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Examples of [[{{TOPLEVELPAGE}}]]es in [[{{SUBPAGENAME}}]] include:
== ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'' ==
* Willow gives one to Faith when the latter is holding her at knife-point.
{{quote|'''Willow:''' Faith, wait. I wanna talk to you.
'''Faith:''' Oh yeah? Give me the speech again, please. "Faith, we're still your friends. We can help you. It's not too late."
'''Willow:''' It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo. Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer and now you're nothing. You're just a big selfish, worthless waste.}}
* Also, much more simply, after Faith challenges Buffy with the old classic "You think you're better than me!"
{{quote|'''Buffy''': I ''am''. Always have been.}}
* A sillier one, directed as [[Alpha Bitch]]-turned-[[Laughably Evil]] vampire gang leader, after her gang gets sick of her [[Contractual Genre Blindness]] and turns against her:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Harmony, when you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad. When you tried to chair the homecoming committee, you were ''really'' bad. But when you try to ''be'' bad? '''''You suck.'''''}}
* Also, Buffy gives one to the potentials in the episode "Get it Done". Anya even lampshades it later.
{{quote|'''Anya:''' You missed her "everyone sucks but me" speech. If she's so superior, let her find her own way back}}
* Xander gives one to Buffy in "When She Was Bad" when her unwillingness to work with the group leads to everyone but Xander being kidnapped:
{{quote|'''Xander:'''I don't know what your problem is, what your issues are. But as of now, I officially don't care. If you had worked with us for five seconds, you could have stopped this.}}
* Dark!Willow after inflicting a magical [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] on Giles.
{{quote|"You're such a hypocrite. Waltzing in here with your borrowed magicks. So you can tell me what? Magic's bad? Behave? Be a good girl? (chuckles) Well, I ... I don't think you're in any position to be telling me what to do. (camera pans up to show Giles pinned to the ceiling) }}
== ''[[Doctor Who]]'' ==
* "Journey's End". Just before {{spoiler|Davros detonates the Reality Bomb to destroy all kinds of matter in all universes}}, he stops to taunt the Doctor, pointing out that he turns his companions into weapons, and that hundreds have died for him, and yet he still has failed.
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Davros}}''': The man who abhors violence, [[Technical Pacifist|never carrying a gun]]. But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion ''them'' into weapons. Behold your Children of Time transformed into murderers. How many have died in your name? The Doctor, the man who keeps on running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself. Stand witness, Time Lord; Stand witness, humans: Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and... oh, the end of the universe has come!}}
* Even though, as typical of villain arguments, it glosses over all the good, he had a fair point. It's even brought up again in a much later episode... by Rory Pond of all people. What's truly dangerous about the Doctor isn't that he makes people want to die for his cause (he can't control that, not without the consequences being even worse anyway) but because he makes them want to impress him. The Doctor can't control who chooses to die for him but he's fully aware of how much he shows off.
{{quote|'''Rory''': You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around. }}
** This particular example is given some [[Hypocritical Humor]] value later in the same episode when ''Rory'' ends up insisting that he be allowed to stay and help the Doctor face the dangers of that week's villain's plot. Given the guilt-trip he'd explicitly laid on the Doctor for precisely this sort of thing earlier, and given that the Doctor had clearly taken it on board and explicitly told his companions to go back to the TARDIS where they'd be safe, the Doctor is a little bit annoyed at Rory, but there's no time to argue.
* One of the angstiest moments in old school ''Who'' was at the climax of "The Curse of Fenric": the seventh Doctor is forced to crush Ace's faith in him with a particularly nasty speech in order to make his plan pay off. He apologizes afterwards.
{{quote|'''Fenric:''' Time for the one final game. The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, [[Kneel Before Zod|kneel before me.]]
'''Ace:''' I believe in you, Professor.
'''Fenric:''' Kneel, if you want the girl to live!
'''The Doctor:''' ...Kill her.
'''Fenric:''' The Time Lord finally understands.
'''The Doctor:''' Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study. I knew.
'''Fenric:''' Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World. Where you first met the girl.
'''The Doctor:''' I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning.
'''Ace:''' No...
'''The Doctor:''' You're an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow.
'''Ace:''' No! }}
* In "Cold Blood" of [[Doctor Who|NuWho]], the Doctor delivers one to the woman who tortured a sentient dinosaur to death and tries to destroy their civilization, thereby destroying peace talks and igniting a war between humanity and the other race. Every interaction he has with her for the rest of the show is essentially him telling her what a horrible person she is.
{{quote|When you talk about this, you tell people we had a chance, but you are so much less than the best of humanity!}}
** At least until the final minutes, where he responds to him saving her life despite this by stating "An eye for an eye... is not the right way." Then he advises her to ensure her son and future generations know that she was wrong, giving her a proper chance at redemption.
* In [[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E06 The Lazarus Experiment|The Lazarus Experiment]] to a mutated Richard Lazarus:
{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' You can't control it, the mutation's too strong. Killing those people won't help you. You're a fool. A vain old man who thought he could defy nature, only nature got her own back, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure!}}
* In "The Time of Angels"; the Angels goad the Doctor by telling him Bob - whose brain they are now using as a speaking device - died alone and terrified, and that they kept him alive as long as possible, simply to debunk what the Doctor told poor Bob about how his fear would help him survive. The Doctor points a gun (a weapon that, as previously mentioned, he doesn't like using) at the Angel-in-Bob's-Brain and gives them this:
{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' Oh, big, big mistake, really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ''ever'' put in a trap.
'''Angel (through Bob):''' And what would that be, sir?
'''The Doctor:''' Me. ''(Pulls trigger and lets him have it.)''}}
== ''[[Glee]]'' ==
* 90% of Sue Sylvester's dialogue. The one she gives her mother in episode 2x08 is particularly epic and scathing, though.
