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Distracted by the Sexy: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[Great Mazinger]]'': Just how many times Boss ran into an obstacle because he saw Jun walking by and he stopped looking forward while he walked?
* Happens a lot to Maeda in ''[[Ai Kora]]'', who has a tendency to go nuts for any woman who has at least one of what he considers "ideal parts". So far the only girls in his "harem" to consciously manipulate this fact are [[Rich Bitch|Ayame]] and [[Meganekko|Yukari]].
* ''[[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei|Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei]]'' has a segment on this (or rather, getting distracted in general, and forgetting the point of what you're watching) that involves an invading alien leader getting completely sidetracked from his invasion by gratuitous fanservice... which the viewer is also shown, and which generally does succeed in distracting the viewer from the actual plot until the next obvious reminder. Other non-sexy distractions include showing the credits onscreen at moderately high speed without stopping the action or dialogue in any way. It works, too.
* ''[[Pokémon (anime)|Pokémon]]'': [[Loveable Sex Maniac|Brock]], ''every time'' a [[Inexplicably Identical Individuals|Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny]] shows up. Heck, every time a ''pretty girl'' shows up.
* ''[[Fairy Tail]]'': This happens to [[Stalker with a Crush|Juvia]] in a [http://www.mangafox.com/manga/fairy_tail/v17/c139.5/8.html side chapter] where she's supposed to be using her magic as a water slide attraction for Lucy, who ends up tumbling ungracefully into the water when Juvia sees Gray's "glorious body".
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* In ''[[Star Driver]]'', this happens to Okamoto during her fight with [[Bishonen|Takuto]]. Much to the disbelief of the observers. And her opponent.
* Mayumi-chan from ''Kuuchuu Buranko'' is there for that very reason.
* In one episode of ''[[Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt|Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt]]'', Panty and Stocking go job hunting. One part of the job montage features them directing traffic, but their tight cop outfits cause more accidents than the girls prevent.
* In ''[[After School Sex Slave Club]]'' one of the cheerleaders/sex slaves is told not to wear any underwear during a baseball match. The opposing team lost by paying too much attention to her.
* In a similar but less naughty variation of the above, [[Ah! My Goddess|Urd]] turns the tide of a softball match by showing up in a uniform two sizes too small without a bra, destroying the focus of the all-male team she and the rest of the cast were playing against.
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* One of the dirty tricks Ciel from ''[[Black Butler]]'' uses to win a cricket match involves getting scandalously dressed women disrupt the opposing team's concentration. It's [[Victorian Britain]], so the effect is particularly strong.
* In ''[[One Piece]]'', this is a common problem for ''any'' male who opposes or aids Nami, Robin, or Boa. For example, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPHp0l8MuQk in this clip], Bartolomeo is distracted in the middle of a battle when Robin simply winks at him. Sanji tends to get hit with it ''any'' time he sees an attractive woman.
== Comedy ==
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* Melody from ''[[Josie and the Pussy Cats]]'' is the poster girl for this trope.
** She nearly got lynched by a town full of angry teenage girls whose boyfriends got distracted by her. And she only escaped because Alan M is pretty much her male counterpart.
** She is also a dumb[[Dumb blondeBlonde]]. One time they put her in a heavy fur coat, and the guys are STILL''still'' going crazy, which prompts Josie to say, "I dunno. Maybe they have good memories?" And she ignores it.
** In another, Melody chases off some boys to get "peace and quiet," while Josie and Valerie get depressed.
* Peter Parker when he first meets Mary Jane at a dinner (''Amazing [[Spider-Man]]'' #43):
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== Comic Strips ==
* In ''[[Li'l Abner|Lil Abner]]'', "Stupefyin' Jones" literally stunned any male who gazed upon her, except ifunless they were wearing special glasses. In the stage and movie adaptation, she was played by Julie Newmar in a skimpy skintight body suit.
* Once happened to German detective ''[[Nick Knatterton]]'' (it was a movie poster).
* [http://www.ghira.mistral.co.uk/football.gif This strip] by [[Quino]].
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* ''[[Nobody Dies]]'': When Asuka first gets into her plugsuit as Unit-02's new pilot (it's a long story), Shinji walks by one the way to a test. Once he [[Male Gaze|gets a good look]], a wall decides to say hi. Combining this with the multiple situations of [[Did I Just Say That Out Loud?]], it's a wonder that Asuka hasn't gotten over her socialization issues.
* A male example occurs in ''[[Kyon: Big Damn Hero]]'', with Kyon somehow stopping a fight between people he didn't even know were there by... getting out of the bath.
