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* In the ''[[Tairen Soul]]'' series, several things and animals, [[Humans by Any Other Name|including humans]], are often called by other names. A ''rultshart'', for example, is roughly equivalent to a wild boar.
* Several of Jo Clayton's works use this—for example, ''chinin'', first mentioned in ''Moongather'', are clearly dogs (and explicitly identified as such in ''Changer's Moon''). However, there are also plenty of [[Horse of a Different Color|beasts of different colors]], and even the occasional [[Call a Smeerp a Rabbit|smeerp identified as a rabbit]].
* Mostly avoided in ''[[Redwall]]'' except for "hotroot pepper", which the evidence suggests is probably horseradish.
* [[Eric Van Lustbader]] has the Pearl Saga where everything, even the race that seems to just be humans, has a different name. In fact, the only thing with a recognizable name seem to be dragons, which are just dragons.
* Largely averted in Gurney's [[Dinotopia]] books; flora and fauna are meticulously called by their scientific names, no matter how long those might be; it's mentioned that learning these is an essential part of a child's education. And no matter that the setting takes place before most dinosaurs were given these names. However, the trope ''is'' used with skybaxes, [[Giant Flyer]] pterosaurs who have appeared in every one to date. ''Journey To Chandra'' mentions in passing that they're Quetzalcoatlus, but people usually just call them skybaxes. They, and no others, are called by a common name. It's made odder because a larger Quetzalcoatlus subspecies showed up in a previous book and was mentioned to be ''Q. northropi''.
* In Jacqueline Susann’s ''[[Valley of the Dolls]]'', the titular “dolls” refers to a fictional slang term for the pills Neely O’Hara becomes addicted to.
* In Clem Martini's "''The Crow Chronicles"'', the crows do often have their own ways of describing human technology - including "moving boxes" instead of "cars." This is somewhat justified because, as crows, they don't have anywhere near the same technology we do.
* Sheri S. Tepper's ''World of the True Game'' has a whole fauna of clearly recognisable beasts such as bunwits (rabbits), fustigars (dogs,) zellers (goats), flitchhawks (raptors) and pombis (bears) ''even though'' they are clearly said to have a completely different evolutionary background, with a pentagonal body framework rather than a spine. Weakly justified as the results of genetic meddling by the original settlers, but still...
* David Eddings avoids this for the most part, which makes it difficult to say whether or not he actually is doing it. In the ''[[Belgariad]]'' series they encounter "rock wolves," which might be hyenas, or might simply be hyena-like monsters (vaguely wolfish, humped backs, hooting laugh). Since Garion does not know what a hyena is, he cannot contrast any differences the rock wolves might have.
* In an odd variant, humans from the [[Funny Animal]]-populated world of ''[[Spellsinger]]'' are so accustomed to living amongst hundreds of other intelligent mammals that they (like everyone else) refer to what grows on top of their own heads as "fur", not "hair".
* Stewart Cowley's TTA Handbooks refer to Earth as Terra and its inhabitants as Terrans, despite being set in what at the time of publication (1970s) was the near future (21st Century).
* The [[Lensmen]] refer to Earth almost uniformly as Tellus and its inhabitants as Tellurians. There are occasional slips.
* In ''[[The Firebringer Trilogy]]'', {{spoiler|horses}} are called ''daya''.
* In the ''[[Vorkosigan Saga]]'' the idiom for "Agent", "Representative, or "plenipotentitary" is "voice". For instance, when Miles oversaw a criminal investigation for his father, in ''Mountains of Mourning'' he concluded by saying "I am the Voice of Count Vorkosigan." And when he conducted a diplomatic mission for the Emperor in ''Diplomatic Immunity'' he did so as The Emperor's Voice." This is a believable idiom for a legal concept any complex civilization would need.
* Referenced, inverted, then subverted in ''Expendable'' by [[James Alan Gardner]]. An explorer on an uncharted Earthlike planet glimpses a small brown animal jumping into the underbrush and immediately thinks "rabbit", even though she knows it probably isn't an actual rabbit. {{spoiler|It is.}}
* Dragaerans from [[Dragaera|Steven Brust's novels''[[Dragaera]]'' novels refer to all predatory birds as "hawks", even if they're owls, shrikes, or whatever. There are occasional mentions of an animal called a "mock-man", which is probably an ape to judge by its description.
* In [[Mercedes Lackey]] and James Mallory's ''[[The Enduring Flame Trilogy]]'', there are shotors, which from the description sounds like they are camels.
== Live Action TV ==
* "Daggits" from the original ''[[Battlestar Galactica Classic(1978 TV series)|the original ''Battlestar Galactica]]'']] were dogs. Amusingly, many people only think of Muffet, the robotic replacement for a daggit, when they hear the word "daggit", but it applied first to normal dogs.
** They also had their own words for time units ([[Unit Confusion|micron]], centon, yahren).
** They also once referred to "a crawlon in its web", in a context where we would refer to a spider.
* ''[[Babylon 5]]'' parodied this trope with G'Kar's discovery that Swedish meatballs from Earth were exactly like a Narn delicacy called ''breen'', and furthermore that ''every'' other known race in the galaxy has a dish ''exactly'' like it. It's one of those mysteries whose answer would drive you mad were you to learn it.
** The [[Sufficiently Advanced Aliens|Vorlon]] equivalent is, in itself, a sentient species.
* ''[[Farscape]]'': cycles are Earth years, solar days are Earth days, arns are hours, and microts are seconds. It is never mentioned why alien species on the other side of the galaxy would base their time units around the relationship between Earth and its sun, especially before they ever learn about Earth.