* In "Original Song", Rachel thinks that this is what Quinn is giving her regarding their [[Love Triangle]] with Finn, although, listening to the speech itself, it is painfully clear that Quinn has infact realized what tiny people she and Finn is going to be in comparison to Rachel.
{{quote|'''Quinn:''' Do you want to know how this story plays out? I get Finn, you get heart-broken. And then Finn and I stay here and start a family. I'll become a successful real estate agent, and Finn will take over Kurt's dads tire shop. You don't belong here Rachel, and you can't hate me for helping to send you on your way.
'''Rachel:''' [[Completely Missing the Point|I am not giving up on Finn. It is not ov...]]
'''Quinn:''' Yes it is! You are so frustrating! And that is why you can't write a good song; because you live in this little school girl fantasy of life. Rachel, if you keep looking for that happy ending, then you are ''never'' going to get it right! }}
* Emma finally standing up for herself, and verbally bitch-slapping Schuester in front of the entire staff.
{{quote|'''Will''': Emma, can I talk to you in private?
'''Emma''': No, you can't. Will, we're going to talk about this here and now, because I have absolutely nothing to hide. Actually, did you know I was seeing a therapist? Do you know that? Did you know I've been trying to work through my OCD so I could be with you? Will, do you think that's fun for me? It's not fun, it's absolutely humiliating. And come to find out you've been fooling around with some woman named Shelby, and you slept with April Rhodes.
'''Will''': How did you find out about that?
'''Emma''': You're not denying it. Wow, okay. See, I thought we were trying to work through this. I thought when you said you were trying to figure out things on your own, I really thought you meant that. I'm not going to stand for this anymore. I'm not. I'm putting my foot down, and I'm finally sticking up for myself. You're a slut, Will. You're a slut. You're a slut, you're a slut, you're a slut. Everybody should know that. And you should know that I'm through with you. }}
* In "I Am Unicorn", Will finally puts Quinn in her place when she tries to blame Glee Club for "ruining" her life:
{{quote|'''Will''': You're not a little girl anymore, Quinn. How long are you planning on playing the victim card? Since day one, you've done nothing but sabotage the same Glee club that's been there for you over and over again! When you got pregnant, when your parents kicked you out... You know, Mercedes even let you live in her house! And I don't recall ever hearing so much as a 'thank you'. Tonight, you're a train wreck. Well, congratulations. But you stride into my office and tell me it's MY fault? Well, then I have something to say to you... Grow up. }}
* Kurt standing up to Karofsky in "Never Been Kissed"
{{quote|'''Kurt:''' You going to hit me? ''Do it''.
'''Karofsky:''' ''Do not'' push me.
'''Kurt:''' Hit me, because it's not going to change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me any more than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!
'''Karofsky:''' Get out of my face!
'''Kurt:''' You are ''nothing'' but a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are! }}
* "Mash-Off" has four speeches - one from Santana to Finn, calling him a fat, untalented failure. Finn then shoots right back, calling her a self-hating bitch. Later, Shelby then chews out Quinn for her psychotic behavior in trying to get her baby back, and Quinn calls Shelby a whore.
* "Kissed a Girl" was chock full of them! Puck has one to Quinn, after she invites him over to "not watch a movie." He calls her out, saying, paraphrased:
{{quote|'''Puck:''' I used to be really into you, I thought you were hot, and like, the coolest girl in the entire school. But now, I see otherwise. You're not as hot, you might just be the most selfish person I've ever met, and you're kinda nuts.}}
** He has another one, to Shelby, calling her out for being to scared to start a relationship with him. Granted, she's a teacher, and he's a student, but it still counts.
** In a truly epic example, the entire femme population of the Glee Club and the Trouble Tones call out this guy who's hitting on Santana in the hopes of "straightening her out" and [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|then proceed to jump into Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl."]]
== ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' ==
* In the episode "Best of Both Worlds", the Borg, by way of Locutus, delivered a chilling one to Commander Riker after the Enterprise's first attempt to stop them. "Your resistance is hopeless, (mocking Riker) Number One." It's almost as if the Borg were going to laugh in their faces, if they were the laughing types.
* Quite a few Trek villains have cunning put-downs for humanity. The worst was Q telling Picard that humanity had been found to be ''"a grievously savage child race"''. Even though it came from a fictional character, it still stung.
** It's not just villains who insult humanity. Riker asks a transdimensional alien why there is no record of his kind visiting humanity before. The alien actually laughs and says, "What arrogance. There's no record of us visiting you because we haven't before... It's only in the last hundred years that you've become of some interest of study." Ouch.
* Let's not forget the one that Picard gives to Wesley at the Academy after he learns Wesley is lying to cover up an accident:
{{quote|"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based! If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform!"}}
== ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' ==
* "Afterimage"' features rogue Cardassian Garak delivering a cutting put-down to Ezri Dax concerning her perceived failure to live up to her predecessor's legacy, ending with "Now, get out of here... before I say something unkind."
* And before that, in "The Wire", Garak lambastes Bashir for his perceived naivete and superior attitude.
* Interestingly turned on its head in the final episode, where Garak gives a Reason ''I'' Suck Speech, condemning his entire race for their "history of arrogant oppression."
* Quark gets in a good one on humanity, pointing out that while humans think they're better than the Ferengi, the Ferengi have no history of slavery or world war or other such pleasantries.
{{quote|'''Quark''': See we're nothing like you. We're ''better''.}}
** One wonders what his mother would have to say about that assertion.
* Sisko gets a good one on [[Sinister Minister|then-Vedek Winn]] in the first-season finale. She's trying to raise a stink about Keiko O'Brien not teaching a religious interpretation of the wormhole, and denounces the Federation as, basically, godless heathens. Sisko responds by giving up the entire station as an example of how Bajorans do not feel that way, then tells her that, for all her hate-mongering, people will soon forget it ever happened and go on with their lives. Winn can't even form a good comeback other than "We'll see." The whole thing turned out to be a [[Batman Gambit]] to assassinate a political rival, of course, but Sisko still owned her.
