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Political Stereotype: Difference between revisions

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{{tropeUseful Notes}}
{{cleanup|The examples section contains no examples from outside of the USA. Examples from other countries are requested.}}
==== Australia ====
InThis page is about any case,kind of way that media tries to make the "other side" look bad. thereThere are lots of variations on stereotypes. Not all stereotypes are bad, and not all of them are ''entirely'' inaccurate (or defamatory). But they can offend people.
If a negative stereotype was created just to make the hero look good, or [[Author Avatar|his]] [[Author Tract|views seem right]], then it is a [[Strawman Political]].
See also [[Blonde Republican Sex Kitten]] and [[Granola Girl]]. If you are from another country, please feel free to put in your stereotypes.
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{{examples|Stereotypes by Country}}
==== Australia ====
* ''Labor Party'': There are two relevant stereotypes.
** Socially conservative proletarian union-member that only wants more welfare handouts and hasn't realized that Marxism is wrong. Will go on strike at the slightest provocation. Is a closet racist. This stereotype is typically directed towards the ALP's Union base.
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* ''The Greens'': Drug-addled nature-worshipping anti-industrial anti-capitalist homosexuals that want us all to return to the caves and hold hands around the (communal!) fire and sing "Kumbaya" together.
==== Canada ====
* Broadly similar to the United States, although [[The Commonwealth|the country's political system is based on Britain's.]]
* Liberal: [[Bourgeois Bohemian|Out-of-touch university-educated elitists]], likely to be white and Anglo-Saxon despite many supporters being recent immigrants ([[Reality Is Unrealistic|of which Canada has quite a lot]]).
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* If Canada's parties were a [[Five-Man Band]] (which is convenient, [[Shaped Like Itself|since there actually are five]]) they would be as follows: Conservatives - [[The Big Guy]], Liberals - [[The Smart Guy]], NDP - [[The Heart]], Bloc - [[Token Evil Teammate]], Greens - [[The Chick]].
==== Ireland ====
* ''Fianna Fáil'': upper middle class businessmen and lawyers with faulty memories when it comes to personal finances and a [[The Corruptible|penchant for corruption]]. [[Not So Different|What Fine Gael would be like in power.]]
* ''Fine Gael'': Inept political opportunists always eager for a bandwagon to jump on. [[Not So Different|What Fianna Fáil would be like if not in power.]]
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* ''Independants'': Random people loyal only to the interests of their constituents and/or being re-elected by said consitutents, with far too much power to influence the shape of the government.
==== Russia ====
* ''United Russia (ER)'': The party of [[Vladimir Putin]], Dmitry Medvedev, and 40% of Russia. A centrist-conservative-left party that supports the Kremlin's plans for centralization and unity, turning Russia from [[The Federation]] into [[The Republic]]. Supporters are mocked as either [[Why We're Bummed Communism Fell|nostalgic for the days when the Soviet government ruled everything]], [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|plutocrats]] who are tied up with the [[Russian Mafia]], [[Make the Bear Angry Again|neo-militarists]], or [[Bandwagon Technique|unimaginative people who follow Putin because so many others do]].
* ''Communist Party of the Russian Federation (KPRF)'': The second-largest party, supported by about 19% of the people. Mostly supported by old people and scientists who [[Why We're Bummed Communism Fell|miss the security of the Soviet days]] before the [[Russian Mafia]] took over, plus the [[Josef Stalin]] fans, but have placed a [[Nostalgia Filter]] over the tyrannical aspects of the [[Soviet Union]].
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* ''Party For People Freedom" (PARNAS): Everyone who don't want to cooperate with Putin. Party is banned.
==== Singapore ====
* ''The PAP'': The ruling party. Has been in power for a longer time than the country has actually existed. Supporters are mocked as extremely conservative, well-off, bureaucratic and stuffy white picket fence traditionalists who would happily give up freedom of speech and expression just as long as the money keeps rolling in.
* ''The Opposition'': Every other political party in the country falls under this, such is the domination of the PAP. Citizens often cannot tell the Worker's Party, the Singapore Democratic Party, the National Solidarity Party etc. apart. Supporters are mocked as young, naive, Internet-addicted starry-eyed idealists who don't have real jobs and complain for the sake of complaining.
==== Switzerland ====
* ''Christian Democratic People's Party (CVP)'': Wishy-washy, nice Cloud Cuckoo Landers[[Cloudcuckoolander]]s whom nobody's listening to, anyway. Want to uphold the social market economy to neither offend the big business capitalists who propagate economic freedom nor the wacky socialists in their quest for, well...social justice. Due to the "C" in their party name, they are always stammering about social/family values just in order to sound relevant.
* ''Social Democratic Party (SP)'': Damn socialists (see above) and pacifist sissies who hate guns and aim to ruin the country through welfare programs, universal health care and above all, dragging poor Switzerland into the European Union, seeking to destroy her great heritage of independence, neutrality and her strong economy. Oh, and they are drug addicts, of course.