* After some coaching by [[Ah! My Goddess|Hild]], [[Ranma ½|Ranma Saotome]] comes to enjoy deliberately doing this to men with his female form in ''[[Hell Is a Martial Artist]]'' by Ozzallos, even competing with her over how much damage they can cause simply by walking down the street.
== Films -- Animation ==
* ''[[Atlantis: The Lost Empire|Atlantis the Lost Empire]]'': "You do swim, do you not?", "Oh, I swim [[Freudian Slip|pretty girl]]-- pr-pretty good! Good, I swim pretty good."
* Spirit from ''[[Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron]]'' gets distracted by Rain, leading to his second capture.
* This obviously happens to [[Bugs Bunny]] in Lola Bunny's introductory appearance in ''[[Space Jam]]'' when she enters the gym to try out for the team.
* At the end of ''Katy Caterpillar'', once Katy becomes a [[Sexy Butterfly]], she inspires this in a pair of crows, causing them to fly into a tree after she flies by.
* In ''[[An American Tail]]'', Tony gets a little... um... distracted by Bridget.
* The English suitor in ''[[A GentlemansGentleman's Duel]]''.
{{quote|"Ah, m'lady, your grace is matched only by your boobies, I mean beauty."}}
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* In ''[[Desperado]]'', Salma Hayek's character, Carolina, is introduced by having her cause an accident at an intersection while crossing the street. She just smiles and keeps on walking.
* A trailer for ''So Fine'', a movie about someone who invented bottomless jeans, solely featured the various accidents befalling men who saw a woman walking down the street in them.
* Happens briefly in ''[[It's a Wonderful Life|Its a Wonderful Life]]''. At one point, a nameless background male character turns his head to watch Violet walk and nearly gets hit by a car as a result.
* In ''[[A Fish Called Wanda]]'', barrister Archie Leach is so smitten by Wanda that he leaves his briefcase on top of his car as he drives off.
* ''[[10 (film)|10]]'': Dudley Moore is so distracted when a car bearing Bo Derek drives by that he drives right into another car. A police car.
* Even suave superspies aren't immune to it. In the ''[[Get Smart (film)|Get Smart]]'' movie, [[Dwayne Johnson]]'s Agent 23 is a paragon of what an agent should be. Yet he walks straight into a support pole when the sexy secretary smiles at him.
* The old [[Cheech Marin]] film ''[[Born in East L.A.]]'' had a couple of gags where an especially attractive Latino woman (who was one of Cheech's garage customers in the movie) would literally make everyone else stop in their tracks and stare whenever she walked past.
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* The ''[[Police Academy]]'' gym is a dangerous place to be while Callahan is working out.
* ''[[Back to the Future (film)|Back to The Future]] Part 1'', when Marty McFly gets distracted by sexy women... while his girlfriend is right next to him.
* Really happened while filming ''[[Captain America: The First Avenger|Captain America the First Avenger]]''. The directors decided to [[Throw It In]].
* Occurs during ''[[Bad Teacher]]'' when Elizabeth is seductively dousing herself in water and rubbing herself across a car when trying to raise money.
* Happens at the beginning of ''[[Hot Shots]] Part Deux'' where an attractive woman arrives to a Buddhist monastery where Topper Harley is hiding in order to recruit him for a rescue mission. A monk falls into a well while walking and staring at her. Later on, all monks line to up to show off their manliness.
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* Any male in ''[[The Pale King]]'' who is in the vicinity of Meredith Rand, with the exception of Shane Drinion.
* Margo Smith of ''[[Time Scout]]'' can cause minor traffic jams with her skirts. Malcolm Moore has a lot of trouble focusing around her. Well, focusing on anything ''but'' her.
* A gender-flipped version can be found in the 1967 "psychedelic SF" novel ''[[The Butterfly Kid]]''. Sativa, titular leader of "Sativa and the Trip-outs", doesn't walk into walls upon meeting [[Country Mouse]] Sean, but whenever he's around she seems to have great difficulty paying attention to ''anything'' else.
{{quote|A slow voice, like a tawny port, breathed, "Who is ''That?''" into my left ear. "He's ''Pretty!''" Sativa always talked like that.}}
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** In another episode, Elaine wears a low-cut top and unknowingly distracts numerous men.
* Very early in the first episode of ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', Xander first sees Buffy and promptly does this, skateboarding into the railing for the stairs up to the front of the high school.
* In ''[[Married... with Children|Married With Children]]'', we learn that Steve once ran a marathon without meaning to because he was following a girl in short running shorts.
* Jeff from ''[[Coupling]]'' does this.
* In ''[[Waking the Dead]]'' a group of [[Private Military Contractors]] is discussing VIP protection when Stella Goodman walks into the room. As one of them is distracted by her (she is a [[Fair Cop]]), the guy leading the session mimes shooting him in the back of the head. Then directly comments on this sort of thing.
