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{{cleanup|User:Agiletek reports [[Topic:X3tg6iei6kr6h18d|here]] that "just viewing the linked URLs says the comics are all published together, as are the trailers and potentially the short stories. That's three or five "works", certainly not 52."}}
{{Multiple Works Need Separate Pages}}
{{Under Construction}}
== Supplemental Material ==
=== Comics ===
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** {{spoiler|Played Straight, it turned out that the suit set them up to destroyed the building, there's no hostages, probably frame them for "tearing the place up", and worst, the suit won't pay Junkrat and Roadhog their due}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Eureka Moment]]}}: When Junkrat {{spoiler| after finding a piece of debris with the company's insignia, he wonders why did the business guy sent them on a wild goose chase and whacking his company's drone bots?}}.
{{spoilerquote|{{quotespoiler|"The suit didn't set us up. He's an honest businessman...Socially sensible...Roight. And he's a '''Suit'''."}}}}
* {{spoiler|[[Frame-Up]]}}:{{spoiler|It turns out that the suit was intending to frame them.}}
* [[Hostage Situation]]: Some of a businessman's employees are held hostage by some Omnics.
** {{spoiler|Turns out that it was just all a lie, there were no hostages, in fact there's not a soul in the skyscrapers that the two Junkers demolished.}}
* [[Punch Clock Hero|Punch Clock Heroes]]: A businessman hired both Junkrat and Roadhog to save his employees, of course with payment, and if the two can be "hush, hush" about this mission.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: Both Junkrat and Roadhog were concentrating so much on blowing stuff up, that most of the comic consist of this.
Line 56 ⟶ 60:
* [[Sniper Scope Sway]]: Some of the comic's panels are drawn this way.
* {{spoiler|[[I Thought You Were Dead|We Thought You Were Dead]]}}: {{spoiler|Ana realizing that this new vicious Talon sniper was Amélie Lacroix, who Ana and everyone else has given up for dead.}}
{{spoilerquote|{{quotespoiler|"Amélie Lacroix?! Impossible. She was kidnapped after her husband's murder."}}}}
{{spoilerquote|{{quotespoiler|"We thought she was '''dead'''."}}}}
* [[Written Sound Effect]]
Line 63 ⟶ 67:
* {{spoiler|[[Dramatic Unmask]]}}: {{spoiler|After punching Reaper's face, the mask broke, and Ana saw what her former friend now looks like.}}
{{spoilerquote|{{quotespoiler|'''Ana''': "What happened to you...?"}}}}
{{spoilerquote|{{quotespoiler|'''Reaper''': "He did this to me, Ana. They, Overwatch, left me to become this."}}}}
* [[In the Back]]: Reaper in the midst of the fight with Soldier: 76, shot the latter in the back.
** {{spoiler|S76 survives this}}.
Line 96 ⟶ 100:
==== [https://static.playoverwatch.com/media/comics/10/en-us/comic-overwatch-reflections.pdf Tracer: Reflections] ====
* [[Banned in China|Banned in Russia]]: "Reflections" was banned in RussiaChina, due to thea lesbian kiss.
** Ditto with super conservative and religious countries, like Russia and the Middle East. The comic is banned unless there's some modifications.
* [[The Cameo]]: A theater was shown having an advertising poster about Lúcio Santos doing a holiday concert.
** Various characters are shown celebrating the holidays (or lack their of) with their family and friends:
Line 192 ⟶ 197:
* [[Precious Photo]]: Jack Morrison carries two, One that has him, Ana, and Gabe when they were younger. The other of just {{spoiler|him and Vincent}}.
* [[Sequel Episode]]: "Overwatch: Bastet" takes place after "Ana: Old Soldier" and "Ana: Legacy."
* [[Shirtless Scene]]: Some of the short story's illustrations have a scarred, shirtless, and unmask Jack Morrison.
* [[Waking Up Elsewhere]]: This happened to Ana, she wakes up in a hospital. Long after her encounter with Widowmaker.
Line 201 ⟶ 206:
==== [https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/page_media/x3/X38BR3N7HTDP1573261672394.pdf Overwatch: Valkyrie] ====
* [[Ascended Extra]]: The nameless girl from the "We Are Overwatch" trailer that Dr.Zeigler came to rescue has a bit of a more role.
