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Justice League (animation)/Radar: Difference between revisions

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** Also from--
** NO! That is ''all''!
** Truthfully, there may have been a valid attempt to stop this from getting past the radar, but writer [[Warren Ellis]] ''demanded'' it be kept, claiming, "We will defend the cleavage with our lives!"
* The episode "Knight of Shadows" included Wonder Woman and Flash rescuing a magazine publisher who was ''very'' obviously a [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]] Hugh Hefner at his Totally not-Playboy mansion. Wondy gets propositioned, and Flash insists he buys the magazines [[I Read It for the Articles|For The Articles]].
** They could have stopped at putting a Playboy mansion in this, but no. They had to take it further by showing us the Hefner [[Captain Ersatz]]' bed room. His bed has a... manly shape to it. Of course, we only got to see this because Wonder Woman wanted to see Hefner's stone. She meant the Philosopher's Stone. He thought she wanted to see something else...
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'''Shayera''': I think I would know.
'''John''': Really? }}
*:* And then a little later in the episode, when the Royal Flush Gang are getting their intro, the camera is poised right at Queen's crotch for a good 2 seconds. Yikes!
*:* Joker isn't exactly subtle about his [[Foe Yay|feelings]] towards Batman in this gem:
{{quote|'''Joker''': Zoom in, I want a [[Freud Was Right|nice shot of Batman! Lower, LOWER!]]}}
*:* At the end of the episode, an injured John is laying in bed (shirtless and possibly naked) and ends the UST between he and Hawkgirl by removing her mask with the romance and slow intensity most movies would use to remove the woman's shirt and passionately kiss her. Black out and cut back to Las Vegas where an old lady (who's been at the slot machine the whole episode) hits the jackpot and exclaims "Finally!" just to let the audience know, yes, GL and Hawkgirl will now bone.
{{quote|'''Old Woman:''' . . . well its '''about time!''' ''*cue jackpot sound*'' (subtle)}}
**:* It's also a reference to fans going berserk over the tension between the two being resolved.
* In the final part of "Starcrossed", during the final battle between Green Lantern and <s> Katar Hol</s> [[Significant Anagram|Hro Talak]] in "Starcrossed", John tells Talak to "[[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|Kiss]] [[Punctuated! For! Emphasis!|my]] [[An Axe to Grind|axe!]] He did make an axe with his ring, but the delivery of the line sounds so much like "ass" that many fans think that's actually what he said.
** In the same episode, [[Martian Manhunter]] delves deep into Kragger (Hro Talak's right hand man)'s head. the first thing he sees is a destroyed statue of Hawkgirl (Talak's fiance, last they knew), followed by a statue of the man [[Ho Yay|right beside]] Talak, so close they could make a ''doorway between their legs.'' [[Bruce Timm]] [http://dcanimated.wikia.com/wiki/Kragger states this was intentional.]
* In "Fearful Symmetry", upon finding out about Galatea, Green Arrow notes that she is identical to Supergirl, just more "mature." The camera is centered squarely on Galatea's chest.
** Not surprising considering [[Power Girl|who]] Galatea is basically an [[Expy]] of. She even has the [[Cleavage Window]]!
*** She even has the [[Cleavage Window]]!
* All of this and no mention of the implied pedophilia in "Wild Cards"? The claim apparently carries enough weight to persuade Harley that the Joker sees Ace as a bit more than "just a kid."
** ''Implied!?'' it was a plot point.
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* The episode "This Little Piggy" has a pretty good one, right before Circe turns Wonder Woman into a pig.
{{quote|'''Circe''': "When I'm done with you, Hippolyta won't want you for a daughter, and your pointy eared boyfriend here won't want you for ''anything''."}}
*:* The commentary is even funnier as the producers point out how Bruce is nicer to Diana when she's a pig than when she's a person, especially since they note this during the scene where he's ''petting her.'' Diana would've had a fit if she knew.
* In "Ultimatum", Batman says "Mine are bigger than yours." to Amanda Waller. Of course, he was talking about how he had Superman and Aquaman on his side while she just had [[Mooks]].
** The fact that he gives a (rather forced-looking) grin when he says it doesn't help. This ''is'' [[Anti-Hero|Bat]][[Badass|man]], after all.
* Only sex-''related'', but this troper noticed something on "This Little Piggy". Wonder Woman is looking wistfully at the couples out on the town, and as her eyes move from one couple to the next, they also just ''happen'' to be following [[Ho Yay|two men walking together]] at the same time.
** Similarly, Batman's famous nightclub blues ballad includes one quick shot of the audience. Comprised entirely of male couples. It appears Batman sang the blues at a gay club.
*** This troper thinks that Circe might've just wanted an all-male audience for vanity's sake. That being said...I prefer the above explanation.
* How about in "Paradise Lost" with the blatant, in-your-face rape imagery?
* In the episode "Hawk and Dove"...
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* In "The Balance," in the scene where the League's magical members are freaking out, record and reverse Zatanna's backwards ramblings. She's saying [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zCHI1LXqUs "All is lost! Faust sits on the throne of Hell!"] And other than it being reversed, it's in no way censored.
** And let us not forget, from the same episode, Flash announcing to the entire lunchroom: "I had dinner with two women at the same time. Cause I'm a stud~!"
*** ...and then accidentally squelching his hand into a plate of mashed potatoes, standing there awkwardly with [http://i40.tinypic.com/3584ged.jpg white gunk] all over his hands, and then [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|licking it off.]]
* In "Ancient History", when Vixen and Hawk Girl are teasing each other back and forth while exercising, Vixen comments that Hawk Girl should stop lifting weights or she'll start getting bulky. Hawk Girl replies that she's just trying to maintain her girlish figure, then trails of grumbling [[Pettanko|"My girlish, girlish figure..."]] while the camera centers on her chest.
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