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* A serious example of this trope happens in the first episode of the Australian mini-series ''Janus''. A woman is being hammered on the witness stand by the lawyer of her psychopathic ex-boyfriend, who's staring coldly at her the whole time. Realizing this, the policewoman guarding her sits in the front row of the public gallery, crosses her legs and makes eye contact with him. With her boyfriend's attention off her, the witness rallies under the questioning and provides the testimony they need.
* ''[[Saturday Night Live]]'' has one in a commercial parody called "I'm No Angel" where a pregnant redneck woman (played by Amy Poehler, who really was pregnant at the time the fake commercial first aired) distracts the men in a country western bar with her pre-natal sexy.
* ''[[Whose Line Is It Anyway?|Whose Line Is It Anyway]]''
** One suggestion for the always funny "Scenes from a Hat" game lampshades this trope: Ryan as a lion-tamer attempts to place his head between Colin The Lion's jaws when he is Distracted by the Sexy. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|So is Colin's Lion.]]
** Earlier in the UK version, one game of "Weird Newscasters" had Ryan doing the weather while "distracted by a couple making love in front of him".
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'''Teddy:''' Yeah, so's our little sister. }}
* Robin Tunney on ''[[The Mentalist]]''—in, of all things, the [[Gag Reel]]. Both she and the other main female cast member just stand there as the guy who plays Rigsby tries to put his shirt on over his wet, glistening muscles. "Brian said that Justin was in love with her..." (both women keep staring at him). "Brian said that Justin was in love with her and my brain is dead I'm so sorry."
* ''[[M*A*S*H (television)|MashM*A*S*H]]'': In the episode "The Moose," Hawkeye is playing poker with a soldier who has a Korean woman as an "indentured servant," so Hawkeye tries to win her and thus liberate her. To effect this, he has an earpiece in which Radar (from a distance using a telescope) is transmitting the opponent's hand. But Radar gets distracted as a nurse wearing only a towel on her way to the nurse's showers walks by.
* ''[[Night Court]]'' does this when Harry has to arm-wrestle a stereotypical Texas big-money type to save a orphanage. He holds his own for a bit, but starts to lose—so Christine, the '"sweet innocent'" type, waves to get the guy's attention and flashes her breasts at him. Everyone else is focused on the match, so nobody else sees her do this. The Texan later tells her it was [[Worth It]].
* Used in a short film (no memory of a title or origin, sorry) entirely shown through the scope of a [[Cold Sniper]] about to shoot someone coming out of a hotel—but who's distracted by a woman stripping down to her underwear at a window. It comes to the point that the hitman ends up too late to shoot the target, whom gets into a car, and he starts cursing loudly. Then the voyeur witnesses a man, probably a jealous boyfriend, entering the same room as the woman, slapping her and pulling a handgun... and the sniper shoots him. (Thus being an extreme form of a [[Wife-Basher Basher]]... probably because the guy wanted not "only" to beat her.)
* A few TV bloopers involving this trope:
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* A very common gag on ''[[The Benny Hill Show]]''.
** In one sketch set in WWII, Benny plays a sniper tasked to shoot Hitler. However, as he's testing the sights, he spots a fraulein in skimpy dress by a window. He keeps ogling while distractedly [[IKEA Weaponry|putting together his sniper riffle]], which ends up in a twisted, useless shape.
* ''[[30 Rock|Thirty Rock]]''
** [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qGouqhgFWU This scene.]
** See also "The One with the Cast of ''Night Court''".
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* In ''[[Soul Calibur]] 4'', you win either because you played with your eyes closed or you're already living a sexually satisfied life. ''If'' you win without these two, then you're probably a genderless robot or some other video-game-playing species entirely. Or happen to be disinterested in women while playing as Ivy.
** Or, y'know, both player characters are male. Though this trope doesn't always involve women being the distraction- [[Squick|Voldo is pretty damn hot.]]
* In ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess|The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess]]'', when {{spoiler|Midna is in her true form, Link's eyes are glued to her. She lampshades that along with [[Heroic Mime]].}}
* The Sexy Nightwear apparel in ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'' gives a bonus to Charisma, which relates your Speech and Barter skills.
* This is actually an ability of Jessica in ''[[Dragon Quest VIII]]''. Put skill points in her Sex Appeal and monsters will start missing turns just to ogle her. Her own allies, [[Chivalrous Pervert]] Angelo included, are immune. ''[[Dragon Quest IX]]'' has a similar effect through the "Style" stat, but it affects all playable characters and isn't limited to only sexy outfits.
