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{{quote|''"Fear has nothing to do with cowardice. A fellow is only yellow when he lets his fear make him quit."''|'''Jerome Cady'''}}
|'''Jerome Cady'''}}
A '''Cowardly Lion''' is a character with the major characteristic of being a coward, especially when compared to any fearless characters of the story. Thing is, when push comes to shove, they have nothing to envy about the naturally badass characters.
{{quote|''"Fear has nothing to do with cowardice. A fellow is only yellow when he lets his fear make him quit."''|'''Jerome Cady'''}}
A character with the major characteristic of being a coward, especially when compared to any fearless characters of the story. Thing is, when push comes to shove, they have nothing to envy about the naturally badass characters.
Unlike [[Took a Level in Badass]], the character's fearful nature isn't eliminated after their moment/s of glory. They remain scaredy-cats and/or insecure in their regular lives, despite the fact that they can kick major ass when they put their minds into it. Many of them will tell everyone to [[Think Nothing of It]], because they think the fear they felt trumps the heroism they performed.
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Usually, inverse of [[Miles Gloriosus]]. Unlike [[The So-Called Coward]], this character is not actually misunderstood and does not need to be viewed by other characters as cowardly; it is his own opinion that matters. (And the so-called coward may be perfectly confident in his own courage.) Unlike the [[Accidental Hero]], the examples in this trope are characters that manage to get things done with their own worth, despite their fears.
Contrast the [[Fearless Fool]]—especially when it is invoked to encourage him. Prone to [[Heroic Self-Deprecation]] and [[Face Your Fears]]. See also [[Lovable Coward]], which may overlap; contrast [[Dirty Coward]], who likely will not.
== Anime and Manga ==
* Usopp and Chopper in ''[[One Piece]]''.
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* While Ranma Saotome of ''[[Ranma ½]]'' is a [[Combat Pragmatist]], he's generally pretty far away from anything that resembles cowardice... unless cats are involved, in which case a few seconds after being surprised by a housecat he is literally [[Incredibly Lame Pun|catatonic]] and will eventually lose his mind from the sheer terror until he starts thinking that he's a cat and starts kicking the ass of almost everything within eyeshot using the ultimate technique, the Neko-ken. However, when he was tossed into a situation that almost perfectly replicated his initial trauma (being tossed into a pit of hungry cats while wrapped in fish products), he managed to (sorta) maintain his composure until they brought out a tiger that was about as tall as he was, at which point he snapped. Later on, when facing a grandmaster that was casually kicking his ass and holding his manhood hostage, Ranma deliberately strapped a cat onto himself (or rather, herself) in order to pull out the Neko-ken and get his opponent to back down. That is to say, ''he deliberately drove himself insane with fear in order to win a fight.''
* Kasumi of ''[[King of Thorn]]''. She believes she is [[Heroic Self-Deprecation|weak and useless]], having depended on her braver twin sister Shizuku for most of her life. Later she depends on [[Genius Bruiser|Marco]] for protection and often needs him to rescue her. However, she's still able to put her fears aside long enough to save someone else's life. She even saves ''Marco'' a few times, and earns his respect for it.
== Comic Books ==
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* ''[[Empowered]]'' of the comic of the same name is a variation on this—instead of considering herself a coward while still being brave, she lacks in self-confidence in her super-heroing duties while still trying her darndest to be a superheroine—which, as her friends point out, generally ends up demonstrating that she's better at it than she thinks she is.
== Fan FicWorks ==
== Fan Fic ==
* Hobbes is [[Character Exaggeration|exaggerated]] into this in ''[[Calvin and Hobbes: The Series]]''.
== Film ==
* A major characteristic of the [[Trope Namer|Cowardly Lion]] in ''[[The Wizard of Oz (film)|The Wizard of Oz]]'' [[Captain Obvious|is]] [[Department of Redundancy Department|cowardice]], overlapping with [[Lovable Coward]]. The Scarecrow and Tin Woodsman fit the Trope too in many scenes.
