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Bond Villain Stupidity: Difference between revisions

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NTom64: Because it's a family film. }}
* In the ''[[Fullmetal Alchemist]]'' manga and Brotherhood series, {{spoiler|Lust stabs Mustang and Havoc and leaves them to bleed to death on the floor and doesn't actually watch them die. Cue her surprise when Mustang comes back to kill her, having cauterized his own wound with fire.}}
* Quite eminent in ''[[Naruto]];'': every time a villain has the hero in the bag, they invariably will stop to gloat, allow said hero to get back up to make the fight more fun, or just decided to be idiots instead of killing them right then and there.
** Notably when Orochimaru had the Third cornered with a kunai and instead of just SLICING HIS HEAD OFF like any smart person decided to {{spoiler|do a huge elaborate drama in which he summon's the Third Hokage's own teachers to kill him, resulting in Orochimaru losing the use of his arms.}}
** Sadistically [[Subverted Trope|Subverted]] by Hidan: he savors killing so much, he toys with poor Asuma to the very end, who really does get [[Killed Off for Real]]- and then [[Double Subverted]] when Shikamaru plots a masterful revenge, [[And I Must Scream|blowing him to pieces and burying him alive.]]
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== Fan Works ==
* In ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', the [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|(Brox)}} asks [[The Dragon]] {{spoiler|(Grunnel)}} why he wouldn't let {{spoiler|her}} kill George and Ringo, who were both useless to them. {{spoiler|Grunnel}} responds with a number of reasons, including that it's funnier to have them powerless and unable to stop the proceedings. (Also, he does genuinely like them.) Later, after it becomes clear that the two have managed to get useful stuff done despite having their magic neutralized, {{spoiler|Grunnel}} apologizes to {{spoiler|Brox}} for being wrong. The latter isn't terribly upset, though, as {{spoiler|she}} believes that they still can't bull their way through dozens of wizards to get into the warehouse.
* Frequently in ''[[Naruto Veangance Revelaitons]]''. For example, Madara manages to defeat Ronan once, but then decides to inject him with a serum and have him go around the world.
* Discussed in ''[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8130614/1/Yu-Gi-Oh-The-Thousand-Year-Door-Redux?__cf_chl_jschl_tk__=pmd_5kG8v9ZMo9auzTvgj_v_F5aBRpX0OsiDveyylpq6M7Y-1635622572-0-gqNtZGzNApCjcnBszQj9 Yu-Gi-Oh! The Thousand Year Door: Redux]''. Vladimir, who is being held hostage by Count Bleck, questions why Bleck orders his henchmen to "restrain" the three protagonists rather than kill them. Bleck does his best to play the part of the hammy [[Card-Carrying Villain]] in response:
{{quote|'''Count Bleck:''' What, think I'm not being evil enough? Maybe I want to take them alive and then torture them... Maybe sting them with scorpions? Shock them with electricity? Force them to watch game shows? ''(laughs)'' But seriously... I know all this is rather odd, but... I've always been a rather odd guy...}}
:* In truth, {{spoiler| Bleck's true reason is, he is [[Playing Both Sides]] and wants the heroes alive so they'll take the main antagonist down, or at least make his job there easier.}}.
== Films -- Live-Action ==
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** At one point she ''is'' about to kill him, realizing that he's no longer necessary to her plans, and in the middle of sharpening her knife when Edmund (currently tied to a tree) is rescued.
* Most if not all of the villains in the ''Twilight'' series fall victim to this. Probably the most egregious are the Volturi. In ''New Moon'', the only reason they don't want to kill Bella is because she looks like she'll make for an interesting vampire. Instead of just biting her then and there and holding her captive to brainwash her into being a member of their guard (which ''Breaking Dawn'' says is what they want from her), they decide to let her go back to Forks, and according to Edward will probably forget about her for thirty years or so, giving the Cullens plenty of time to turn her on their own terms, or hide her. In ''Breaking Dawn'', their goal was apparently to use Renesmee as an excuse to kill the Cullens/force some of them to join the guard. Instead of quickly going to Forks and doing the job, they spend a full month heading over (thus giving Alice a chance to see it and warn the family) and bring a ton of witnesses, which means they have to put on a show of being fair and let the Cullens go. The witnesses aren't even necessary, since [[Word of God]] says that the vampires generally accept the rule of the Volturi as right.
* [[Edgar Allan Poe]]'s "The Pit and the Pendulum" shows that this Trope is [[Older Than They Think]] - where the sinister orchestrators of the [[Spanish Inquisition]] subject the protagonist to ''two'' [[Death Trap]]s, inadvertently enabling him to survive until the French army takes the city and rescues him - shows that this Trope is [[Older Than They Think]].
== Live-Action TV ==
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