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* Most of the characters in ''[[Les Misérables]]'' had this kind of childhood, but Gavroche in particular embodies the trope.
* Vin from ''[[Mistborn]]'' by Brandon Sanderson was a street urchin who survived in relative physical and psychical health only because of her yet undeveloped but useful awesome magical talent.
* In the ''[[Discworld]]'' novel ''[[Discworld/Night Watch (Discworld)|Night Watch]]'', the young Nobby Nobbs is described as a street urchin, on the grounds that he's small, prickly, and smells like fish. As the book was a pastiche of ''Les Miserables'', he served as the stand-in for Gavroche.
* Arya in ''[[A Song of Ice and Fire]]'' spends some time playing the street urchin, both genuinely and as part of {{spoiler|learning to be a magical assassin}}. In the Dunk and Egg stories, Dunk recalls his earliest memories as an urchin in the slums of King's Landing. The streetfighting skills he learned there have saved him on more than one occasion.
* Bean of the ''[[Ender's Game|Ender]]'' series was one, as revealed in ''Ender's Shadow''. His friend Poke was the cross-dressing kind, though everyone knew she was a girl.
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