* Albert Lory from ''[[This Land Is Mine]]'' lives in an unnamed country under Nazi occupation and, literally, runs home to his aged mother any time there is an allied air strike. He eventually makes a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] because he's more terrified of seeing his friends picked off one by one than actually dying.
* Bob from ''[[Drugstore Cowboy]]'' is pretty open about his neurosis and his reliance on drugs to keep the stresses of world away from him. The people around him are still awed by the acts of [[Magnificent Bastard]]ry he performs out of sheer panic.
* Edgar from ''[[The Lost Boys]]'' is a teenager who fancies himself a vampire hunter, but while he is incredibly knowledgeable on the subject, he's just as terrified of them as anyone else would be. Still, he does manage to be a decent fighter when backed into a corner.
== Literature ==
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* Kell Tainer, from the ''[[X Wing Series|Wraith Squadron]]'', constantly deals with what he considers to be cowardice. When his commanding officer figures it out, he calls it more a case of "extremely strong performance anxiety", as he's not so much afraid of battle as he is of screwing up, particularly when people are counting on him—understandable, if not necessarily desirable, in military service pilots.
** {{spoiler|Though this officer was unaware of when Kell 1. Literally froze up while controlling an X-wing, unable to work the controls, thinking his ship was instead malfunctioning, and 2. Not really aware that Kell was one lever-pull away from just leaving battle...until he thought of his girlfriend, and pulled a [[Big Damn Heroes]]...but Kell definitely fits this trope in his first book. However, he also grows out of the cowardice almost completely, so...}}
* In Lee Lightner's ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' ''[[Space Wolf]]'' novel ''Wolf's Honour'', Mikal feels [[The Chains of Commanding|heavily burdened by the role]] that fell on him when Berek was gravely wounded. He [[Converse with the Unconscious|sees the unconscious leader and asks why him]]—and is enraged when he realizes that the skald, Morgrim, listened to him. When Morgrim says that he will describe this as a warrior paying respects to his lord before battle, Mikal can not believe him and confesses to his doubts and his conviction that Berek could have led them better; Morgrim assures him that Berek felt the same way and that having never shirked his duty, Mikal has not failed.
* [[Ciaphas Cain]] quite literally [[Literary Agent Hypothesis|wrote the book]] on how to be one of these in the ''[[Warhammer 40,000]]'' universe. Despite taking on (and defeating) foes that would have easily brushed aside other mortal men, Cain continues to consider himself a [[Dirty Coward]] and writes off all of his heroic feats as the result of either accident or pragmatism.
* Yossarian of ''[[Catch-22]]''. He views this as justified due to the fact that there are thousands of people he's never met who are trying to kill him, but as he's a World War II bombardier, it's nothing personal.
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** For that matter, Louis Wu from the same novel. He's a self-proclaimed coward who is bad at fighting (something else that he'll be the first to tell you). That said, he managed to out-think a ''Pak Protector'' and fix it so the Protector died ugly, just because he pissed Louis off.
* The protagonist of ''[[Rowan of Rin]]'' is afraid of virtually everything, but has learned to cope with this enough to be functional in everyday life. This leaves him {{spoiler|the last one standing in a nonlethal [[Dwindling Party]] scenario--everyone else turns back rather than face their personal worst fear, but he's faced his fears so often that it's become second nature to him.}}
* The eponymous dragon from the poem "The Tale of Custard the Dragon" by Ogden Nash is a coward that is afraid of everything and wants nothing more than to be in a nice safe cage. His owner, a little girl named Belinda, and her other pets are described in the narrative as being very brave and occasionally tease poor Custard. When a well -armed and vicious pirate invades their home all of their courage fails them. Custard, on the other hand, is so angry that he briefly forgets he's supposed to be afraid and ''eats'' the pirate. Afterwards he goes right back to being cowardly and wishing for a nice safe cage.
* Martha Abbott (rhymes with rabbit) in Zilpha Keatley Snyder's ''The Changeling'' is this. Deprecated as a coward and crybaby by herself and everyone in her family, she does a number of things that frighten the life out of her. She cries, even pukes, but she ''does'' them. Few if any children's books illustrate the difference between courage and fearlessness the way this one does.
