''heavily'' suggested that the criminal nature of Hotel Moscow is just a front for having a large, well-trained and self-sufficient special forces unit with a plausible deniability in a potentially "hot" region. Just look at Balalaika's connections!
* The manga ''Sanctuary'' has them show up near the end.
* {{spoiler|Simon and Dennis}} from Durarara! {{spoiler|In their past, that is.}} Later volumes introduce Slon and Vorona.
== [[Comics]] ==
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== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Eastern Promises]]'' features a group of Russian mobsters in London.
* Janus {{spoiler|aka Alec Trevelyan aka 006}} from ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' and Valentin Zukovsky from ''[[GoldeneyeGoldenEye (film)|GoldenEye]]'' and ''[[The World Is Not Enough]]''.
* Ivan Checkov and the Russian mob dudes from ''[[The Boondock Saints]]''.
* The Russian mob dudes from ''[[Rock N RollaRocknRolla]]''.
* The Brooklyn-based mob in ''[[Little Odessa]]'' that has the protagonist working for it as a hitman.
* They feature early in ''[[Lord of War]]'', operating from Brighton Beach.
* The 1988 Walter Hill film ''[[Red Heat]]''.
* Play a role in ''[[Blues Brothers]] 2000''.
* The Russian mob feature prominently in the action movie ''The Jackal'' where they hire the title character, a hitman {{spoiler|to murder the First Lady, in retaliation for the death of the mob boss's brother during a joint US-Russian arrest.}}
* Featured in ''[[Training Day]]'' where Alonzo has a debt to the Russian mob. {{spoiler|He doesn't pay it back in time.}}
* A drunk chap called himself the Russian Grim Reaper in ''[[Bad Boys]] 2''.
* In the remake of ''[[The Italian Job (2003 film)|The Italian Job]]'' the most feared gangsters are Ukrainian.
* ''[[Running Scared]]''
* ''Playing God'', starring David Duchovny, has Estonian gangsters.
* In ''[[25th Hour|Twenty Fifth Hour]]'', Monty's associated with them, despite being of Irish descent himself.
* In ''[[2012]]'' it is strongly implied that Curtis Jackson's Russian boss became a billionaire through less-than-legal means in one scene, although the movie never really follows up on it.
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== [[Literature]] ==
* In ''[[Artemis Fowl]]: The Arctic Incident'', Artemis is trying to rescue his father from them.
* ''The Sterling Inheritance'', by Michael Siverling, featured Uncle Gregori, who was quite kind to his nephew-in-law, even going so far as to {{spoiler|send an arsonist to help burn down a theater for insurance when the poor nephew lost the mafiya money that he was supposed to launder to an unscrupulous Nigerian Businessman.}}
* In one of the sequels to ''Gorky Park'', ''Red Square'', Renko has to deal with the Chechen Mafiya.
* In [[Andrew Vachss]]' Burke book ''Dead and Gone'', Burke meets with some Russian dudes, not too clear whether they're Bratva or gopniks, and {{spoiler|has their tight-lipped leader assassinated so as to get in place a more talkative replacement.}} In ''Mask Market'', {{spoiler|this is subverted (!) The Russian thugs that show up are really Russian Jews.}}
* The antagonists in ''[[Quiller|Quiller Balalaika]]'' by [[Adam Hall]].
* The protagonist of ''All These Things I've Done'', Anya, is from the Balanchine Mafiya family that manufactures illegal chocolate. The book takes place around 2083, when chocolate and caffeine are illegal and paper is hard to come by.
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* The Russian Mafiya features prominently in the ''[[Criminal Minds]]'' episode "Honour Among Thieves".
* If the Mafiya makes an appearance on an episode of ''[[Law and Order]]'', lots of people are probably going to die. In one of the only two-parters in the run of ''L&O Prime'', they murdered several witnesses, killed an ADA, slashed the throat of a seven-year-old boy, and tried to blow up a police precinct. This often results in a [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]] about how, no matter how bad the regular Mafia is, [[Even Evil Has Standards|at least they have rules]].
* In ''Bandit Petersburg'' TV series old-school, elderly criminal authority figuersfigures (think [[The Godfather|Don Vito Corleone]]) are juxtaposed with modern, westernized, aggressive criminal types.
* In [[Firefly]], Adelai Niska and his men are basically Russian mobsters [[Recycled in Space|in space]].
