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* Combining this trope with [[Unfortunate Implications]], John Walker, aka Super-Patriot, recruited a team of super-strong allies called the Bold Urban Commandos, or "Buckies", led by African-American Lemar Hoskins. When Walker replaced Steve Rogers as [[Captain America (comics)]], Hoskins took the identity of Bucky, until someone brought up the fact that 'Bucky' was demeaning, since slave-owners in the 1800s sometimes called their male slaves 'Bucks'. Hoskins promptly changed his name to Battlestar.
* In [[Power Pack]] Alex Power takes the name "Gee" when he gets his gravity based powers. He realizes how stupid this sounds just before the group changes powers. When he finally gets his original powers back at the very end of the series years latter he quietly starts uses "Zero-G" instead. The [[Marvel Adventurers]] based reboot makes him Zero-G at the start.
* The Stepford Cuckoos, who appear in [[X-Men]] and various related comics. These five mutant-clone-sisters prefer to use "Five-in-One" as their "hero name", but their origin - which has similarities to both ''[[The Stepford Wives]]'' and ''[[The Midwich Cuckoos]]'' - gave them a nickname that has been hard to shake.
== Film ==
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