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** And Chapter 485 seems to be setting this up for the fight between {{spoiler|Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto has likely just been inflicted with a life-threatening poison just before he starts fighting Sasuke.}} In this case it's less Worf Had the Flu and more like leveling the playing field, as {{spoiler|Sasuke is completely exhausted.}} It still counts since {{spoiler|Naruto would likely [[Curb Stomp Battle|completely crush]] Sasuke in both a fair fight and with only Sasuke being exhausted with no handicap for Naruto, but in this situation, the outcome is thrown up in the air. Subverted because, regardless of who is handicapped and how, it's clear that the villains are going to escape to fight another day.}}
** And going back allllll the way, Naruto's crappy abilities with chakra control are implied to be due to the Kyuubi's chakra inside him. Once he started getting his jutsu under control, he was learning jounin level skills (albeit in a wasteful manner—thank the Sage of Six Paths that he's got enough chakra to burn) and a technique that requires a practically impossible level of chakra control.
* ''[[Dragonball Z]]'':
* Goku's heart virus thing while fighting Android 19 in ''[[Dragonball Z]]''. This is actually taken to the extent of an [[Alternate Universe]], where without the aid of [[Future Badass|Trunks]], Goku died from the virus, [[Bad Future|and well...]]
** Goku's heart virus thing while fighting Android 19 in This is actually taken to the extent of an [[Alternate Universe]], where without the aid of [[Future Badass|Trunks]], Goku died from the virus, [[Bad Future|and well...]] While Android 19 was indeed programed with the intent to counter Goku's fighting style, it was made clear he would ''never'' have stood a chance had Goku been at full health. Made clearer when, after defeating Goku, he gets cocky and [[Bullying a Dragon| tries to take on Vegeta]]. Seeing as Vegeta does ''not'' have any illness, uses a completely different fighting style, and has undergone ''three years'' of [[Training From Hell]] to prepare for this very day, it's [[Curb Stomp Battle| easy to predict how it goes for 19]].
** Also happens much earlier when the series when Goku is defeated by Yamcha because he is extremely hungry.
** Also happens when Goku loses to King Piccolo's minion Tambourine, but only because Goku was exhausted from fighting in the Tenckaichi Budokai. Tambourine is confident he can win again in the rematch, but things don't go so well for him.
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