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* Many slash fics use this trope on [[If It's You It's Okay|characters who may have canonically been hetero/homo/bisexual]]. For example, [[Harry Potter|"He's not gay, he's Sirius-sexual."]]
* This is prevalent in TOS-verse [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Kirk/Spock]] slashfic, in that Spock was not a sexual being outside Pon Farr except where Kirk was concerned. Actually, the same could be said for Spock/McCoy fanfic as well.
* A lot of ''[[South Park]]'' fanfics portray Kyle as being [[Slash Fic|Stan-o-sexual.]] Yes, really.
* ''[[Axis Powers Hetalia]]'' fans sometimes dub America as "[[Fan Nickname|Iggy]]sexual" towards England and vice versa, mainly because they're a very popular [[Fan-Preferred Couple]] (and it not being that hard to see America as being [[Tsundere]] for England only); ditto with Romano as "Spain-sexual". Japan is also sometimes depicted as being "Greece-sexual" with Greece as the only nation he can overcome his emotional reservedness and intimacy issues with.
* [[Lyrical Nanoha|Subaru]] is described by Nove as "Teana-sexual" in ''[[Relationships Series]]'', and her older sister Ginga asks if she'd be attracted to Teana even if she were male.
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