* When Sisko heads to Earth to investigate possible Changeling infiltration, one of them comes right up to him to have a chat. He explains that they're caused so much chaos with only four infiltrators, then goes on to boast that the Founders won't lose because they don't fear their enemy, unlike the Federation.
== Other shows ==
* [[Manipulative Bastard]] Adam Monroe, one of the principal villains of ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]'', caps off the final episode of Season 2 with a magnificent diatribe against humanity's [[Humans Are the Real Monsters|petty nature]], successfully arguing in the process that Hiro Nakamura, the man who has come to stop him, effectively turned him into the man he is today.
** In the later seasons these start to become a signature move of supervillain Sylar, as he often hands one out to the other characters before killing them or simply to screw around with them. Presumably this is a function of his original power of understanding how things (and people) work, combined with his acquired ability to learn a person's memories through touch.
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*** He also gives a reason WE suck to speech to Elle calling them both "damaged goods that will never change"
** Samuel, channeling a bit of Adam Monroe, delivers a diatribe of his own against humanity about their inability to accept evolved humans into society towards a waitress in a restaurant in the town near his carnival, right before he {{spoiler|drops the entire town into a big sinkhole.}}
* In the ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'' ep "Best of Both Worlds", the Borg, by way of Locutus, delivered a chilling one to Commander Riker after the Enterprise's first attempt to stop them. "Your resistance is hopeless, (mocking Riker) Number One." It's almost as if the Borg were going to laugh in their faces, if they were the laughing types.
** Quite a few Trek villains have cunning put-downs for humanity. The worst was Q telling Picard that humanity had been found to be ''"a grievously savage child race"''. Even though it came from a fictional character, it still stung.
*** It's not just villains who insult humanity. Riker asks a transdimensional alien why there is no record of his kind visiting humanity before. The alien actually laughs and says, "What arrogance. There's no record of us visiting you because we haven't before... It's only in the last hundred years that you've become of some interest of study." Ouch.
** Let's not forget the one that Picard gives to Wesley at the Academy after he learns Wesley is lying to cover up an accident:
{{quote|"The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based! If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform!"}}
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'''s "Afterimage"' features rogue Cardassian Garak delivering a cutting put-down to Ezri Dax concerning her perceived failure to live up to her predecessor's legacy, ending with "Now, get out of here... before I say something unkind."
** And before that, in "The Wire", Garak lambasts Bashir for his perceived naivete and superior attitude.
** Interestingly turned on its head in the final episode, where Garak gives a Reason '''I''' Suck Speech, condemning his entire race for their "history of arrogant oppression."
** Quark gets in a good one on humanity, pointing out that while humans think they're better than the Ferengi, the Ferengi have no history of slavery or world war or other such pleasantries.
{{quote|'''Quark''': See we're nothing like you. We're '''better'''.}}
*** One wonders what his mother would have to say about that assertion.
** Sisko gets a good one on [[Sinister Minister|then-Vedek Winn]] in the first-season finale. She's trying to raise a stink about Keiko O'Brien not teaching a religious interpretation of the wormhole, and denounces the Federation as, basically, godless heathens. Sisko responds by giving up the entire station as an example of how Bajorans do not feel that way, then tells her that, for all her hate-mongering, people will soon forget it ever happened and go on with their lives. Winn can't even form a good comeback other than "We'll see." The whole thing turned out to be a [[Batman Gambit]] to assassinate a political rival, of course, but Sisko still owned her.
** When Sisko heads to Earth to investigate possible Changeling infiltration, one of them comes right up to him to have a chat. He explains that they're caused so much chaos with only four infiltrators, then goes on to boast that the Founders won't lose because they don't fear their enemy, unlike the Federation.
* The [[Big Bad|Ori]] of ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'' actually rehearsed and perfected their [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|"We're the Ori, you're the dummies, and we will rule you for your own good" speech]] with every planet they conquered. What made it worse is that for a while there, they really did seem unstoppable. And unlike the gasbags called the Gou'ald, the Ori really made it seem like they were doing it for everybody else's good.
* ''[[Malcolm in the Middle]]'': Malcolm is subjected to one of these by a girl on whom he has a crush. After pestering her for hours as to why she likes some relatively unintelligent guy and not him, she sort of breaks down and explodes at him.
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** Lois of all people gets one at the hands of a snarky RA who calls her out for being a possessive, smothering loser who even forced her way onto her son's college visit, to the point of sleeping in his room with him.
** Lois also gives one to her oldest son, Fransis, for constantly blaming her for everything that goes wrong in his life, and never owning up to his part at all. In the end, he takes a long, hard look in the mirror... and blames his wife, for not pointing this out to him sooner.
* ''[[Doctor Who]]'':
** "Journey's End". Just before {{spoiler|Davros detonates the Reality Bomb to destroy all kinds of matter in all universes}}, he stops to taunt the Doctor, pointing out that he turns his companions into weapons, and that hundreds have died for him, and yet he still has failed.
{{quote|'''{{spoiler|Davros}}''': The man who abhors violence, [[Technical Pacifist|never carrying a gun]]. But this is the truth, Doctor. You take ordinary people and you fashion ''them'' into weapons. Behold your Children of Time transformed into murderers. How many have died in your name? The Doctor, the man who keeps on running, never looking back because he dare not, out of shame. This is my final victory, Doctor. I have shown you yourself. Stand witness, Time Lord; Stand witness, humans: Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and... oh, the end of the universe has come!}}
** Even though, as typical of villain arguments, it glosses over all the good, he had a fair point. It's even brought up again in a much later episode... by Rory Pond of all people. What's truly dangerous about the Doctor isn't that he makes people want to die for his cause (he can't control that, not without the consequences being even worse anyway) but because he makes them want to impress him. The Doctor can't control who chooses to die for him but he's fully aware of how much he shows off.