** Also, her name was reveal to be "Hanan."
* [[The Atoner]]: The main reasons why Angela was in these aid camps, including Egypt's, was because of her own guilt and her Overwatch endevours. - And by extension, the WHOLE Overwatch organization. Which she sees that she must do all she can to mend the damages.
{{quote|"Overwatch was responsible for much of the country [Egypt]'s suffering, and I needed to help repair it."}}
* [[The Cameo]]: Sorjourn, one of the high ranking Overwatch agents, was mention.
* [[First Person Perspective]]|[[The Narrator]]: Angela, herself narrates this.
* [[Hero with Bad Publicity]]: Due to Overwatch's past political and militaristic hijinks and scandals, in some places, Dr. Angela Zeigler doesn't get a warm welcome with some people and some countries. The latter sees her alter-ego, Mercy more of a "[[Light Is Not Good|Angel of Death]]" than the benevolent angels from various religions.
* [[Labcoat of Science and Medicine]]: Dr. Zeigler and some of the Overwatch scientists are seen wearing labcoats.
* [[Refusal of the Call]]: Zeigler doesn't want to take Jack Morrison's re-join Overwatch offer, despite that she will be the head of medical research. Due to what happened with Overwatch a decade ago.
* [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]]: Ana's don't judge answer to Angela when the blonde asks her why on earth is she tagging along with Morrison's revenge quest.
{{quote|"Idealism is for the young, Angela."|Ana}}
* [[Naive Newcomer]]: Dr. Zeigler remembered the first time that she enlisted in Overwatch, complete with a happy, idealistic, and "I'm gonna save da day" attitude. By the short story's current events, she's not that sure that she can be THAT optimistic again.
* [[No Name Given]]: The first names of Angela's parents.
** It was like this even before the short story came out.
* [[No One Should Survive That]]: Jack Morrison and Ana Amari's calling cards are "I am a member of the "No One Should Survive That"" club, since they usually come out of situations that would've killed normal soldiers.
** Well, {{spoiler|Angela, Hanan, and her brothers survived when a building cave in and crumbled due to the bombs and raid.}}
* [[Walking the Earth]]: Angela was traveling and working in aid camps, moving betwixt Poland, South Korea, and Venezuela.
** Even acknowledges Reinhardt's "road trip" in Europe, bringing Brigitte in tow.
* {{Spoiler|[[You Can't Fight Fate]]}}: After all that has happened, and when {{Spoiler|Dr. Zeigler saw Hanan spreading her arms like wings, the Swiss now knows that her battles was not over. So, Angela decided to accept joining Overwatch again}}.
=== Trailers, Teasers, and Animated Shorts ===
Line 219 ⟶ 241:
* [[Adjusting Your Glasses]]: During one of his takes, Winston adjusts his glasses by using his right hand.
* [[Breaking the Fourth Wall]]: It looks as though Winston is addressing the viewer to answer his recall, instead of making a video message to call scattered former Overwatch agents, like Tracer, Mei, and Reinhardt, to regroup and resurrect Overwatch.
* [[The Cameo|The Cameos]]: Mercy, Reaper, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Reinhardt, and Zarya makes an appearances. Just to name a few.
* [[Hilarious Outtakes]]: The genetically enhanced gorilla made some of these, since he has some trouble finding the right wording and tone for his speech, the camera was filming his set up, and he was doing some last minute adjusting.
* [[Justified Title]]
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB5zlHMsM7k "Recall"] ====
* [[Cool Chair]]: Winston has this in his lab and reclines in it to watch the news.
* [[Flashback]]: Some of "Recall"'s segments are Winston's flashbacks about when he was a baby and with his former friend, Dr. Harold Winston.
* [[Justified Title]]
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBIwGKDwnWY "We Are Overwatch"] ====
* [[Cherry Blossoms]]: Genji's "We are harmony" segment has him sitting under a cherry blossom tree, that has its flowers in full bloom. Very meaningful, considering that his story is mostly about change.
* [[Justified Title]]
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U130wnpi-C0 "Alive"] ====
Line 232 ⟶ 261:
* [[The Narrator]]: Widowmaker.
{{quote|"When I was a girl, I had a fear of spiders."}}
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[One-Hit Polykill]]: Widowmaker's bullet when through Tracer and didn't kill her because of her Chronal Accelerator, but the bullet went and found it's true mark: Tekhartha Mondatta.
