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(→‎Tabletop Games: Added example)
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* A global glacier surrounds the only habitable continent on all of [[Darkover]], literally called The Wall Around the World by the inhabitants.
* In ''[[Chanters of Tremaris|The Singer of All Songs]]'', the order of priestesses known as the Daughters of Taris live surrounded by a giant wall of ice. They are the only people who can use ice magic, so they control who can come in and out.
* The great Agatean Wall in ''[[Discworld/Interesting Times|Interesting Times]]'' is more to keep everyone inside, rather than other people out. According to the leaders, there is nothing but ghost and vampire-filled wasteland outside it.
* In the ''[[Con Sentiency|Dosadi Experiment]]'' the whole eponymous planet is encased inside "God Wall" [[Deflector Shields|barrier]] as a part of said experiment. Not that it's ''completely'' impassable, but for [[The Masquerade|most people]] inside it is.
* The Land of Elyon, a children's series by Patrick Carman, has walls surrounding the inhabited cities and the roads that link them. The main character finds a way out of the walls, despite the fear of many of the other characters about what is beyond the walls.
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** Also, the glass dome enclosing Springfield in [[The Movie]].
** And the wall made of garbage separating Springfield from New Springfield.
* In ''[[Futurama]]'', the Planet Express crew visits the Edge of the Universe, which has a convenient viewing platform. They are able to look through binoculars at the Universe Next Door, (which is apparently cowboy-themed).
{{quote|''Fry:'' Wow. So there's an infinite number of parallel universes?
''Professor Farnsworth:'' No, just the two. }}
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