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* [[Vancian Magic]]: The spellcasting system used in older versions of ''NetHack''; the Wizard Patch for [[SLASH'EM]] exchanged this for a more standard [[Magic Points]] system, and was fully merged into the main line of releases as of version 3.3.0.
** Wands still operate on this logic, requiring no magical aptitude to use but possessing a limited number of charges. Scrolls are similar as well, allowing one casting of a given spell per scroll read, and many wands and scrolls have a spell counterpart (e.g. cancellation, fireball, identify, remove curse).
* [[Veganism and Vegetarianism]]: ''NetHack'' tracks [[Self-Imposed Challenge|conducts]] for both vegan and vegetarian diets. The [[Warrior Monk|Monk]] role in particular is expected to maintain at least a vegetarian diet, with small alignment penalties occurring each time they consume meat.
* [[Video Game Caring Potential]]:
** Helping a monster out of a trap might make it peaceful, and you also might get an alignment boost if you're Lawful.
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