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Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Difference between revisions

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* Amusingly enough, in the comic book crossover between ''[[Spy Boy]]'' and ''[[Young Justice (comics)|Young Justice]]'', Robin actually asks Spy Boy's team if they indeed took the Stormtrooper Marksmanship course—never realizing that HE was also displaying Stormtrooper level of accuracy.
* Parodied in an old ''[[Heavy Metal (animation)|Heavy Metal]]'' magazine where the heroes of the story are escaping from an enemy castle and none of the archers are able to hit them. One of the archers becomes fed up, takes aim, and proceeds to kill all three of the heroes with the next three shots. His celebration is cut short when his commanding officer reprimands him for the deed, stating that they were all missing on purpose and that the story couldn't continue now that the protagonists were dead.
* In one ''[[Twisted ToyfareToyFare TheaterTheatre]]'' issue, a bunch of troublemaking Stormtroopers of various types are forced to community service in a retirement home for the Empire's most honored veterans: The Clone Troopers.
{{quote|'''Stormtrooper:''' Wow, so you guys actually used to, you know, ''hit things'' with your guns?
'''Clone Trooper:''' Oh, yeah. Jedi, droids, small children... One time I hit the broad side of a ''barn!''
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