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==Serious Examples ==
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=== [[Literature]] ===
* [[Terry Pratchett]]'s ''[[Discworld]]'' novels have played with this.
** There were two attempts by the older witches in the Lancre Coven to explain it to Magrat (who's almost a [[Chaste Hero]]ine). In ''[[Discworld/Wyrd Sisters|Wyrd Sisters]]'', Granny Weatherwax quickly decides (as she did with Esk in ''[[Discworld/Equal Rites|Equal Rites]]'') that she's not up to the task, being a [[Celibate Hero]]ine herself. In ''[[Discworld/Lords and Ladies|Lords and Ladies]]'', the decidedly non-celibate Nanny Ogg makes a more spirited attempt which is completely misunderstood ("After the wedding, is what I'm hinting about." "Oh, ''that''. No, most of that's being done by a caterer."), although it later transpires that Magrat was deliberately winding her up (and instead has sent away for a book on the subject, which turns out to be on ''martial arts,'' not marital arts). Verrence instead gets his information from [[Casanova|Casanunda]] and [[Bawdy Song|an interesting song sung by Nanny Ogg]]. They eventually also manage to get a proper book on marital arts; Nanny finds it one day while snooping around in the Royal bedroom. She spends a few productive minutes drawing mustaches on the pictures, which leads to Verence asking where he could buy some false mustaches. They apparently figure it out eventually, as ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'' starts with the birth of their daughter.
** In ''[[Discworld/The Last Continent|The Last Continent]]'', a group of wizards have to try to explain to the God of Evolution what sex is. It leads to a very, very amusing conversation, and gets even more awkward for the wizards when the normally straitlaced housekeeper, Mrs. Whitlow, volunteers to explain "the facts of life" to the God (and prompts the wizards to wonder, out of morbid curiouity, what Mr. Whitlow's life was like).
** At another point in the book, when the wizards are facing down the notion that they are the only men and Mrs. Whitlow the only woman who are likely to come along for some time (like thousands of years), they speculate that there must have been a Mr. Whitlow at some point, because she's, well, ''Mrs.'' Whitlow. A different book references a "Hepzibah Whitlow" in passing, who may be related, and, if the actual wizard rules on marriage (frowned upon, but never actually forbidden, as such) are anything to go by, may even be the man we're looking for.
** Subverted in ''[[Discworld/Mort|Mort]]'' when the ancient Arch-Wizard Albert tells the titular character that ".. there's some things a lad ought to be tole before he's sixteen." Mort is about to explain that he ''already'' knows about The Talk, but then Albert clarifies he wasn't talking about that.
*** [[Call Back]] in ''[[Discworld/Soul Music (novel)|Soul Music]]'', when Albert has a very similar conversation with Mort's daughter, Susan.
** Whenever the subject comes up, Tiffany Aching comments that she knows about this already because of her numerous older sisters. She also witnessed her brother's birth, since nobody bothered to send her away.
*** Don't forget she was born on a sheep farm. She knows about the... red bags of chalk tied to the rams.
** In ''[[Discworld/I Shall Wear Midnight|I Shall Wear Midnight]]'', Tiffany finds herself having to ''give'' the talk to Letitia, who doesn't believe her.
** Averted in the case of Carrot Ironfounderson, whose adoptive dwarf parents had intended to give him The Talk at ''dwarf'' adolescence, i.e. age 50. Carrot's girlfriend Angua opts for demonstration over explanation.
* The parody "To The Batpole!" in the anthology ''Batman Unauthorized'' imagines how this conversation might have gone between a teenaged [[Batman|Bruce Wayne]] and Alfred.
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