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* When it comes to [[David Bowie]]'s [[Labyrinth|PACKAGE]], [[The Nostalgia Chick]] just can't help going off-track. [[Memetic Sex God|And who can blame her?]]
* [http://bash.org/?146497 This] [[bash.org]] quote.
* Youtube star Miss Hannah Minx, who makes videos about random things she finds or does, as well as teaches random Japanese words and their kanji. However, I'm sure people have watched all her videos and still don't know a damn word in Japanese. [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIt_hedcBTc Here's] probably the biggest example. So much so that even Michael Swaim could not resist her Fanservice! She lampshade this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQDL7QKoISc here].
* [http://ca.jalopnik.com/5788058/we-must-fight-distracted-driving-by-ending-road-head This April Fools article] from Jalopnik calls for the banning of "[[Auto Erotica|road head]]" while driving since it supposedly distracts other people on the road from driving and is thus a road safety hazard.
* [[Tobuscus]] has a [[Catch Phrase]] devoted to this phenomenon, "Hothothothothothot," which also falls under the category of [[Gibberish of Love]], and appears to be endearing to many of the women he meets.
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* ''[[The Mask (animation)|The Mask]]'' has a perfect example of this (though it can also count as [[Show Some Leg]], depending on how you look at it) in the episode "Flight as a Feather". After stripping two suicide belts off an exotic dancer named Cookie BaBoom (who crashed a ceremony held by the Mayor), The Mask sees Kellaway and Doyle coming to get him. The Mask then gets behind Cookie (who has been trapped in her own whirling dervish) and stops her so that way the front part of her naked body faces Kellaway and Doyle. The Mask escapes, Kellaway and Doyle melt like a Hershey's kiss on a hot skillet, and the Mayor smiles as he basks in the glow of his ex-girlfriend's humiliation. And this was all on a CHILDREN'S show (albeit one from the 1990s, when this kind of shock humor was in vogue).
* Happens during Blackarachnia's first appearance in ''[[Transformers Animated]]''. As soon as it is revealed that the giant, scary-looking alien spider is a giant, sexy-looking alien robot, Bulkhead and Bumblebee (who have apparently never seen a female of their species before) immediately drop their guard, which allows her to take them out.
* In the ''[[Batman: The Brave And The Bold|Batman the Brave And The Bold]]'' episode "Night of the Huntress!", Blue Beetle is distracted by Huntress's sex appeal instead of having his head in the game during the fights:
{{quote|'''Blue Beetle:''' I'm sorry! Your hotness distracted me!!}}
* In the ''[[Phineas and Ferb]]'' episode "I Scream, You Scream", Ferb's initial encounter with his [[Precocious Crush]], Vanessa, leads to him taking the plans she was picking up and vice-versa.
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** In ''Bender's Game'', during the parody of ''[[The Lord of the Rings (film)|The Lord of the Rings]]'', one orc-thing climbing a ladder while assaulting the castle catch sight of Amy taking off her top through a window. Cue abundant drooling, which happens to be acidic and burns through the ladder's steps, sending him falling.
* Happen in Welsh Stopmotion show ''[[Fireman Sam]]'' when Trevor Evans crashes a bus in "Dilys's Forgetful Day", when he drives past Penny, the new girl in the Ponypandy fire service.
* The 2011 ''[[ThundercatsThunderCats (2011 series)|Thundercats]]'':
** In "Omens Part One", the first time Lion-O meets his [[Bodyguard Crush]] Cheetara his voice cracks. Lion-O later [[Exploited Trope|feigns]] this, using the sight of two passing women to avoid mentioning a vision he saw in the Sword of Omens.
** In "Journey to the Tower of Omens" Lion-O, trying to master Sight Beyond Sight and failing, gets flustered when Cheetara tries a [[Hands-On Approach]], taking him by the shoulders and telling him to relax.
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* It seems every other summer some city in Florida bans bikini-ed girls from performing just about any commercial (or charity even) activity on the road side. Often citing traffic accident increases as the reason.
* Men make more short-term-oriented decisions after exposure to sexual stimuli, as explained in #3 of ''[[Cracked.com]]'''s [http://www.cracked.com/article_20332_5-unrealistic-movie-cliches-that-are-scientifically-accurate.html 5 Unrealistic Movie Cliches That Are Scientifically Accurate].
* Similar to the Jennifer Tilly/Poker example above, troper [[User:Looney Toons|Looney Toons']] wife dressed in a slinky black dress to take part in one of the very first tournaments for the [[Collectible Card Game]] ''Illuminati: New World Order''. She made it all the way to the semifinals at least in part due to the effect on her entirely-male opposition, and was congratulated by [[Steve Jackson Games|Steve Jackson]] himself for applying this trope as a [[Metagame]] strategy.
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