{{quote|'''Rory''': You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks, it's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around. }}
*** This particular example is given some [[Hypocritical Humor]] value later in the same episode when ''Rory'' ends up insisting that he be allowed to stay and help the Doctor face the dangers of that week's villain's plot. Given the guilt-trip he'd explicitly laid on the Doctor for precisely this sort of thing earlier, and given that the Doctor had clearly taken it on board and explicitly told his companions to go back to the TARDIS where they'd be safe, the Doctor is a little bit annoyed at Rory, but there's no time to argue.
** One of the angstiest moments in old school Who was at the climax of "The Curse of Fenric": the seventh Doctor is forced to crush Ace's faith in him with a particularly nasty speech in order to make his plan pay off. He apologizes afterwards.
{{quote|'''Fenric:''' Time for the one final game. The choice is yours, Time Lord. I shall kill you anyway, but if you would like the girl to live, [[Kneel Before Zod|kneel before me.]] <br />
'''Ace:''' I believe in you, Professor.<br />
'''Fenric:''' Kneel, if you want the girl to live!<br />
'''The Doctor:''' ...Kill her.<br />
'''Fenric:''' The Time Lord finally understands.<br />
'''The Doctor:''' Do you think I didn't know? The chess set in Lady Peinforte's study. I knew.<br />
'''Fenric:''' Earlier than that, Time Lord. Before Cybermen, ever since Ice World. Where you first met the girl.<br />
'''The Doctor:''' I knew. I knew she carried the evil inside her. Do you think I'd have chosen a social misfit if I hadn't known? She couldn't even pass her chemistry exams at school, and yet she manages to create a time storm in her bedroom. I saw your hand in it from the very beginning.<br />
'''Ace:''' No...<br />
'''The Doctor:''' You're an emotional cripple. I wouldn't waste my time on her, unless I had to use her somehow.<br />
'''Ace:''' No! }}
** In "Cold Blood" of [[Doctor Who|NuWho]], the Doctor delivers one to the woman who tortured a sentient dinosaur to death and tries to destroy their civilization, thereby destroying peace talks and igniting a war between humanity and the other race. Every interaction he has with her for the rest of the show is essentially him telling her what a horrible person she is.
{{quote|When you talk about this, you tell people we had a chance, but you are so much less than the best of humanity!}}
*** At least until the final minutes, where he responds to him saving her life despite this by stating "An eye for an eye... is not the right way." Then he advises her to ensure her son and future generations know that she was wrong, giving her a proper chance at redemption.
** In [[Doctor Who/Recap/S29/E06 The Lazarus Experiment|The Lazarus Experiment]] to a mutated Richard Lazarus:
{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' You can't control it, the mutation's too strong. Killing those people won't help you. You're a fool. A vain old man who thought he could defy nature, only nature got her own back, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure!}}
** In "The Time of Angels"; the Angels goad the doctor by claiming Bob - whose body they are using as a [[Meat Puppet]] - by telling him Bob died alone and terrified, and that they kept him alive as long as possible, simply to debunk what the Doctor told poor Bob about how his fear would help him survive. The Doctor points a gun (a weapon that, as previously mentions, he doesn't like using) and gives them this:
{{spoiler|'''The Doctor:''' Oh, big, big mistake, really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ''ever'' put in a trap.
'''Angel (through Bob):''' And what would that be, sir?
'''The Doctor:''' Me. ''(Pulls trigger and lets him have it.)''}}
* Dr. [[House (TV series)|House]] has patented these. So much so that at the end of season 3, {{spoiler|two thirds of his staff quit on him}}.
** House also recievesreceives an epic one from Jack Moriarty, aka {{spoiler|his own subconcioussubconscious}} in the Season 2 finale.
* Willow gives one to Faith in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'', when the latter is holding her at knife-point.
{{quote|'''Willow:''' Faith, wait. I wanna talk to you.
'''Faith:''' Oh yeah? Give me the speech again, please. "Faith, we're still your friends. We can help you. It's not too late."
'''Willow:''' It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo. Poor you. You know, you had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends like Buffy. Now you have no one. You were a Slayer and now you're nothing. You're just a big selfish, worthless waste. }}
** Also, much more simply, after Faith challenges Buffy with the old classic "You think you're better than me!"
{{quote|'''Buffy''': I ''am''. Always have been.}}
** A sillier one, directed as [[Alpha Bitch]]-turned-[[Laughably Evil]] vampire gang leader, after her gang gets sick of her [[Contractual Genre Blindness]] and turns against her:
{{quote|'''Buffy:''' Harmony, when you tried to be head cheerleader, you were bad. When you tried to chair the homecoming committee, you were ''really'' bad. But when you try to ''be'' bad? '''''You suck.'''''}}
** Also, Buffy gives one to the potentials in the episode "Get it Done". Anya even lampshades it later.
{{quote|'''Anya:''' You missed her "everyone sucks but me" speech. If she's so superior, let her find her own way back}}
** Xander gives one to Buffy in "When She Was Bad" when her unwillingness to work with the group leads to everyone but Xander being kidnapped:
{{quote|'''Xander:'''I don't know what your problem is, what your issues are. But as of now, I officially don't care. If you had worked with us for five seconds, you could have stopped this.}}
** Dark!Willow after inflicting a magical [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]] on Giles.
{{quote|"You're such a hypocrite. Waltzing in here with your borrowed magicks. So you can tell me what? Magic's bad? Behave? Be a good girl? (chuckles) Well, I ... I don't think you're in any position to be telling me what to do. (camera pans up to show Giles pinned to the ceiling) }}
* Happens quite often on ''[[Angel]]''. It makes sense when it comes from someone like Wolfram & Hart, or another of Angel's old enemies. But they can even come from a source as unlikely an insectoid priest who lives in another dimension, who started taunting Angel about how Angel's son will never appreciate him.