* The title chractercharacter of [[Jim C. Hines]]' ''Jig the Goblin'' trilogy.
* The foppish bard Dandilion in the ''[[The Witcher|Witcher]]'' series. He is obnoxious and cowardly, but in ''The Last Wish'' he mustered a [[Defiant to the End|brave face against execution]] and in ''Blood of Elves'' he held his tongue against torture—torture that would have rendered his hands paralyzed and thus unable to play any musical instruments—rather than betray his friend Geralt.
* [[Bloody Jack|Jacky Faber]] is a self-proclaimed coward, and insists that her moments of [[Little Miss Badass|badassery]] were just combinations of bad luck, coincidence, and what had to be done, but the fact is that those moments of badassery far outnumber any actual cowardice she may display.
* In Herman Wouk's books ''[[The Winds of War and War and Remembrance|The Winds of War]]'' and ''[[The Winds of War and War and Remembrance|War and Remembrance]]'', the character of Leslie Slote views himself as a coward, but his drive not to be one inspires him to commit some brave acts, and he ends up {{spoiler|dying a hero}}.
== Live Action TV ==
* Mr. Carlton in ''[[WKRP in Cincinnati]]''. He's a nervous and henpecked man, but he's strongly implied to have seen heavy combat in World War II bloodbaths.
** Has his finest hour when he stays on the air during a tornado. "Sometimes we have to be very brave even when we're not."
* Vila Restal of ''[[Blake's 7|Blakes Seven]]''. There isn't a lock he can't pick, especially if he's scared, and when backed into a corner he can show surprising courage. This is the man who bluffed ''Servalan'' and an eight-ship battle fleet into retreating.
* Mr. Monk in ''[[Monk]]''. He went into a panic about having laser pointers pointed at him by children early one episode. Later he has them pointed at him attached to guns, held by professionals, while ''keeping a jet airplane piloted by a man he knows is a killer on the ground by standing in front of it.'' He does the latter while barely flinching.
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'': Quark (who had always been portrayed as pretty much a fast talking coward) had a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] when he stood in front of a Klingon who was nearly twice his height in the middle of the Klingon parliament, after the Klingon had challenged him to a duel to the death, and just looked him straight in the eyes and flat out told him that he wasn't going to fight and if [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|the Klingon]] wanted Quark dead just to [[Get It Over With|get on with it]]. This would, of course, deny the Klingon the honor of defeating a foe gloriously in battle (Quark even KNELT''knelt''), making his "victory" shallow and meaningless. The Klingon went in for the kill anyway, but the Klingon Emperor stepped in, and declared that if the bad guy would really kill an unarmed opponent, then he truly had no honor and he was promptly discommendated and kicked out of the building.
** All told, he shoots down about a dozen super-soldiers over the course of the show when things get serious. A slight subversion, as in his culture talking your way out of things gets you a lot more respect than what other cultures consider heroism.
** Neelix in ''[[Star Trek: Voyager|Voyager]]'' puts on a show of cowardice (to the point of great annoyance for those around him), but he's a ruthless bastard when he needs to be, like when he dealt with the Kazon in the pilot.
* [[Adorkable|Connor]] in ''[[Primeval]]'' thinks of himself as a cowardly geeky, bookworm, but when it comes to it is just as capable of facing down velociraptors and other [[Nightmare Fuel|nightmare fuel-riffic]] creatures as any of the more traditionally heroic characters.
* The Cowardly Lion's counterpart in ''[[Tin Man (TV series)|Tin Man]],'' Raw. Quiet fellow, [[The Empath|empathic]], [[Empathic Healer|healer]], and generally not badass in the slightest...until the climax of the series.
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* ''[[The Lone Gunmen]]'': Byers is a meek, mild-tempered guy - ''except'' when you ask him to look the other way on an injustice. Then, he suddenly develops enough balls to call out one of the most frightening members of [[The Conspiracy]] right to his face.
