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{{work|wppage=Infamous (series)}}
{{cleanup|At least 2 more games have been released in the series, and all games should be given their own separate works pages.}}
[[File:infamous_2_7679.jpg|frame|And [[Spider-Man (Comic Book)|Spider-Man]] thought ''he'' had [[Comes Great Responsibility|great responsibility]]...]]
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** Not as much as some think. The second game shows that a number of Kessler's actions were counterproductive, and depending on when the RFI was made, completely unnecessary. Some of Kessler's actions had no result, or discernibly purpose, beyond making Cole miserable. {{spoiler|The Beast was ultimately defeated by using a plan that Kessler didn't come up with, and the RFI could have been used by Kessler himself, which meant that he didn't have to interfere with Cole's life}}.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]:
** The first game: {{spoiler|Zeke, but he doesn't do much evil. Cole scapegoats him for killing Trish, however.}}.
** The second game: {{spoiler|Kuo, who decides to let [[The Plague]] and the Beast kill millions because she doesn't want to die. If you make the Good choice, Cole even calls out her rationalizations as selfish; she's acting out of fear. Hell, it's so blatant that in the Good ending, even ''she'' finally acknowledges it and urges Cole to activate the RFI once he's defeated her and the Beast.}}.
* [[Faceless Goons]]: All random enemies keep their faces hidden behind various kinds of masks.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Bertrand ''really'' hates conduits, {{spoiler|probably because his powers revolve around [[Blessed with Suck|turning people]] -- [[Blessed with Suck|including]] ''[[Blessed with Suck|himself]]'' -- [[Blessed with Suck|into monsters]]}}.
* [[Final Boss]]: Kessler in the first game. His radial groundpoundground pound attack can take off half your life points if you don't hover over it (and due to the dust it kicks up, it's not always easy to judge when it's safe to drop down), he [[Flash Step|flash-steps everywhere]] to dodge your fire, he spawns grenade-launching robot drones and land mines to harass you, and can create a wall of giant spectral versions of himself at the same time he performs the groundpound. Most of this is justified since he's spent decades researching superpowers and super-technology, and is the final boss, but still, he's annoying.
* [[Final Boss Preview]]: The second game opens with Cole battling the Beast, then retreating to New Marias to lick his wounds and prepare for the rematch. Unusually for the trope, Cole is able to do a lot of damage to the Beast. It's just that the Beast can regenerate fairly easy.
* [[Fire, Ice, Lightning]]: Nix, Kuo and Cole, respectively. Also, {{spoiler|John, Kuo and Kessler/Cole}}.
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** John, please say more dramatic things about {{spoiler|the Beast in Wolfe's audio logs, implying more blatantly each time that you have a connection to it}}.
** About 2/3 of the way through ''inFAMOUS 2'', Zeke starts coughing every now and then {{spoiler|because he contracted the plague}}.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Evil Cole, and the Beast, and {{spoiler|both subverted at the end of the second game}}.
* [[For Want of a Nail]]: So many tiny things could have gone wrong with Kessler's plan in the first game that it's amazing he managed to get it to work at all. See also [[Gambit Roulette]] below.
* [[Friendship Moment]]: Cole and Zeke get one in ''inFAMOUS 2'' when [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPiJDAAHHdo they drink beer and watch a movie together]. When someone (likely Kuo) tries to call them they wordlessly agree that they'd rather ignore it and just relax. They even pull a platonic [[Sleep Cute]] on the couch.
* {{spoiler|[[Future Me Scares Me]]}}: In the first game, {{spoiler|it bothers Cole when he finds out that Kessler is himself from an alternate future. In Kessler's timeline, he ran away from the powerful being known as the Beast, getting his family and everyone else killed. Which is why he came back in time and orchestrated the events of the entire game to make Cole stronger}}.
* [[Gas Mask Mooks]]: The First Sons troops in general, usually with air tanks on their backs.
* {{spoiler|[[Genocide Dilemma]]}}: In the second game, {{spoiler|aA two for one in the second game: murder all Conduits by using the RFI to save all the normal human beings from the plague, or let the Beast murder countless normal people and speed up their extinction to save the Conduits}}.
* [[Giant Space Flea From Nowhere]]: Subverted. At first, no explanation at all is given for the sudden appearance of the [[Eldritch Abomination|Corrupted]] in New Marais, and up until they are introduced Cole has spent all his time fighting gun-toting gangs and other super-powered mutants. Later, however, it is revealed {{spoiler|that Bertrand himself is a Conduit whose powers involve transforming into said Giant Space Flea as well as ''turning other humans into Corrupted'' under the guise of cleansing them from their demons}}.