** Another one of these speeches comes in "Conviction." Angel has stopped the bad guy of the week, a soldier working for Wolfram and Hart. The soldier says that all of his evil deeds were done simply because he likes being evil, but then points out that at least he believes in something. Angel, he is saying, has no real beliefs, and is just "going through the motions" (as Buffy sings about in her musical episode) without any real reason to want to do good.
*** Angel's response though, is one true [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]]:
{{quote|'''Soldier:''' You pathetic little fairy.
'''Angel:''' [[I Take Offense to That Last One|I'm not little.]]<br />
'''Soldier:''' That's exactly what you are. You're miniscule. A dust mote on the shelf of that great institution. Now, you think I'm just a trigger-happy jerk who follows orders. But I'm something that you'll never be: I'm pure. I believe in evil. You and your friends, you're conflicted. You're confused. We're not. That's why you're going to lose. Because we possess the most powerful thing in the world: conviction. <br />
'''Angel''': There's one thing more powerful than conviction. Just one: mercy. <br />
[Angel kicks his gun causing the soldier to shoot himself]<br />
'''Other Soldier''': What happened to mercy? <br />
'''Angel''': [walking off] You just saw the last of it. }}
** In ''Destiny'', Spike gives one to Angel after defeating him in battle, explaining that Angel only does good when he has a soul, a soul forced on him as a curse. Spike was willing to do good even without a soul, and even then, he eventually ''fought'' to get one because he ''wanted'' to be a good person again.
Line 126 ⟶ 159:
'''Richard''': "Over, uh, twenty years ago, a man named John Locke, he walked right into our camp. And he told me that he was going to be our leader. Now I've gone off the Island three times, to visit him. But he never seemed particularly special to me." }}
* In "H.O.U.S.E. Rules", a season 1 episode of the sci-fi comedy ''[[Eureka]]'', resident smug snake Nathan Stark gets one in against idealistic super genius Henry Deacon when he tells him "People like you don't get to do what you do unless people like me do what I do. Idealist don't get much done without a few realists running interference for them. So get off your moral high horse."
* ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' does these constantly throughout the series. The vast majority are aimed at Arnold [[Meaningful Name|Judas]] Rimmer; but each major character gets targettedtargeted with at least one, including latecomer Kochanski.
** "Time Slides" has a distraught and disillusioned Lister blasting through a list of reasons he's sick of his fellow crew members—the vast majority aimed at and said to Rimmer, including, "...the fact that you always smile when you're being insulted."
** Rimmer does something similar in "Out Of Time", when he appoints himself Morale Officer for the crew. This seems to involve walking up to each of them and yelling at them a lengthy list of things about them that annoy him. Works for him, anyway.
Line 162 ⟶ 195:
{{quote|'''Number One''': '''I don't want to be human!''' I want to see gamma rays! I want to hear X-rays! And I want to - I want to smell dark matter! Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can't even express these things properly because I have to - I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid limiting spoken language! But I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws! And feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me! I'm a machine! And I can know much more! I can experience so much more. But I'm trapped in this absurd body! And why? Because my five creators thought that "God" wanted it that way!}}
** Both Adamas on the show beautifully deliver one to ''every single human in existance'', Bill gives his in the miniseries, and Lee when he testifies during Baltar's trial in "Crossroads"; in fact, if they weren't you know ''human'', Cavil would probably be begging them to teach him how its done.
* In ''[[Babylon 5]]'', ''"Moments of Transition''", Delenn gives the head of the warrior caste a CMOA [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]], effectively calling him a [[Miles Gloriosus]] for being afraid to commit ritual suicide but not afraid to order a [[Civil War]].
** In ''"Severed Dreams''" she does this to the Grey Council accusing it of being [[Head-in-The-Sand Management]].
*** [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|Delenn's speech is so effective at shaming the council that more than half of them walk out of the room with her!]]
* The season three opener of ''[[Ashes to Ashes]]'' has {{spoiler|Gene Hunt receiving one of these from Jim Keats}}.
Line 195 ⟶ 228:
''(everyone flees in terror, Ted's phone rings)''
'''Punchy (on the phone):''' Ted I can't get married!
'''Ted:''' ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|YES YOU CAN YOU LOVE HER!]]''<br />
'''Punchy:''' You're right I do, thanks Ted! }}
* 90% of [[Glee|Sue Sylvester's]] dialogue. The one she gives her mother in episode 2x08 is particularly epic and scathing, though.
** In "Original Song", Rachel thinks that this is what Quinn is giving her regarding their [[Love Triangle]] with Finn, although, listening to the speech itself, it is painfully clear that Quinn has infact realized what tiny people she and Finn is going to be in comparison to Rachel.
{{quote|'''Quinn:''' Do you want to know how this story plays out? I get Finn, you get heart-broken. And then Finn and I stay here and start a family. I'll become a successful real estate agent, and Finn will take over Kurt's dads tire shop. You don't belong here Rachel, and you can't hate me for helping to send you on your way.
'''Rachel:''' [[Completely Missing the Point|I am not giving up on Finn. It is not ov...]]<br />
'''Quinn:''' Yes it is! You are so frustrating! And that is why you can't write a good song; because you live in this little school girl fantasy of life. Rachel, if you keep looking for that happy ending, then you are ''never'' going to get it right! }}
** Emma finally standing up for herself, and verbally bitch-slapping Schuester in front of the entire staff.
{{quote|'''Will''': Emma, can I talk to you in private?
