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== [[Fan Works]] ==
* In ''[[The Return (fanfic)|The Return]]'' Succubae are all [[Hermaphrodite|female]] [[Viral Transformation|regardless of what gender they were as a human]].
* In some ''[[Harry Potter]]'' fanfiction, Veela are a singe-gender race who reproduce with human men. Depending on the story, male children are human, or there are never male offspring from such a union.
== [[Film]] ==
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* ''[[Babylon 5]]'': All the pak'ma'ra you see are male ... like a [[Gender Flip]] of the real life deep sea-angler fish, the female of their species is a limbless symbiote. That, as it turns out, is what the hump that some (but not all) of their species possess is. A pak'ma'ra without a hump should be considered 'single'.
* The centaurs in ''[[Xena: Warrior Princess]]'' are all male. They reproduce with human women.
* The Moclan from ''[[The Orville]]'' are insistent they are a single-gender race, despite evidence to the contrary.
== [[Oral Tradition]], [[Folklore]], Myths and Legends ==
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** The original Greek depiction of the very human Amazon civilization variably implied they replenished their numbers the way most warrior cultures did, from [[Abduction Is Love|invading villages]]. And depending on how charitable the writer was, any male children were either returned to be reared in those villages, or killed.
** Most bizarre of all, [[Hesiod]] apparently considered ''humanity'' to be all male before the gods "cursed" men with the horror of living with women, ruining human society forever. [[Sarcasm Mode|Nope, no misogyny here.]]
** [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Centaurides#:~:text=The%20Centaurides%20(Ancient%20Greek%3A%20%CE%9A%CE%B5%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1%CF%85%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%B4%CE%B5%CF%82,Greek%20art%20and%20Roman%20mosaics. With centaurs,] it was [[Depending on the Writer]]. The poet Philostratus the Elder gave a brief description of "Centaurides" in the story ''[[Imagines]]'', and [[Ovid]] mentioned one namedin ''[[Metamorphoses]]'' named Hylonome, in a passage where she was mourning her mate Cyllarus who had perished at the battle against the Lapiths that occurred after Pirithous' wedding. [[Shakespeare]] himself briefly mentioned them in ''[[King Lear]]''.
== [[Tabletop Games]] ==
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** Breeding a male only creature (We'll say Tauros) with anything (apart from Ditto) will never, ever get you another Tauros. If you breed it with a Ditto, the implication seems to be it became a female bull. Sort of.
** Dittos are also genderless until they transform. In-Universe, nobody knows the difference between a male and female Pokémon, aside from Gen 4 on, which have a few visible differences (Pikachu with a heart shaped tail, for example). Nobody knows how they make eggs either, but that's going off topic.
** It becomes ridiculous when you consider legendaries. Presumably the reason Legendaries are Genderless (besides breeding Legendaries being a [[Game Breaker]] should it ever happen) is because they're immortal and don't need to breed. But then you get Legendaries like Heatran (male or female) and the Genie Trio (Thunderus, Tornadus and Landorus) who are specific genders confusing the issue. This becomes even more peculiar when you compare the anime storyline where [[Monster Is a Mommy| Lugia actually had a child]]; exactly who Lugia's mate could have been is anyone's guess.
* The Dremora from ''[[The Elder Scrolls]]'' are all men, except for one (randomly generated) Dremora lord from ''[[The Elder Scrolls]] IV: Oblivion''. In addition, both the Golden Saints and Dark Seducers of the [[Expansion Pack]] have a similar but reversed gender ratio, though there are considerably more male Golden Saints and Dark Seducers than female Dremora. It's proclaimed by an in-game book as [[Justified Trope|justified]], saying that Mehrunes Dagon (creator of said Dremora) sees females as inferior in war. No one said the god of war was politically correct, and Dremora are entirely immortal and entirely sterile, technically not even making them a species at all. As they have no interest in sex at all, and may not even [[Nonhumans Lack Attributes|be equipped for that in the first place]], gender is more of an aesthetic concern, anyway.
* Zig-Zagged in ''[[World of Warcraft]]''. The developers clearly didn't write the races as a One-Gender Race, but looking at the playerbase you'd probably jump to this conclusion. While most player characters were obviously male or female depending on the race (Night elves were mostly female; Trolls were mostly male) and some races were about equal ratio (Humans, gnomes, Undead) but you'd be hard-pressed to find a female dwarf who isn't an NPC! It was even a joke saying that dwarves were a race of "Reverse amazons" on the board for a while in classic. Tauren and Orc women are likewise rare in terms of player characters.
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