* ''[[Once Upon a Time (TV series)|Once Upon a Time]]'': Archie (or Jiminy) was such an [[Extreme Doormat]] that he gave up his humanity just to get away from his thieving family. However, [[God Save Us From the Queen|Regina]] made the mistake of trying to trying to interfere in his treatment for Henry. Instant backbone and set of [[Brass Balls]] showed up, and he ''threatened her'' by saying that he could be a deciding factor if Emma wanted to sue Regina for custody of the kid.
* In the ''[[The Electric Company]]'', bumbling hero the Blue Beetle is something of a coward, and if he knows a crisis is too dangerous for him to handle, he politely refuses to help... but if ''children'' are in danger in said crisis, [[Friend to All Children| ''that'' is a different story.]]
== New Media ==
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== Video Games ==
* You can make a case for Khalid in ''[[Baldur's Gate]]''. He's the easily unnerved [[Henpecked Husband]] of Jaheira, whois usually the first to have a morale failure and run in a battle (even though he has some of the highest HP) and can hardly form a [[Porky Pig Pronunciation|sentence without stammering]]. One of his trademark phrases being ''"If at first I don't succeed the wife won't let me forget..."'' , but level him up enough and he makes for a pretty decent tank. And you ''don't'' want to have to deal with him while he's [[Brainwashed and Crazy|Dire Charmed]].
** If you'd like a demonstration of Khalid not being as big a wimp as he seems, just sent your group into a random inn and start indiscriminantly slaughtering everyone. Watch as Khalid's usual stutter completely vanishes and he actually soiunds ''sure of himself'' for the first time in game.
* Luigi in ''[[Super Mario Bros.]].'' He proves to be more effective than Mario on quite a few occasions. He took down the lord of the underworld by himself. And it was certainly a [[Curb Stomp Battle]].
** Koops in the second ''[[Paper Mario (franchise)|Paper Mario]]'' game.
** Mallow in ''[[Super Mario RPG]]: Legend of the Seven Stars''.
* [[Mother 3|Lucas]] is like this in ''[[Super Smash Bros.]].''
** He ultimately gets over this, however, reflecting his character growth in his original game.
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** Also a [[Miles Gloriosus]] at times.
* Almaz, from ''[[Disgaea]] 3''. He's a normal human fighting demons; he has a right to be scared. Still manages pretty well for himself when it counts.
* The Grunts from ''[[Halo]]''. They are tiny, weak, and treated like cannon fodder by tyrants who are larger and stronger and far more numerous than the human supersoldierssuper-soldiers. On top of that, they breathe methane instead of oxygen; this means they are constantly fighting in poisonous environments and relying on breathers that can be ripped out of their mouths. The methane tanks they are forced to carry on their backs for survival are also extremely prone to explode when shot, thus they are also carrying their own death on their backs. These guys have every reason to be terrified, and yet many of them attempt suicidal attacks of bravery to great effect.
* Hahn Mahlay from ''[[Phantasy Star]] IV'', a meek young scholar who learns the instant death skills Vol and Savol.
* In ''[[Donkey Kong 64]]'', [[Gentle Giant|Chunky Kong]] [[Pose of Supplication|begged for mercy]] to a big monster to no avail. What followed was... well, let's just say it must hurt a lot.
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* Satoshi Mochida of ''[[Corpse Party]]'' ''hates'' scary stories. But once he finds himself ''in'' one, he actually handles himself pretty well.
* Daichi in ''[[Devil Survivor 2]]'' is always scared of the next demon attack and complains that the others are much more calm than him, but he'll always volunteer to fight and will drive a truck right onto a killer divine being to save his comrades.
== Web Comics ==
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* The rock-crabs, from ''[[Vexxarr]]'', are a species that do not eat (they feed on energy gradients), lives in terror of the predators in their native enviroment, and have trouble understanding that other species ever do anything other than running or hiding from danger. They rarely realize that those predators are about the only thing that can harm them. [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=071808 See] [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=072108 these] [http://www.vexxarr.com/archive.php?seldate=072808 examples] of their encounter with a Bleen warfleet.
