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The Legend of Korra/WMG/Plot General: Difference between revisions

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== Korra's flashbacks were a warning about ''Tarrlok'', not Amon ==
The three flashbacks Korra has experienced so far all took place during episodes where Tarrlok made some sort of political power play. And we now know that {{spoiler|Tarrlok and Yakone are both bloodbenders}}. So many of the flashbacks take place in the Council chamber that they must have something to do with politics in Republic City. There has to be some connection there...
* Combine this with the other [[:Category:Wild Mass Guessing|WMGs]] of Tarrlok possibly being the head of the Red Monsoons and Yakone's son, it could be that Yakone was the previous head of the Monsoons and presented a very lethal threat, and his death at the hands of the Gaang led to his son's grudge and lust for power and vengeance.
== Tarrlok plans to hand Korra out to Amon. ==
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== Yakone is the reason why the Equalist Movement exists. ==
Whatever he was on trial for, it was something bad enough to tick off the Gaang, and potentially bad enough to kill Sokka and/or Toph, if those [[:Category:Wild Mass Guessing|WMGs]] are proven to be correct. Anyway, Yakone's crimes were mostly directed towards non-benders, possibly out of a sense of superiority. It's possible then, that Yakone was a Fire Kingdom national bent on trying to bring down Republic City, and the Agni Kai gang were/are his supporters. They wreaked havoc in the city, ruining who knows how many lives in the process, Amon and his family among them.
== In the coming episode it will turn out that something - maybe Koh - is actively blocking Aang from Korra. ==
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