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World of Warcraft/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Varian Wrynn and Garrosh Hellscream are the two most prominent cases. The former is an angry post-Literal Split Personality who was a slave to Orcs for quite some time, had his home destroyed by the orcs and his father betrayed to death by one even earlier and shilled to a ridiculous degree for awhile by Blizzard. The latter is is a racist warmonger with lacking leadership skills taking over from the level-headed, peace-seeking Thrall despite being a self-hating Emo Teen barely a few years ago. The developers even admitted they put them in charge just to provide in-universe justification for continuing the Alliance-Horde conflict.
** Jaina Proudmoore. After Mists of Pandaria, some thought her Character Development made sense as she saw all the work she did to bring peace destroyed in moments, and because of the side she trusted as well. Others believe that it's [[Character Derailment]] was delivered in breakneck speed and shoved down the players' throats, in addition of really going against her characterization in WC3 (the woman who allowed her father to die in order to ensure peace, now she's considered to be an insult to that).
** Sylvanas was already a contentious character being seen as either a [[Jerkass Woobie]] [[Anti-Hero]] or a [[Karma Houdini]] [[CreatorsCreator's Pet]]. This reached it's peak in Legion when she was delcared Warchief of the Horde. Some think she was the next best candidate, others think she is too evil/similar to past tyrannical Warchiefs to deserve it and think it should have been Baine or even Lor'themar. People from either side, and others, are mad that Warchief Vol'jin just seemed to warm the chair Sylvanas would sit on due to being [[Out of Focus]] in Warlords.
** The Prime Naaru Xe'ra is more notable because she reached this status faster than even Garrosh or Varian did at the meta level. Some view her as a well-intentioned extremist ally with a deep past who was {{spoiler|killed by the selfish magic addict she was trying to save - Illidan (some fans have compared Xe'ra forcefully infusing Illidan with the Light to remove his fel magic to intervention and rehabilitation for a drug addict)}} and thought she and her story arc story wasted. Others see her as a manipulative [[Knight Templar]] who got what she deserved and brought it on herself.
* [[Be Careful What You Wish For]]: Every time a class bitches enough to get class buffs or reworks, you can bet your bottom they'll be complaining [[It's Popular, Now It Sucks|they're oversaturated with noobs who don't know how to play them.]]
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