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'''Note:''' This is such a [[Universal Trope]] that, instead of listing every single cartoon animal in the world, we will instead list notable exceptions and subversions.
== Exceptions, Subversions, Aversions, and [[Notable]] Examples ==
=== [[Advertising]] ===
* In a DQ ad, a "rock and roll falcon" gives the heavy metal/evil eye sign with both wings.
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* A rather unusual subversion takes place in the videogame ''[[Godzilla]]: Unleashed''. Both [[Our Dragons Are Different|King Ghidorah]] and [[We Can Rebuild Him|Mecha-King Ghidorah]], who both just happen to be three-headed dragons, use two of their heads/mouths as arms/hands to pick things up. Likewise, [[Giant Flyer|Rodan]] just picks things up with his talons.
** Then again, this is in line with some of the films, in which Ghidora's heads are essentially hand puppets.
* The [[Everything Is's Better Withwith Penguins|penguins]] in ''[[RuneScape]]'' have no fingers. So in the quest where you have to teach them to make music (for the National Anthem, no less), you have to make instruments that does not require fingers. You end up with a cowbell and a bongo.
* Another very strange example is ''[[The Lion King]]'' level of ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]''. As mentioned elsewhere, it is a perfect storm of [[Furry Confusion]]. Not least because we finally get to see what [[Donald Duck]] looks like as a non-Anthropomorphic bird; he has functioning wings, can fly, and carries his staff in his claws. Usually he has [http://i36.tinypic.com/30ur9rm.png very human-like hands]. Likewise, when Sora becomes a non-Anthro lion ([[Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!|it is a long story]]), he carries the Keyblade in his teeth. In the "opening the next path" cutscene, Sora holds the Keyblade with his suddenly-prehensile tail in order to aim at the target.
** And then on the subject of the actual movie, the trope is played around with. Rafiki being a monkey, he does have real hands. Zazu sometimes gestures with his wings, which sometimes become hand-like, but at least he doesn't pick anything up with them. The lions use their dewclaws as thumbs, sometimes using them as hands. This is most obvious with Scar, as seen when he's tormenting a mouse (he even raises his pinky!) and in his [[Villain Song]]. Timon the meerkat is a bit odd. Meerkats in real life have very long, black claws at the ends of their stubby beige paws, so the animators gave Timon perfectly humanoid hands with black fingers to represent these. He pretty much always walks upright; from the waist up he uses his hands like a human would, both grasping and gesturing often.
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[[Category:Funny Animal Anatomy]]
[[Category:Avian Tropes]]
[[Category:Fine Feathered Tropes]]
[[Category:Animal Anthropomorphism Tropes]]
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