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* John Kennedy Toole took great care to transcribe the accents of his New Orleans characters as perfectly as possible in ''[[A Confederacy of Dunces]]''. Ooo-wee!
* [[Discworld|Terry Pratchett]] does it a lot, too - the Nac Mac Feegle are a whole race of tiny [[Violent Glaswegian]]s, Granny Weatherwax's warning sign for when she's out "borrowing" reads ''I aten't dead'' (admittedly that's more because spelling's optional in most parts of the Disc), and Death even speaks in {{small-caps|his own font}}.
** Igorth lithp, even in wordth where it would be unneceththeththary. And are apparently doing it on purpose. The more modern ones occasionally forget, and will on occasion forgo it when they need to explain something really complicated, like in ''[[Discworld/Making Money|Making Money]]''.
** Pronouncing words with correct phonetics is also sometimes used in these when a character is obviously repeating the word from hearing it but not properly learning it, such as Nanny Ogg saying "swarray" in ''[[Maskerade]]'', or Granny Weatherwax's "Jograffy."
*** Or, as with Tiffany's vocabulary, if they'd learned the word from a dictionary that didn't include pronunciations.
* The book ''[[Good Omens]]'', coauthored by Pratchett and [[Neil Gaiman]], uses and parodies this with Shadwell, whose accent is described as an arbitrary and inconsistent mixture of British regional dialects.
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[[Category:This Trope Name References Itself]]
[[Category:Accent Tropes]]
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