'''Emma''': No, you can't. Will, we're going to talk about this here and now, because I have absolutely nothing to hide. Actually, did you know I was seeing a therapist? Do you know that? Did you know I've been trying to work through my OCD so I could be with you? Will, do you think that's fun for me? It's not fun, it's absolutely humiliating. And come to find out you've been fooling around with some woman named Shelby, and you slept with April Rhodes.
'''Will''': How did you find out about that?
'''Emma''': You're not denying it. Wow, okay. See, I thought we were trying to work through this. I thought when you said you were trying to figure out things on your own, I really thought you meant that. I'm not going to stand for this anymore. I'm not. I'm putting my foot down, and I'm finally sticking up for myself. You're a slut, Will. You're a slut. You're a slut, you're a slut, you're a slut. Everybody should know that. And you should know that I'm through with you. }}
** In "I Am Unicorn", Will finally puts Quinn in her place when she tries to blame Glee Club for "ruining" her life:
{{quote|'''Will''': You're not a little girl anymore, Quinn. How long are you planning on playing the victim card? Since day one, you've done nothing but sabotage the same Glee club that's been there for you over and over again! When you got pregnant, when your parents kicked you out... You know, Mercedes even let you live in her house! And I don't recall ever hearing so much as a 'thank you'. Tonight, you're a train wreck. Well, congratulations. But you stride into my office and tell me it's MY fault? Well, then I have something to say to you... Grow up. }}
** Kurt standing up to Karofsky in "Never Been Kissed"
{{quote|'''Kurt:''' You going to hit me? ''Do it''.
'''Karofsky:''' ''Do not'' push me.
'''Kurt:''' Hit me, because it's not going to change who I am. You can't punch the gay out of me any more than I can punch the ignoramus out of you!
'''Karofsky:''' Get out of my face!
'''Kurt:''' You are ''nothing'' but a scared little boy who can't handle how extraordinarily ordinary you are! }}
** "Mash-Off" has four speeches - one from Santana to Finn, calling him a fat, untalented failure. Finn then shoots right back, calling her a self-hating bitch. Later, Shelby then chews out Quinn for her psychotic behavior in trying to get her baby back, and Quinn calls Shelby a whore.
** "Kissed a Girl" was chock full of them! Puck has one to Quinn, after she invites him over to "not watch a movie." He calls her out, saying, paraphrased:
{{quote|'''Puck:''' I used to be really into you, I thought you were hot, and like, the coolest girl in the entire school. But now, I see otherwise. You're not as hot, you might just be the most selfish person I've ever met, and you're kinda nuts.}}
*** He has another one, to Shelby, calling her out for being to scared to start a relationship with him. Granted, she's a teacher, and he's a student, but it still counts.
*** In a truly epic example, the entire femme population of the Glee Club and the Trouble Tones call out this guy who's hitting on Santana in the hopes of "straightening her out" and [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|then proceed to jump into Katy Perry's "I Kissed A Girl."]]
* In the ''[[Farscape]]'' episode "Durka Returns," Rygel finally manages to deliver one of these to his old torturer.
{{quote|'''Rygel:''' Durka, you are pathetic. Look at you: salivating at the chance to maim and kill someone who can't even defend herself. Foaming at the mouth like a sick trelkez. Pathetic.
Line 237 ⟶ 247:
'''Lord Zedd''': ''QUIET!'' Those Power Rangers were nothing but mere infants! You were defeated by ''children!'' You dare call yourself the Empress of Evil? You have made me very angry! Your days of control are over! There will ''be'' no other chances!
'''Rita Repulsa''': Can't we talk?!
'''Lord Zedd''': ''SILENCE!''' I have spoken. }}
* Stephen Franklin to {{spoiler|himself}} at the end of his walkabout on ''[[Babylon 5]]''. {{spoiler|Bonus points for it doubling as a [[Rousing Speech]].}}
* ''[[Oz]]'': Wilson Loewen to Vern Schillinger.
Line 265 ⟶ 275:
* ''[[iCarly]]'': In ''iDate Sam & Freddie'', Carly is being dragged along to Sam and Freddie's dates to try and prevent them from fighting. She spends the entire episode watching Sam and Freddie bickering, fighting and making her fix their problems. At the end of the episode after they start another fight on a date at a fancy restaurant, Carly snaps. She delivers a "frustrated speech" version of this trope to Sam and Freddie about how they shouldn't be dating at all.
* Nicola Murrary's first day in ''[[The Thick of It]]'' starts going downhill when she finds herself on the recieving end of one of these speeches from Malcolm Tucker- specifically, when he learns that [[Hypocrite|she's supporting the improvement of public schools while sending her daughter to a private school]].