** Lampshaded a few times by John, when he says things like, "It'll take a few hours...I mean arns."
** The alien units are explicitly not exactly the same as their Earthican equivalents, but they're conveniently similar.
** It might not have been so much Earth and the sun as it was some other world and the sun. Science does tend to provide very specific requirements for life to exist on a particular world, so theoretically it's not impossible that these units of measurement originated from a planet in a relatively similar position to its own sun as Earth is to its own. Also from a practicality standpoint, especially once various species started getting together and space travel became a regular part of this civilization, it makes sense to find a very specific means of measuring time since you can't use the position of the sun like you would on Earth, so an approximation of the average time a planet takes to complete a circle around its sun seems like a reasonable way of measuring a year.
** more here:More [http://www.theshadowdepository.co.uk/rpg/fudge/farscape/f-fs_lexicon.htm here].
* Particularly in the ''[[Star Trek]]'' franchise, alien plants, animals and foodstuffs tend to have names following the pattern , such as "Romulan ale", "Aldebaran whiskey", "Altarian chowder", "Delovian souffle", etc. Klingon stuff gets more detail, because they have their own language, but they still have blood pie. Diseases get the same treatment; for instance, "Rigelian fever". Alternatively words can be rendered Startrekky by the addition of a prefix: not mere [[wikipedia:Polycythemia|polycythemia]], but ''xeno''polycythemia; not common-or-garden [[wikipedia:Triticale|triticale]], but ''quadro''triticale.
** With quadrotriticale at least, it was [[Mr. Exposition|explicitly noted]] that the stuff was developed up from the original grain:
{{quote|BARRIS'''Barris:''' Quadrotriticale is not wheat, Captain. I wouldn't expect you or Mr. Spock to know about such things, but quadrotriticale is a rather --
SPOCK'''Spock:''' Quadrotriticale is a high-yield grain, a four-lobed hybrid of wheat and rye. A perennial, also, I believe. Its root grain, triticale, can trace its ancestry back to 20th century Canada-
KIRK'''Kirk:''' Mr. Spock, you've made your point. }}
** A particularly horrible visual example occurs in "The Enemy Within" where a putative alien creature is played by someone's poor dog in a costume made of orange acrylic fake fur and horns.
** One of the strangest is the "Bolian" Double Effect Principle that they developed in "their [[The Middle Ages|Middle Ages]]" which is identical to the Double Effect Principle as developed by St Thomas Aquinas and the Catholic Church during 'our'' Middle Ages.
** Similar to the ''[[Penny Arcade]]'' example with ''[[Star Wars]]'' above, ''[[Sci Fi Debris]]'' took exception to ''Star Trek'' "updating" metaphors like describing someone as a 'third nacelle' rather than a third wheel, pointing out that ''we'' haven't updated metaphors about horses and carriages to make them about cars, for example.
*** Indeed, ''[[Star Wars]]'' has a least a little more justification than ''[[Star Trek]]'' in using this trope when it comes to metaphors. At least ''Star Wars'' is meant to be in its own 'verse, with no canon ties to Earth. Whereas ''Star Trek'' is meant to be our own Earth (pretty much, anyway), just centuries into the future.
* "Debbie" the Bloop in ''[[Lost in Space]]'' looks indistinguishable from a chimpanzee. The movie adaptation improved on this by making her a far more alien goggly-eyed chameleon/lemur creature with the help of [[Conspicuous CGI]].
* In the ''[[Doctor Who]]'' episode "The Five Doctors,", the Doctors and their respective companions find a small pyramid with symbols on it that are supposedly in "Ancient Gallifreyan". Any university student who has studied math or joined a fraternity/sorority can tell you that those letters are ''Greek''.
** [[Lampshade Hanging]] in the novel ''The Gallifrey Chronicles'', where Rachel asks Marnel why the readouts on his Time Lord technology are in Greek, and he retorts that they're not, they're the letters of the Gallifreyan "omegabet". (Note that "omegabet" is also calling a rabbit a smeerp; there's nothing that makes it different from an alphabet except that that's not what they call it. But it's also a joke in that "alpha" is the first letter of the Greek alphabet -- "beta" is the second, hence "alpha-beta" -- but "omega" is the ''last'' letter.)
* In ''[[Stargate SG-1]]'', the planets they visit are occasionally victim to this. The most common one is the Stargate itself, which is called everything from "The Great Circle" to a "chappa'ai", but they also use this trope on other words, including swear words every now and then.
{{quote|'''Bounty Hunter''': The System Lords think that you are a pain in the mit'ka.
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* In an episode of ''[[Captain Kangaroo]]'', the Captain dreams that he is visited by aliens who need "a glunk full of gleeger" to fuel their spaceship. He tells them he has no idea where to get such a thing, but while they're there he offers them a glass of milk, and wouldn't you know it...
== Tabletop RPGGames ==
* [[Dungeons & Dragons|D&D]] is much more eager to spawn a bizarre monster, but occasionally does this for a change.
** In 4th Edition, there are monsters called the Macetail Behemoth and the Bloodspike Behemoth, which have an uncanny resemblance to an ankylosaur and a stegosaurus respectively. The 4E names may be inspired by [[Eberron]], where halflings name all dinosaurs this way. The dragons also have their own names for the dinosaurs, so every species has three different names. There's a chart in one of the books to help keep things straight.
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