Line 248 ⟶ 278:
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og5-Pm4HNlI "Infiltration"] ====
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[Sniper Scope Sway]]: Whenever Widowmaker peers down her scope, it switches to her POV as she tries to get a shot.
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPRRupAM4DI "Hero"] ====
* {{spoiler|[[Decoy Protagonist]]}}: {{spoiler|The short "Hero", most of it focuses on Alejandra instead of Soldier 76}}.
* {{Spoiler|[[Diving Save]]}}: {{Spoiler|Soldier 76 dives in to prevent a grenade from going off, when the smoke clears, it's shown that he protected Alejandra}}.
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[Slippery Slope Fallacy]]: A gang was trying to pressure Alejandra into beating up a badly injured Omnic to death.
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzFWIw7wV8Q "Ana Origin Story"] ====
Line 272 ⟶ 306:
* [[The Narrator]]: Sombra tells how she went from orphan to hacker extraordinaire.
* [[Origin Story]]
* [[Playful Hacker|Playful Hackers]]: Sombra ain't the only small kid who learned how to hack computers, there are others, though they didn't get as far as her.
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to8yh83jlXg "The Last Bastion"] ====
* [[Flash Back]]: Bastion remembered his past and shown the viewers that he was a war machine.
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[Scenery Porn]]
* [[Waking Up Elsewhere]]: After several upon several years, Bastion wakes up in a German forest.
Line 315 ⟶ 352:
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_m8fcJb5tE "Brigitte Origin Story"] ====
* [[The All-Solving Hammer]]: AccordingAverted, according to Brigitte, both the hammer and tools cannot fix everything, like psychological and emotional injuries.
* [[The Narrator]]: Brigitte narrates her own story.
* [[Origin Story]]
Line 356 ⟶ 393:
* {{spoiler|[[I Can't Do This by Myself]]}}: {{spoiler|Mei realizing that she IS the only survivor and must get the scientific data back to civilization. Utters a variation of this trope}}.
* [[Just in Time]]: {{spoiler|The cryopods slowly malfunctioning went from one scientist to the next, until Mei's the last one. If the weak signal didn't awaken the last sixth pod, Mei would've been a goner as well}}.
* [[Justified Title]]
* {{spoiler|[[Shrine to the Fallen]]}}: {{spoiler|Before leaving, Mei made mugs of coffee for her late fellow scientists and set them before the cryopods. Basically her and Snowball's final farewell to them.}}
* [[Morning Routine]]: When {{spoiler|Mei awoke from her slumber, she began her morning routine, brushing teeth, preparing breakfast, and making coffee for the rest of her co-workers}}.
Line 380 ⟶ 418:
* [[Alternate Universe]]
* [[Couldn't Find a Lighter]]: Tracer finds that the match box is empty, she then {{spoiler|tricks Crabby Gabe into lighting the candles)}}.
* [[Foreign Cuss Word]]: Upon realizing that there's no more matches, Action figure! LenLena utters, "Blimey."
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[Leave Me Alone]]: Action Figure! Reaper tells this to Tracer, the second time was a [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]] way.
* [[Living Toys|Living Action Figures]]
* [[Milestone Celebration]]: This short was to celebrate Overwatch's second anniversary.
Line 391 ⟶ 430:
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKYVvPNhRR0 "Reunion"] ====
* [[Abandoned Area]]: The Route 66 Corkey-ish's restaurant is empty, not even the cook is around...Save for McCree and a fly.
* {{spoiler|[[Bound and Gagged]]}}: {{spoiler|Jesse McCree tied up both Elizabeth and her Omnic butler buddy to the payload.}}
* [[The Cameo]]: Echo makes her first appearance.
* [[Curse Cut Short]]: Ashe was about to screamutter an "[[Oh Crap|Oh, Shit]]" curse, during when some mid air grenades, but McCree shooting them cut her curse short.
* [[Food Porn]]: The delicious apple pie that Jesse is eating appears too suspiciously real to the audience, despite the latter knowing it's just [[CGI]].
* [[How We Got Here]]: The whole trailer also explained how the Route 66 map came to be, like the derailed train's position and how it got cut to pieces.