* [[A God Am I]]: {{spoiler|Cole in the evil ending}}.
** Inverted in the sequel's evil ending, {{spoiler|where despite his now godlike powers. Cole admits he hasn't become a god at all, but the devil}}.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: If Cole is evil in the first game, Kessler's plan to {{spoiler|teach his younger self not to be weighed down by emotion}} succeeds far better than he likely thought possible. It succeeds so well, in fact, that an evil Cole in the sequel {{spoiler|decides to save the human race by taking over as the Beast}}. It does "stop" the first one...
* [[Gone Horribly Wrong]]: Moya is afraid of what could happen if terrorists get their hands on the Ray Sphere and start {{spoiler|making their own super-powered fighters with bonus collateral damage every time}}.
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* [[Gotta Catch Em All]]: Blast Shards and Dead Drops in both games. Stunts in the first, in the sense that they all appear in a list, to be completed as you perform them, one by one.
* [[Gray and Grey Morality]]: The second game. {{spoiler|In short, the good ending relies upon an assumption of [[No Ontological Inertia]], which in-game is stated to not be a sure thing. If Cole and company were wrong about said assumption, and they didn't have any way of knowing for sure, the evil path would have been significantly less disastrous--saving a small portion of the population vs. almost complete extinction of sentient life. The evil path was also ''assured'' to work. However, the way Cole goes about the evil ending is really damn ruthless}}.
* [[Grey and Gray Morality]]: {{spoiler|By the end of the second game, the morality system is less about Good and Evil and more about two separate races struggling to survive the Plague, and the only solution for either race requires the destruction of the other}}...}}
* [[Guide Dang It]]: Looking for all the Dead Drops in the second game? You can only find 28 out of 29 in the main sandbox. The 29th is located {{spoiler|in the Swamp Blockade and doesn't activate until you've been on the main island for a while}}. Somewhat mitigated in that there's a clue in the trophies about where to find it.
* [[Guttural Growler]]: Cole's gravelly-as-all-hell voice. This is probably so they don't have to record two different entire vocal tracks for Good Cole and Evil Cole, but with Evil Cole, it's more noticablenoticeable. Changed in the second game; the new voice of Cole is still quite tough-sounding, but he doesn't sound like he's a heavy smoker either.
* [[Halloween Episode]]: The ''Festival of Blood'' DLC.
* [[Hammerspace]]: In ''inFAMOUS 2'', Sucker Punch has Cole, during cutscenes, reach behind his back to store and retrieve objects, noticeably blast cores. Presumably they didn't want to waste time animating him putting it in his backpack.
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** Cole... partially because of the bleakness of the ruined Empire City, partially because he's got all sorts of expectations heaped on him, and partially because even with superpowers, he's still "everyone's errand boy". However, while Cole hates the responsibility that comes with his abilities, he enjoys ''using'' his powers, and is often excited when he gets a new one.
** Kuo in the sequel even more so, partly because her conversion to a Conduit was prolonged and ''extremely'' painful. She really does not like being a freak, and simply having powers now causes her to declare that she's "not an agent anymore", which upsets her.
* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Zeke, who ''never shuts up'' about how he wishes he could have superpowers like Cole; just about every action he takes involves sponging off Cole's abilities, trying to get him to do something with it (like help more people), or trying to horn in on his act. {{spoiler|It prompts his [[Face Heel Turn]].}}.
:** He drops it by ''inFAMOUS 2'', however;, partly because he knows he simply doesn't have the Conduit gene for obtaining superpowers, and partly because he actually is trying to be a better friend to Cole.
* [[I Let You Win]]: {{spoiler|Kessler tests Cole in the final battle of the game, making sure that he is strong enough to face "the Beast" by having Cole kill him. Subverted, however, in that Kessler has no qualms about KILLING Cole if he doesn't measure up: in his eyes, a hero too weak to take on the Beast is no hero at all.}}.
** Subverted, however, in that {{spoiler|Kessler has no qualms about KILLING Cole if he doesn't measure up: in his eyes, a hero too weak to take on the Beast is no hero at all}}.
* [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]:
** Surprisingly averted: most bad guys have ''very good'' aim from very far away (even with old Stens) and unless you use cover or sniping ability, they'll whittle down your health remarkably fast. [[Good Thing You Can Heal]]...
