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[[File:BananaNoNana_6806.jpg|frame|Manga cover: Nana of Banana]]
'''''Nana of Banana''''' is a 2010-2011 not-at-all-serious comedy manga starring Nana and Ringo, two girls who are treated like dirt in their village because of their supposedly useless powers. In this world, the strength of your powers defines your status in society: Ringo's strong legs, which let her jump really high, are looked down upon by people who can, say, [[Making a Splash|control water]] while Nana... Nana can [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?|manipulate bananas]].
Both had been inspired by Ringo's father's tales of the magical land of Oz (not [[Land of Oz|that one]]), and of the adventurer that found it. They vowed to go on an adventure of their own someday.
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