* {{spoiler|[[I'll Kill You!]]}}: {{spoiler|Ashe then threatens McCree (Albeit it's unknown if she and B.O.B. WILL be able to carry out these threats, considering that they haven't caught the former Deadlock.)}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Ashe''':"...I will not be ignored, I'm gonna rebuild B.O.B. and I'm going to have him rip off your orther arm!"}}}}
{{spoiler|[[Hero Stole My Bike|Hero Stole My Motorcycle]]}}: {{spoiler|"Reunion" ended with Jesse McCree driving off with Ashe's bike.}}
* {{spoiler|[[It's a Long Story]]}}:
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Echo'''(Seeing his robot arm for the first time): "What happened?"}}}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''McCree''':"Well, that's a story for another time."}}}}
* [[Justified Title]]
* [[Nice to the Waiter|Nice to the Restaurant]]: Before Jesse McCree exited the restaurant, he left some change on the table.
* {{spoiler|[[No Hard Feelings]]}}: After {{spoiler|McCree defeated the Deadlock Gang (again) and ties up both Ashe and B.O.B. on the payload, he then apologizes to a decapitated B.O.B. and straighten the Omnic's hat.}}
{{quote|{{spoiler|"Sorry about that B.O.B., no hard feelings."}}}}
* [[Putting the Band Back Together]]: Jesse McCree then tells {{spoiler|Echo}} that he's doing this.
* [[Quieter Than Silence]]: For a brief moment, the Deadlock Gang and McCree did a stare down, it was so quiet that a tumbleweed rolled by between them.
* [[Sniper Scope Sway]]: One of the Deadlock Gang members's sniper also shows things from his POV as he stares down his scope, attempting to get a steady hand, and trying to aim at McCree.
* {{spoiler|[[The Stinger]]}}: {{spoiler|Jesse opened up the compartment, revealing Echo.}}
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: The Deadlock Gang began this trailer by making a bridge go "Ka-Boom!"-y.
** The whole trailer involves some explosions here and there.
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhgxnrGZlaw "Reunion: After Credits"] ====
* [[Hero Stole My Bike|Hero Stole My Motorcycle]]: Jesse rides off using Ashe's bike and drove right passed the payload.
{{quote|'''Ashe''': "That's my bike, McCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!|Ashe"}}
* [[Sequel Episode]]: To "Reunion"
* [[Shout Out]]: The bike's radio plays [[Star Craft 2|Jem's Song]], a jukebox classic.
* [[What Are You Looking At?]]: Ashe said this to B.O.B.
Line 413 ⟶ 473:
==== [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcRkaouAP9U "Cookiewatch"] ====
* [[Alternate Self|Alternate Selves]]: Both action figures of Overwatch agents and Talon criminals are BBFs in these stop motion animation shorts, unlike in the actual lore.
* [[Alternate Universe]]: [[Word of God|The Overwatch team that made]] the short confirmed that both "Cookiewatch" and "Trace and Bake" take place in a different reality from the main lore.
* [[Animation Bump]]: Added more touches into "Cookiewatch" compare to "Trace and Bake", like Reaper's Wraiting powers and shooting, and Tracer's "Recall", just to name a few.
* [[The Cameo]]: One of the framed pictures in the short has Jeff Kaplan.
** Many of the Overwatch merch, like the Snowball and pachimachi plushes, makes an appearances as props for the Christmas prepared living room.
** The {{spoiler|gift that Santa left is a green box which is tied with a red bow, a shout out to the fleshhow andTracer bloodwrap TracerEmily's gift to Emily in the "Tracer: Reflections" comic.}}
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: {{spoiler|Doomfist does this, dramatically pops out of the present, and using his "Meteor Strike" to destroy the cookie plate}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Homemade Sweater From Hell|Homemade Sweaters From Hell]]}}: {{spoiler|Good news, Santa gave both Doomfist and Tracer these sweaters. Bad news, he mixed them up, so Doomy got a tiny one and Tracer has a huge one.}}
* [[Justified Trope]]
* [[Leaving Food for Santa]]: The whole episode kicks off with the humans leaving cookies and milk for Santa Claus and going to bed on Christmas Eve.
* [[Living Toys|Living Action Figures]]
Line 447 ⟶ 508:
* [[Sequel Episode]]: "Recall", "Rise and Shine", "Alive", "Dragons", "Reunion," and just to name a few.
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