{{quote|'''Malcolm:''' Jesus H Fucking ''Corbett.'' Do you honestly think- do you honestly believe that, as a minister, you can get away with that? You are saying that all your local state schools, ''all'' the schools that this government has drastically improved are knife-addled ''[[Wretched Hive|rapesheds]]'' and that's not a big story? For fuck's sake! Sort it, or abort it.<br />
'''Nicola:''' Let's get this clear: my family is off limits! Alright? [[Tempting Fate|This job is not gonna get anywhere near my husband or my kids]]- it just doesn't-<br />
'''Malcolm:''' Of course it fucking does; as per the wee barcode and the serial number under your right armpit, you are now built and owned by the state, and you are under the spotlight twenty-four hours a day, darling. You know what you are? You're a fucking human dartboard, and Eric fucking Bristow's on the orchie, flingin' a million darts made of human shit right at you: can you take that? CAN YOU?<br />
'''Nicola:''' Okay, look, you- the all-swearing eye- you didn't even know how many kids I had, you had to ask me! So who on earth in the press is going to even know or care?<br />
'''Malcolm:''' Do you remember ''The Big Breakfast?'' Do you remember that program? You remember how Chris Evans started that, you know how that was a big success? And then they had that guy, Johnny Vaugnn, you remember him? Everybody loved him - fuck knows why, but they loved him. Do you know what this is, here? ''This'' here is series ten of ''The Big Breakfast'', and you're the fucking dinner lady that they have asked to come and present the show. The reason I didn't know about you and your children is 'cause you were so low down on the list of candidates for this job, I didn't even have the chance to look into you. ([[Beat]]) So low. Waaaaaaaaaay way way way way way way way... low. ''You'' are now being scrutinized for what you wear and what you say: for your hair, your shoes, your fucking earrings, your fucking cleavage, and your dress - which, by the way, is ''way'' too loud.<br />
'''Nicola:''' Too loud?<br />
'''Malcolm:''' Yeah, I'm getting fuckin' tinnitus, here. ([[Beat]]) Look, your crooked husband I can make go away... but your crooked husband, ''combined'' with you being worried about your underaged daughter coming home ''up the duff'' from some truanting bastard, I cannot. She goes to the comp. }}
** An episode later, Nicola fucks up: her department has lost seven months worth of files, nobody has any idea where the backup went, Nicola has succeeded in making herself look like a [[Soapbox Sadie]] [[Granola Girl]] in a conference with the press, and ultimately ended up revealing the scandal about the lost files to an on-the-record journalist. And naturally, Malcolm lets her have it:
Line 277 ⟶ 287:
'''Malcolm:''' ''Enough.'' E-fucking-nough. You need to learn to shut your fucking cave. Right? Today, you have laid your first big fat egg of solid fuck. You took the data loss media strategy, and you ate it with a lump of ecoli, and then you sprayed it out of your arse at three hundred miles per hour.
'''Nicola:''' I simply made a mistake-
'''Malcolm:''' You got "on the record" and "off the record" fuckin' mixed up! What would have happened if, like, George Martin had done that? We'd have no fucking [[The Beatles|Beatles]], that's what. Now, I don't give a fuck about that, I've had to fuckin' sit next to Paul McCartney at fuckin' Checkers.<br />
'''Nicola:''' The data loss wasn't my fault.<br />
'''Malcolm:''' Fine, yeah, but I tell you what, it came out fuckin' pretty fast once you were in there, didn't it? Which makes me wonder, should I just go and talk to the boss? Should I go and tell him "I don't think she's up to the job"?<br />
'''Nicola:''' You said yourself that if the PM sacks me after a week, it looks like ''he's'' fucked up!<br />
'''Malcolm:''' Yeah, but that was ''before,'' when your biggest problem was a fucking shit pun in a newspaper and a face like Dot Cotton lickin' piss off a nettle!<br />
'''Nicola:''' OK, I messed up! Right? I messed up! But I will, from now on, listen to every bit of advice you give me: I'll go on Question Time wearing a push-up bra and a fez, I'll do the Hustings on stilts if that is what you tell me the strategy is, because you know about that stuff, Malcolm, I know that. It's just I've got things I want to do, alright.<br />
'''Malcolm:''' 'Course you do, mate. Montessori fuckin' Rockinghorses or something. ''The Mail'' have the motherload on this, so that means that there is a way through this for us, but it entails ''you,'' M'dear, [[Break the Haughty|eating a complete concrete mixer full of humble pie.]] }}
** In a later episode, one of the more seriously dramatic ones, someone who is totally unconnected to politics (and is indeed very sympathetic and admirable) has just had his career ruined thanks to Nicola. Notably, [[Even Evil Has Standards|even Malcolm feels bad about this]], and is trying (not particularly successfully) to be genuinely gentle and nice about it. While Nicola's trying not to break down with guilt, Malcolm tells her that this PR clusterfuck is a war with the Opposition, so she's going to have to fight. She responds with a short, but very accurate, rant about how all this trouble (plus virtually every other thing that's gone wrong in the series,) is the result of people like Malcolm being obsessed with fighting and power, and that this attitude is the reason people despise politics so much. Unfortunately, Malcolm isn't even vaguely impressed; after telling her to [[Shut Up, Kirk|"Spare me your psycho-fanny"]] and telling her a series of lies about how the opposition are mocking her misfortune, [[Deal with the Devil|he makes her an offer that makes her fling her priciples to the wind and turn the aforementioned PR clusterfuck into a war with the opposition]].
Line 295 ⟶ 305:
* On both the British and American editions of ''[[Kitchen Nightmares]]'', Gordon Ramsay frequently gives these to the owners and chefs of restaurants he works with, but the most scathing was probably to the eponymous owner of "Sebastian's" on the American edition:
{{quote|'''Gordon:''' I'm forty years of age, and I've gone to a lot of restaurants, but I've never, ever, ever, '''ever''' met someone I believe in as little as you.}}
* In the first season of ''[[Survivor (TV series)|Survivor]]'', fourth-place finisher Susan Hawk opts to use her time allotted to ask the final two ([[Magnificent Bastard|Richard Hatch]] and [[Plucky Girl|Kelly Wigglesworth]]) a question to instead deliver one to both but ''especially'' Kelly, who Sue had intended to take to the final two of the competition and instead both defected from their overall alliance but cast the deciding vote to get rid of Sue instead of Richard.