* In [[Dollhouse]], Lubov is introduced as a low-level mobster working with the Borodins. {{spoiler|Turns out, not so much.}}
* In the travelogue ''[[Long Way Round]]'', featuring Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman, the two stars stay at the mansion of a friendly Russian man who says he's in the "washing machine business." Ewan McGregor notes with increasing unseaseunease that their host seems to know an awful lot of very large men, and has a surprisingly comprehensive personal arsenal.
* Played for laughs in ''Delocated'' with Yvgeni Mirminsky, the vodka enthusiast assassin with an ambition for stand-up comedy. Then the next season they bring in his brother Sergei and [[It Gets Worse|things get serious.]]
* In ''Cra$h & Burn'' the local Russian crooks are just bottom feeding scam artists. The mob boss who comes to collect a debt from them is a high ranking member of the Mafiya. His Dragon feels it is beneath them to handle this personally and would much rather have everyone involved killed so they can go home and get some decent food. If you try to jerk them around, they will kill you without blinking.
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* ''[[Person of Interest]]'' featured a ruthless Eastern European gang that was similar to the Mafiya but was not Russian.
* Season 8 of ''[[24]]'' has Mafiya bosses Sergei Bazhaev and Vladimir Laitanin as antagonists, as well as Davros, a more minor Mafiya member who's hired to assassinate President Omar Hassan.
* In ''[[JAG]]'', pretty much every time a storyline involves either Russians or when the main characters go to Russia, this trope almost instantly comes into play or is hinted at.
== [[Video Games]] ==
* The player-character of ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' used to work for them, but didn't exactly part on good terms. They become the main antagonists during the game. Vlad Glebov is a low-ranked member of Bratva and Mikhail Faustin and Ray Bulgarin are ''vor v zakone''.
* ''[[Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas]]'' also has C.J. and Big Smoke butting heads with Russian arms dealers in an early mission. Whether they were true bratvas or just gopniki is rather unclear. Most likely bratva, because gun running business is usually too big and dangerous for gopnik gangs to organize.
* ''[[Mercenaries|Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction]]'' had them as one of the four factions with which the player could work in North Korea. Unlike the Allies, South Koreans, and Chinese, they don't have a personal stake in the conflict; they just want money, weapons, and power. The local head is an idiot [[Comic Relief]] character with a [[Hypercompetent Sidekick]] who, inevitably, gets sick of his boss and deposes him. Since they run the shop from which you purchase all your gear, it's a good idea to keep on their good side (though if you do tick them off, you can just bribe them through the website).
* Vladimir Lem and his arms-dealing empire in the ''[[Max Payne (series)|Max Payne]]'' series. One might consider Vlad something of a subversion of the normal Russian gangster portrayal, given that he is suave, sophisticated and [[Sympathy for the Devil|friends (kinda) with the protagonist]]. {{spoiler|That is, until the sequel.}}
* Damon and Vladimir Zakarov of John Woo's ''[[Stranglehold]]'' run a Russian crime syndicate that want to take over Hong Kong.
* The bandits in ''S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'' are thoroughly gopnik. Their leaders, most notably Borov, Yoga and Sultan act as typical ''autoritets'', though.
* Featured in the Moscow mission set in ''[[Mafia Wars]]''.
* Russian organized criminals are sometimes mentioned in ''[[Hitman]]'' series. Arkadij Jegorov is a target in ''Codename 47'' and Sergei Zavorotko is a {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}} in ''Silent Assassin''.
* ''[[Alpha Protocol]]'' has contact with several elements of the russianRussian mafia during the Moscow mission. Sergei Surkov is an ex-''vory y zakone'' gone semi-legit businessman (who has a lot of his ex-KGB ex-mafiya friends on payroll as security). Konstantin Brayko is a still-active gang leader {{spoiler|and Surkov's former lieutenant}} who acts very much like a stereotypical ''bratok'', what with [[Disco Dan|his focus on Eighties pop culture]] and [[Fashion Victim Villain|general lack of taste in clothing]].
== [[Web Comics]] ==
* [https://web.archive.org/web/20070620184321/http://www.sluggy.com/daily.php?date=030126 Show up] during the "Girls Night Out" arc from ''[[Sluggy Freelance]]''.
== [[Western Animation]] ==
* The bad guys in the ''[[Rick and Morty]]'' episode "Pickle Rick".
== [[Real Life]] ==
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