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Running Gag/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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** [[Yuppie Couple|The Cabbage Guy]] getting his [[Fruit Cart|cabbage cart]] smashed. ("My cabbages!", lapses for the second season before making a surprise return late in the third season when the playwright traveling the world interviewing people to research the Avatar's journey met 'a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage'.
*** In ''[[The Legend of Korra]]'' Cabbage Corp is mentioned in several episodes before appearing, with a statue of its familiar-looking founder standing by his cart. As the owner is being arrested and his company's assets frozen, he cries out "Not my Cabbage Corp!".
** Various characters forgetting that Toph can't see, to the point where Toph once [[Lampshadeslampshade]]s, "I mean, seriously, what's ''with'' you people?! I'm '''''BLIND!'''''" Toph herself isn't above taking advantage of it in order to pick on others, but one time she gets defensive about not being included in an activity that would ''require'' sight to do. They also subverted it once where Toph mocks Sokka for asking her to take the wheel of an airship, but he wasn't actually talking to her.
{{quote|'''Sokka:''' Take the wheel!
'''Toph:''' That's a great idea! Let the blind girl steer the giant airship!
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