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* Kuja of ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' is another male character along the lines of this (though [[Viewer Gender Confusion|his gender isn't necessarily]] [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|obvious at first glance]].) He's quite vain about his appearance and while he doesn't specifically pursue eternal youth, this is probably because he mistakenly believes he's immortal; upon learning that he isn't, he has a [[Suicidal Cosmic Temper Tantrum]] because he can't bear the thought of the world existing without him.
* The evil queen in ''[[Curse of Enchantia]]'' kidnaps Brad (the player's character) as a final ingredient for her spell of constant youth.
* '''Queen Azshara''' from ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. Throughout her entire history (which is thousands of years) she has had the reputation of one of the most powerful sorceresses of Azeroth and one of the most beautiful. She was able to dominate demons as powerful as Xavius via her charms. This is driven home in ''Battle for Azeroth'' where she is first seen in her true form - [[Gorgeous Gorgon| still gorgeous]], despite [[Obviously Evil]] - admiring herself in a waterfall used as a mirror in her lush, exotically decorated palace. Indeed, seeing as the Naga are an aquatic race and her throne room is an air-filled chamber in her undersea palace simply so it can ''have'' a waterfall within it speaks volumes about her vanity.
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