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== Literature ==
* In the [[Young Bond]] novel ''Blood Fever'', Bond fights a secret society dedicated to recreating the Roman Empire.
* ''[[Discworld]]'':
** In ''[[Discworld/Men At Arms|Men at Arms,]]'', Edward D'Eath wants to bring Ankh-Morpork back to the days of aristocracy.
** Another Discworld example is theThe villain in ''[[The Fifth Element|The Fifth Elephant]]'', who tries to force the new king of the dwarves of [[Überwald]] into civil war because {{spoiler|she}} views him as too sympathetic to modern mores.
== Tabletop Games ==
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* ''[[SCP Foundation]]'':
** [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/tuftos-proposal Tufto's Proposal] for [[The Spook|SCP-001]] describes {{spoiler|the Scarlet King}}, who is more or less the [[Big Bad]] of the series and the embodiment of this Trope, representing all hate towards the modern world. This is in fact the claim made by [[The Dragon|Dipesh Spivak]], the leader of the most notorious cult that worships it.
** It is theorized that [https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-953 SCP-953] is this, and the reason why, after escaping a Foundation facility, she crashed a [[Furry Fandom]] convention and murdered several convention-goers. SCP-953 is a kumiho, a Korean [[Yokai]]{{verify|reason=Do Koreans really use Japanese terms to refer to their mythological beings?}} fox-spirit who seduces men in order to kill them and eat their livers. Many researchers believe her hatred for furry cosplayers and otaku stems from her past, where spirits like her were worshipedworshipped and feared by humans. She seems to view modern humans who attend these conventions as mocking and insulting her.
== Western Animation ==
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