Silly Reason for War: Difference between revisions

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* In ''[[What's New with Phil and Dixie]]'', two powerful forces [ went to war] over {{spoiler|stripes vs spots}}.
* ''[[Pearls Before Swine]]'' has [ Underers vs. Overers]".
== [[Web Original]] ==
* SCP-4201 is the ''[[SCP Foundation]]'' designation for the conflict between two pizza restaurants in the small town of Agloe, New York. To summarize, for decades, the family-owned Mario's Pizza de Delizioso (owned by Mario Bianchi) had been the best restaurant in town, with no competitors (not even a Pizza Hut) able to last long there. Then a young businessman named Kevin Kelderbut opened Agloe’s Hot Slice, the first restaurant able to successfully compete. Ironically, neither owner showed any animosity towards the other at first, and it seemed like nothing beyond a friendly rivalry. But then, it turned ugly, each side using slanderous false advertising, then accusations of illicit business practices, then literal accusations of brainwashing customers. Finally, this war of propaganda turned into actual fighting, with each of them, via unknown means, creating armies via anomalous methods. Kelderbut has built [[Killer Robot| lethal kill-bots]] with cutlery-themed weapons, while Bianchi has used some sort of black magic to turn pizzas into [[Our Homunculi Are Different| homunculi, golems made of dough and cheese]]. This war has gone on for twenty years, reducing Agloe and the ten mile radius surrounding it to a burned out ruin, all its residents dead or long since abandoned it. Exactly who is more to blame for this senseless fight is unclear, though to his credit, Kelderbut tried to make peace at least once, pointing out to Bianchi that there are no longer any customers to fight over, but this quickly degenerated into insults [[Politically Incorrect Villain| (some of them slurs)]] and even worse fighting, showing that by now, the only purpose for the war is mutual hatred.
== [[Western Animation]] ==