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== [[Literature]] ==
* ''[[The Chronicles of Narnia]]'': The seventh book features a monkey trickster who makes people believe in a fake Aslan that is really a donkey in a cheap lion costume.
* <s>Scientology?</s> Nothing to see here. There's Fosterism in ''[[Stranger in Aa Strange Land]]''.
** Ironically, though Fosterism was founded by scam artists looking to get paid (and laid) by gullible people, their Supreme Bishops {{spoiler|become archangels when they die. Or perhaps resume archangelic identities they had prior to being born on Earth. It's not that clear.}}
* Bokononism in ''[[Cat's Cradle]]''. Quite openly.
* Hillman Hunter of ''[[The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy/And Another Thing|And Another Thing]]'' has one of these and is shocked when the apocalypse he's been preaching not only happens, but his cult is let off the planet in time, which (at least superficially) is just as he predicted.
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** That said, the episode about Mormonism was pretty much entirely "Woah, Mormonism is a load of bull -- but Mormons are the sweetest people on Earth, so who cares?"
* ''[[Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (animation)|Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers]]'' once had Gadget half-heartedly attempt to join a soda-worshiping cult of mice. The evil second-in-command of the cult was using all the belongings new members gave up and keeping them.
* Sympathetic example: in the ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'' episode "The Painted Lady", {{spoiler|Katara}} starts one of her own. As she helps some villagers, they mistake her for their local deity—anddeity — and instead of [[Unwanted False Faith|trying to clear up the mistake]], she chooses to make the most of it, turning herself into a false deity for them to worship. Of course, the villagers are outraged when they find out that she has deceived them, but they quickly forgive her since they realize that the help she gave them was genuine rather than part of some manipulative plot. {{spoiler|After the whole thing is over, it turns out that the Painted Lady actually does exist -- and she is pleased with Katara's deeds}}.
* In ''[[Prince of Egypt]]'', this is how the Egyptian mythology is portrayed. The High Priests replicate Moses' stick-to-snake miracle, but it's all about creative lighting, ominous statues and chanting, sleight-of-hand tricks and a big helping of showmanship. While Rameses is impressed, he fails to notice that Moses' snake devours the priests' snakes during the [[Villain Song]]. The priests are later exposed when they prove to be utterly useless against the Abrahamic God's ten plagues.
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