{{quote|"Kelly, the Rafting Persona Queen... you did get stomped on on national TV by a city boy who never swam, let alone been in the woods or jungle or rowed a boat in his life. You sucked on that game. Anyways, I was your friend at the beginning of this, really thinking that you were a true friend. I was willing to be sitting there and putting you next to me... at that time you were sweeter than me, I'm not a very... openly nice person. I'm just frank, forward, and tell you the way it is. To have you sit there next to me, and have me lose 900,000 dollars just to stomp on somebody like [Richard]. But as the game went along and the two tribes merged you lied to me, which showed me the true person that you are; you're very two-faced and manipulative to get where you're at anywhere in life, that's why you fail all the time. ... but Kelly, go back to a couple of times Jeff [Probst, the host] said 'what goes around comes around?' It's here. You will not get my vote, my vote will go to Richard, and I hope that is the one vote that makes you lose the money. If not, so be it, I'll shake your hand and go on from here. But if I were ever [to] pass you along in life again and you were laying there, dying of thirst, I would not give you a drink of water. I would let the vultures take you and do whatever they want with ya. With no ill-regrets. I plead to the jury tonight to think a little about the island that we have been on. This island is pretty much full of only two things; snakes and rats. And in the end of Mother Nature, we have Richard the snake, who knowingly went after prey, and Kelly who turned into the rat that ran around as the rats do on this island, trying to run from the snake. I feel it that we owe it to the island spirits that we have learned to come to know to let it be in the end as Mother Nature intended it to be, for the snake to eat the rat."}}
** Eighteen seasons later, twelfth-place finisher Erik Cardona uses his time allotted to deliver one that casts an [[Alternate Character Interpretation]] on the Final Three of ''Samoa'': [[Standardized Leader|Mick]], [[Entitled Bastard|Russell]], and [[Guile Heroine|Natalie]]:
{{quote|"Mick: Day One, they put a leadership necklace around your neck. I go 39 days, struggling to find a reason that you deserve that title. You did nothing: you did nothing with your team, you did nothing to encourage them. Nobody on that team had any guts; ''you're'' responsible for that. Russell: this hurts me. We had '''nothing''' in common... You played an unethical game, ''admittedly'' played an unethical game. The crazy thing about it is you're sittin' there; I'm standing here. Did you get to the right place by behaving the wrong way? I've never been in a situation [in] my entire life where that was the case, but you sit there proud of it! Natalie: people will call you weak, people will say that you are undeserving... but you know what? Why are those characteristics any less 'admirable' [than] lying, cheating, and stealing? Why does [Russell] get a free pass but your 'wrong' way of playing is admonished? If there's one thing that I learned in this game, it's that ''(to the jury)'' '''perception is not reality'''! Reality is reality, and ''(to Natalie)'' you are sitting there, and that makes you just as dangerous as any one of those guys there. You would say that you are least deserving of the title of [[Sole Survivor]], but maybe (just maybe) in an environment filled with arrogance [and] delusional entitlement, maybe the person who thinks she's least deserving is probably the most."}}
** In ''All-Stars'', ninth-placer Lex van den Berghe delivers one to finalists [[The Chessmaster|Rob]] and [[Shorttank|Amber]] that's littered with [[Moral Myopia]], since he's berating them for making very similar moves that he made prior to being voted out:
{{quote|"It's just a game. That's something we've probably all said a thousand times while we were out here. And I'm sure that for both of you, it was an excuse that helped wash away the guilt as you played the game the way that you played it. You know what? That phrase, 'it's just a game'? It's a big lie. It's not just a game. For all of us out here, for all of you, it's life. And the line between game and life is not cut and dried. Life blurs into the game constantly. This game exposes who we are as people to the core. It's like truth serum. And I think the way you play this game is representative of the kind of person you are. The hardest lesson I learned out here was about friendship and betrayal. And I think the true measure of a man is what kind of friend he is. What kind of a friend are you, Rob? What kind of a friend were you to me? You asked me to do you a favor. Bro to bro. Friend to friend. And I did the only thing I could do, and that was to answer the call of a friend in need. You repaid that by putting a knife in my back. As far as this game's concerned, I lost, and you both beat me. No sour grapes, no bitterness. With all sincerity, I congratulate both of you for making it to the final two. But as I see it, as good as your game was, you sold out your values, you sold out your character, and you sold out your friends for a stack of greenbacks. I hope it was worth it, because that money will never be enough to buy it all back." }}
* On the UK version of ''[[The Apprentice (TV series)|The Apprentice]]'':
** Katie Hopkins delivered a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uYqqeeqYzQ particularly memorable one] to Adam Hosker in Series 3.
{{quote|"I could not have put more effort into yesterday. I fragged myself to the bone yesterday to try and make this thing work. Your reasons for bringing me in here just do not stack up. One, on a personal level, and two, on a business level. Sir Alan said he does not know about my personal stuff. He knows about it because you talked about it, because Kristina talked about it. Fine, been that, but if you want to go personal, I'll go personal. I very much strongly advise you not to take down the personal route. At a business level, you have one speed setting, and that speed setting is slow, slow, slow! Someone put the wrong speed dial in when they created you, sweetie, which is why when the phone rings, I always drop. Because I know that phone call will take forever to hear something either I know, or I can get done quicker myself. So you know what? You're just barking up the wrong tree!"}}
** Karren Brady delivered one to the losing team in the sixth series. The team were arguing amongst themselves in the boardroom, it grew heated, and after Lord Sugar called them 'a bunch of bloody amateurs', Karren stepped in.
{{quote|"You are representing businesswomen today, one of which I am. And I have to say, it is outrageous the way you're behaving. 75% of my management team are women, and I've never come across anything like this. And I think you have to remember who you're representing in this process. Young women out there who want to have an opportunity to do this - you should be an example to them."}}
** Claude Littner's interview technique pretty much IS this trope. His first comment when he was a member of the panel on "You're Fired" carried on the trend:
{{quote|"Well, first of all, everything was wrong. The volume was wrong, the margins were wrong, the techniques of selling were wrong. I struggle to find anything that you did right, really. But it wasn't just you -- I think it was everybody in the team who just failed to perform."}}
[[Category{{DEFAULTSORT:"The Reason You Suck" Speech]], The}}
[[Category:Live Action TV]]
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