* ''Free Democratic Party (FDP)'': Greedy loan sharks who promote big business and a strong, capitalist economy (see above). Libertarian to the core.
* ''Swiss People's Party (SVP)'': Retarded, right-wing xenophobes who want to keep Switzerland isolated from the influence of every country which is not so great as her, which would happen to be every nation which does not tend to begin with "switzer" and end with "land". Despite pretending to be on the farmer's side, they suck up to the rich ones by propagating tax cuts for them.
==== Taiwan ====
* ''Kuomintang (Nationalist Party, KMT)'': The KMT leads the Pan-Blue Coalition in Taiwan, and is the oldest Chinese party, dating back to 1919. It used to be the only party in Taiwan until about 20 yearsthe ago1990s. Its supporters are [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|plutocrats]] who want to take control of all of China under a "One China" policy, and have sold out to the Communists by promoting rapprochement.
* ''Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)'': The DPP is the [[Bourgeois Bohemian]] party of new-age progressive democrats who want Taiwan to become its own country, but do not realize doing that would risk war with [[Red China]].
==== United Kingdom ====
* ''Labour'': [[Working Class People Are Morons|working-class]] benefits scrounger, [[The Illegal|illegal immigrant]], asylum seeker, or all three. Plus the [[Bourgeois Bohemian|"champagne socialists"]] (rich progressives), who are seen as eating tofu and hummus, as well as being knee-jerk Anti-Tory and having an obsessive desire to be identified with the working-class. Will inevitably morph once in office to become ultra-authoritarian. Spend all the money they have and indeed, the money they don't have. If this spending results in increased efficiency (however small), it is obviously a massive success. If it doesn't work, throw more money at it and the problem will sort itself out.
* ''Conservatives'': Better known as [[w:Tory|Tories]], though not (quite) officially. [[Upper Class Twit|Upper-class public-school toffs]] who want to take more money from the poor to give to the rich, and have duped the workers. They are either mocked as ultra-traditionalist "Shire Tories" who live in the countryside and are obsessed with the nobility and Victorian values; or otherwise slimy young middle-class libertarians who want to abolish the NHS while everyone's backs are turned.
* ''Liberal Democrat'': Cloudcuckoolander who believes his party will ever get in power, or alternatively Labour-lite. [[Funny Aneurysm Moment|Actually got to (share) power for a few years,]] precipitating a switch to a ''Tory''-Lite image. Once a party which was seen as 'trendy' to support, 'cos the others were too mainstream or something like that. These days, also stereotyped as somewhat hypocritical for jumping into bed with a party they had previously talked about as if it was their archnemesis.<ref>ok, that's every other party in this list...</ref>
* ''Green'' : The Bog-Standard Green Stereotype. Bunch of bonkers hippy throwbacks, probably want to extend voting rights to fish, want the NHS to give more priority to crystal healing than heart transplants, are inherently suspicious of anything that could conceivably benefit humanity. Very vocal in their support of certain social justice movements in recent years, but whether that's genuine or simply a desire to look relevant is a matter of opinion.
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* ''Independents'' : Principled egalitarians who prefer to stay above the pettiness of party politics. In reality though, they are just too egotistical/ugly to join a real party.
==== United States ====
* ''Democrat / Progressive / Liberal'': [[Granola Girl|Tree-hugging]], [[Straw Feminist|abortion]]-[[Eats Babies|loving]], [[Does Not Like Guns|gun-hating]], [[Animal Wrongs Group|bleeding-heart]] [[Soapbox Sadie|ACLU member]] who [[Boomerang Bigot|hates America]], [[Big Brother Is Watching|wants a government telescreen sticking out of every wall]], enjoys killing fetuses and the elderly, and [[You Fail Economics Forever|doesn't understand economics]].
* ''Republican / Conservative'':
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* ''Green'': Like Democrat, but kinda goofy, has [[Green Aesop|way more emphasis on hugging trees]], and likely to be a drug addict. [[You Fail Economics Forever|Passed up economics class altogether]] [[Animal Wrongs Group|to take another elective on Snowy Owl habitats.]] The [[Hufflepuff House]] of American Politics. Their perpetual presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, is seen as a doddering old man who stole Al Gore's victory and gave the presidency to [[George W. Bush]]. Now both the left and the right can hate the Greens.
* '' Constitution''- similar to republican, with antisemitism and isolationism . Are often accused of not wanting to actually follow the constitution, are disliked by the right for being against free trade, and the left for pretty much everything else, and [[You Fail Economics Forever|doesn't understand economics]].
