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In the latest expansion, Kael'thas is getting a redemption arc and Sargeras, while extremely evil, started with good intentions.
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(In the latest expansion, Kael'thas is getting a redemption arc and Sargeras, while extremely evil, started with good intentions.)
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** Players who felt bad after seeing [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HerNdsh_H-g this cutscene] and/or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE9HVy1vgws this one] will experience a ''lot'' of Catharsis once they complete the Raid that ends with [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uby0nBPVhZc this one].
* [[Cliché Storm]]: the [[Large Ham]] bosses' favorite way of [[Calling Your Attacks]]. Originally done so you'd know how to prepare for an incoming attack but nowadays it's just tradition.
* [[Complete Monster]]: QuiteThough aseveral fewWarcraft villains qualifyhave been Anti-Villains, althoughthere's overallsome mostwho ofhave themgone tendinto tocomplete bemonster Anti-Villainsterritory.
** Loken from Wrath of the Lich King murders his sister in law and frames his brother's friends for it, causing a needless war, warps his brothers dragon into a monstrosity, and tries to brainwash Thorim.
** Apparently, the curse that comes with wielding the blade Frostmourne ultimately turns a person into this. As shown by the below quote:
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** Chargla Razorflank sells her own people to the Scourge.
** [[Deceptive Disciple|Gul'dan]](despite being [[Faux Affably Evil]]) who voluntarily corrupted his people into a bloodthirsty horde which [[The Man Behind the Man|he secretly controls]], planned the genocide of the Draenei and brought the Orcs into Azeroth so they could trigger two wars. He also created Garona as a "breeding experiment" between an Orc soldier and a female Draenei prisoner, after that she was magically aged, tortured and mind controlled into becoming his personal assassin. Finally, [[It's All About Me|he betrays the Horde to follow his own ends of achieving power.]]
** Kael'thas gets changed into this in The Burning Crusade, although your Mileage May Vary. He becomes a power hungry lunatic who seeks to sacrifice an innocent girl in order to bring his master Kil'Jaeden into the world, who incidentally is the one who gave the order for the destruction of Kael'thas's home (well not him directly, but he and Archimonde would have certainly authorized it and he DID create the Scourge for use against Azeroth).
** Deathwing is an unrepentant mass murderer, who coldly murdered most of his and the blue flight and who covertly helped the Orcs gain control over his rival, Alexstrasza, who he kept as his unwilling consort for a time. His act of entering the world (though admittedly rather awesome) kills countless innocents and causes almost incalculable environmental damage, and he has a genocidal hatred of anyone who isn't a black dragon (and considering the twilight flight even they may be expendable eventually).
** Worst of all are the Old Gods. They have caused quite a few atrocities in Azeroth's history (they corrupted Deathwing and in turn are indirectly responsible for all of his crimes, and in turn the nexus war), and seem to be intent on destroying the world [[For the Evulz|solely to create chaos.]]
*** It technically depends on how you view them. In fact, they were around on Azeroth even before the Titans arrived, and arguably are more subject to [[Blue and Orange Morality]] rather than this trope, especially when you consider [[Cthulhu Mythos|what they were based on]]. Still not pleasant, by any means, but that's [[Eldritch Abomination]]s for you.
** Archimonde the Defiler is the supreme commander of the armies of the Burning Legion, equal to Kil'jaeden and serving directly under Sargeras. Lacking Sargeras' intentions or Kil'jaeden's regrets, Archimonde proved to be the most monstrous demon in the entirety of the omnicidal Burning Legion.
** Sargeras and Archimonde are both heartless lunatics who love killing things and who have destroyed countless worlds.
** Depending on how you [[Alternate Character Interpretation|view him]] {{spoiler|Gallywix}} may qualify. And for good reason, he is a callous [[Jerkass]] whose crimes include: {{spoiler|selling the player and others into slavery after he made them give up their life savings, leaving the goblins behind to take over Azshara, enslaving the goblins in a mine called the Gallywix Reeducation Cavern, and employing abusive Hobgoblin slavemasters. He was even attempted at a last-ditch attempt to kill Thrall (right before he was re-appointed leader). Constantly taunting you in the second half of the starting experience doesn't help matters either. There's even a Goblin NPC who calls him a monster.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Evil Chancellor|Magatha Grimtotem]], who leads the Grimtotems, who wants eradicate the "lesser races" from Kalimdor and retake the long lost tauren ancestral holdings. And in Cataclysm, she rigs the duel between Garrosh and Cairne by poisoning Garrosh's Axe which caused Garrosh to easily cripple, and [[Killed Off for Real|kill Cairne]]}}
** Azshara, the former ancient queen of the Night Elves who, in her desire for power and perfection, nearly led all of Azeroth to total ruin. 10,000 years ago, Azshara used her magic to enthrall her people to love her without question and later secretly sought to kill everybody on Azeroth she deemed "imperfect", which was everyone except her and her Highborne servants (and included non-Highborne elves).
** Xavius, once the high councilor to Queen Azshara, is best known for the evils he committed as the first satyr and the Nightmare Lord. Xavius was the first elf to make contact with the Burning Legion and convinced Azshara and the Highborne that Sargeras was a deity and would lead them to godhood.
* [[Crack is Cheaper]]: A widely spread opinion, given how much time players spend into the game.
* [[Crazy Awesome]]: Most of the Goblin starting experience, to wit: One of the focuses right at the beginning is to set everything up for a party, naturally, you succeed and start to have a pretty rad (by Goblin standards) party... only to have it be crashed by ''Party Crasher Pirates''. After the Volcano starts to blow, you're trying to get enough money to get off the Island. So you break into the bank, steal your life savings back, but it's still not enough. So what do you do? Why, burn down your corporate headquarters to get the insurance money, of course! You do this by Overloading your Generator, [[Rule of Funny|turn on your "Leaky Stove"]] And then drop a cigar on your flammable bed. It only goes upwards from there, there are many examples later, but one truly stands out. Once you're on the Lost Isles, a Goblin asks you to take care of a Giant Shark. How do you do this? Well, after getting a bunch of shark bits, he makes a Shark Submarine With [[Austin Powers|Freakin' Laser Beams]], then you fight the Shark in it.


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