* Sir Carrot in ''[[Cucumber Quest]]'', though he is quite loyal.
== Web Original ==
* Chip from the web fiction serial ''[[Dimension Heroes]]''.
* Phase, from the [[Whateley Universe]]. While Team Kimba fearlessly charges into fights against supervillains, Phase is the only one who's really frightened. He still dives in like everyone else. He has claustrophobia, and his best trick is walking into solid matter ''which sets his phobia off''. Or maybe he's the [[Only Sane Man]] in a comic book world.
* Although Headmaster Leonardo Lionheart of ''[[RWBY]]'' is based on the Trope Namer, he averts this trope by being a [[Dirty Coward]] instead.
== Western Animation ==
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** Pretty much sums up [[Cowardly Sidekick|Jeremy]] as well; he's an obvious wuss, but he goes out of his way to help Mrs. Brisby ([[The Klutz|even if it often causes]] [[Stop Helping Me!|more problems than it prevents]]). In his defense though, he does protect her by attacking [[Nightmare Fuel|Dragon]] (who ''everyone'', bravado or not, is fearful of) while he and the near equally cowardly Cecil save her two sons in the sequel despite their intence fear of NIMH.
* [[Donald Duck|Donald]] is portrayed this way in ''[[Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers]]''.
* The ''[[Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers|Galaxy Rangers]]''' [[Information Broker|informant]] Geezy. He's frequently protesting about how the "hummings" willingly put themselves in danger, even more frequently protesting that [[Humanity Is Insane]]...but if the chips are truly down? He'll put his oversized trunk on the line and get the job done.
* ''[[Filmation's Ghostbusters|Filmations Ghostbusters]]'' featured Eddie Spencer. Eddie was always a lot more timid and uncertain about taking on Prime Evil's minions than his teammates Jake and Tracy, but they knew he'd always be there when they needed him.
* Fluttershy from ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''. In "Dragonshy", she's literally paralyzed with fear at the thought of having to confront a grumpy full-grown dragon and convince him to leave Equestria. However, after the dragon attacks her friends, she forgets to be afraid and [[Talking the Monster to Death|gives him such a talking-to he breaks down crying.]]
* The vultures of Disney's adaption of ''[[The Jungle Book (Disney film)|The Jungle Book]]'' tremble before Shere Khan and flutter to the highest tree, when he threatens Mowgli and Baloo however, they quickly swoop in and take the fearsome tiger head on.
* Zilly on ''[[Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines]]''. He was hypnotized into being brave in the episode ''Zilly's a Dilly,' but he only made things worse.
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* [[The Woobie|Eugene]] [[One-Shot Character|the]] [[Smelly Skunk|skunk]] from ''[[Chucklewood Critters]]''.
* [[Kim Possible]]'s best friend and partner([[Relationship Upgrade|and later boyfriend]]) Ron Stoppable continually has to deal with a host of phobias, largely stemming from his childhood summers spent at Camp Wannaweep. Lampshaded by Kim's cousin Joss:
{{quote|"Let’sLet's face it, Kim, you can do anything. So facing all those dangers and villains, well, it’sit's just like you say. No big. A fella filled with that much fear, always chargin’chargin' into action with you? Seems to me that’sthat's a ''true'' hero."}}
* Early tvTV star ''[[Tom Terrific]]'' had the ironically-named Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog, who always suggested avoiding the adventure of the day.
* In the ''[[Looney Tunes]]'' short "Scardy Cat", Sylvester acts like a [[Dirty Coward]] at first, running for his life after the mice grab Porky. Then his conscience appears, calls him a coward and gives him a pep talk. Sylvester manages to overcome his fear, rip a limb from a tree and brandish it like a club... Then changes his mind, ''[[Crowning Moment of Awesome| uproots the entire tree]]'', and charges in for a [[Big Damn Heroes]]-style rescue.
[[Category:More Than Meets the Eye]]
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