* ''Tea Party'': Not an actual party, but the name for a movement. The extreme right wing of the Republican Party, a [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]] with a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]. Supporters are either [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|plutocrats who don't want to pay one cent more on taxes]], violent nationalists, archaic fundamentalists, or rubes who have been duped into opposing progressive social reforms that could actually help them.<ref>That's a lost cause - Americans have been taught to think that anything that has any whiff of socialism is evil, so they will ''never'' support progressive social reforms that could actually help them.</ref> Represented and unofficially led by [[Glenn Beck]] and [[Sarah Palin]]. Stereotyped as having [[No Indoor Voice]]. And [[Running Gag|doesn't understand economics]].
* ''Occupy Wall Street'': The left wing version of the Tea Party. Seen as "overeducated" hipsters who don't want to work but want the government to give everything to them, have no respect for authority and laws, rape people in tents, and is completely unorganized with no central cause, as it is made up of progressives, populists, libertarians, anarchists, and everyone in between. They also hate rich people and want to [[Eat the Rich|eat them]], which is proof that they [[Overly Long Gag|don't understand economics]].
If you are from another country, please feel free to put in your stereotypes.
In any case, there are lots of variations on stereotypes. Not all stereotypes are bad, and not all of them are ''entirely'' inaccurate (or defamatory). But they can offend people.
This trope is about any kind of way that media tries to make the "other side" look bad.
== United States ==
See also: [[Blonde Republican Sex Kitten]] and [[Granola Girl]].
=== [[Film]] ===
If a negative stereotype was created just to make the hero look good, or [[Author Avatar|his]] [[Author Tract|views seem right]], then it is a [[Strawman Political]].
== Film ==
* The Film Actors' Guild ([[Fun with Acronyms|FAG]]), from the film ''[[Team America]]: World Police'', is a parody of strawman liberals, to the point where they ally with Kim Jong-Il (the film's [[Big Bad]]) in a misguided attempt to bring peace to the world. The heroes approach the conservative side, although they are clearly a bunch of bungling destructive idiots.
* The movie ''Shooter'' had the cartoonishly evil Republican Senator Charles Meachum.
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* [[General Ripper]] from ''[[Dr. Strangelove]]'', who launches a nuclear strike on the USSR because he believes water fluoridation to be a Communist plot. Some [[Truth in Television]] in that one—that belief was ''actually held'' by some members of the [[Right-Wing Militia Fanatic|far-right John Birch Society.]]
* Stephen King's ''[[The Mist]]'' has as an antagonist a crazy old lady, Mrs. Carmody, who rallies the scared people to offer a ''human sacrifice'' to appease the deadly mist... apparently as demanded by God in [[The Bible]], citations of actual verses be darned.
** See also [[AuthorWriter Onon Board|every single]] [[The Fundamentalist|Christian character]] he's ever depicted, ever.
=== [[Live -Action TV]] ===
* ''[[The Colbert Report]]'', as a satirical pundit show, has both. Stephen Colbert's entire purpose for existing is to serve as a strawman conservative. In the early days of the show he was occasionally contrasted with liberal strawman milquetoast Russ Lieber, played by comedian David Cross. More recently, he has begun imagining his liberal opposite from a [[Mirror Universe]], who wears tweed jackets and has a mustache, among other things.
** Briefly, during the show's coverage of the Vancouver Olympics, he also had a dour effete French Canadian counterpart who hosted the "Colbert Report" (both "t"'s pronounced)
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* In ''[[Dharma and Greg]]'' the main characters parents were this, Dharma's being a mix of Democrat and Green and Greg's straight Republican, especially Greg's mother and Dharma's father.
=== [[Western Animation]] ===
* ''[[American Dad]]'' - Stan Smith, the gun-toting CIA-operative lead is a Strawman Conservative, played for laughs. His daughter Hayley is a Strawman Liberal, played for laughs as well. Hayley generally comes across as the more sensible of the two. In a departure from this trope's norms, Stan is consistently portrayed with sympathy and insight.
** Beyond being a Strawman Conservative, Stan's major "thing" is that he will latch immediately onto any ideology that catches his fancy. For example, he once briefly converted to Islam because Francine was bugging him and he liked the idea of being able to control his wife. Stan is a universal strawman: an impulsive zealot, but lovable enough that the writers can use him to parody and pillory the excesses of any political position without losing the audience.
* Lisa from ''[[The Simpsons (animation)|The Simpsons]]'' has generally been cast as the [[Granola Girl]] / [[Soapbox Sadie]] type of Straw Liberal. After noticing they were basically [[AuthorWriter Onon Board|using her as a mouthpiece for their own views]], the writing staff unofficially agreed to stop making episodes centering on her politics.
* ''[[South Park]]''....where to start?{{context|reason=Start at a place where people who have never seen the show can follow along.}}
* Ralph Kane from ''[[Wait Till Your Father Gets Home]]'' is a deliberately over-the-top caricature of the late-1960s/early-1970s ultra-right anticommunist.
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