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* [[Large Ham]]: Alden would like to take a minute of your time to remind you how much he hates you, Kessler and pretty much anyone who wants to get his hands on the Ray Sphere. As a matter of fact, [[No Indoor Voice|there isn't a single moment in his dialogue where he isn't yelling at you]].
* [[Last Second Karma Choice]]: In the first game, your final place on the [[Karma Meter]] is decided by a certain choice just before the final choice. Granted, the evil option is ''pretty'' bad.
* [[Late Arrival Spoiler]]: In a rare aversion, especially considering how much of a huge twist it was, the second game doesn't spoil the fact that {{spoiler|Kessler and Cole are the same person. Only Cole and Zeke know, and they never discuss it or tell anyone else. Doctor Wolfe noticing that Cole "looks just the same" as Kessler is the only hint, and Cole quickly dismisses it.}}.
* [[Le Parkour]]: How Cole gets around. Pretty much anything can be scaled, and he can even ''grind on powerlines''. Shamelessly justified in-game: Cole's hobby is stated as urban exploration and pakour. Also, electric forces allow stuff like climbing on various surfaces (see how geckos do it) and stopping him from turning into a pile of gore from a giant heights.
* [[Life Energy]]: The [[Healing Hands]] and Bioleech ability rely on this idea. Also, Cole's [[Healing Factor]] is justified by having him absorb electricity.
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* [[Lovecraftian Superpower]]: The ''things'' in the second game.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Cole takes so many bullets on the average mission that he probably sneezes bits of shrapnel. Perhaps the most explicit example is invoked by Zeke in the interquel comic, when Zeke explains to Trish that Cole was once hit head-on and subsequently run over by a truck. Cole left the hospital shortly thereafter with just a few bruises. Oh, and ''[[Badass Normal|this was all pre-blast]]''. Yeah.
* [[Magic Pants]]: Averted when {{spoiler|the Behemoth revealsreverts to normal, revealing itself to be Bertrand, he isa now-naked Bertrand.}}.
* [[Mass Super-Empowering Event]]: Since he's at the epicenter of the explosion, Cole gets the brunt of the power-boosts, but the large number of superpowered gang members (and their exceptionally more powerful leaders) that pop up afterwards indicate that it has an effect on those nearby that it doesn't destroy.
* [[Meaningful Echo]]: In the evil ending of ''inFAMOUS 2'', right before {{spoiler|Cole kills Zeke}}.
{{quote|{{spoiler|'''Cole:''' Half as long.}}.
{{spoiler|'''Zeke:''' Twice as bright.}}.}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Cole = coal, which is something you burn to get electricity. Kessler is presumably named after the Piccard-Kessler experiment regarding the electrical field of a moving charge. The man who {{spoiler|will destroy the world is referred to as "[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|the Beast]]"}}. Kuo's name makes sense as following the Good missions maintains the "status '''quo'''", which is also [[Lampshade]]d by the achievement "Quid Pro Kuo" when you take Zeke's suggestion of freeing the police to save her.
* [[Mega Manning]]: Cole gains a "transfer device" in the sequel that allows him to use some of Kuo or Nix's powers.
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* [[More Dakka]]: Bolt Stream in the sequel, the good-aligned powerup for the regular lightning bolt.
* [[Naked on Revival]]: Vampire Bloody Mary is au natural after being revived by Cole's blood.
* [[Never a Self-Made Woman]]: {{spoiler|Subverted with Moya.}}.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]:
** Cole and John {{spoiler|who by deciding to destroy the Ray Sphere unleashed the real Pandora's Box: the Beast}}. Moya and arguably Kessler also count {{spoiler|as everything they did to stop the Beast just end up creating him early, when Cole isn't ready to take the guy}}.
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* [[Nice Job Fixing It, Villain]]: In the ''Festival of Blood'' DLC, {{spoiler|the only reason Cole wins at all is that Bloody Mary for some reason tries to lure him out with the Cross of Ignatius, the only weapon that can kill her. Had she just hid it somewhere and bided her time until sunrise, Cole would have been SOL}}.
* [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot]]:
** Vermaak 88 can accurately be described as {{spoiler|"Gunslinging South African ice ninjas".}}.
** Zeke calls the swamp monsters "inbred shirtless crocodile freaks".
* [[No Blood for Phlebotinum]]: Late in the game, {{spoiler|the military starts ''bombing Empire City in preparation for a ground invasion'' because Moya can't guarantee her superiors she'll bring them the Ray Sphere anymore}}. Sufficient to say, considering what it can do, everyone and their mother is willing to go to ''great lengths'' to get the Ray Sphere.
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