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Hollywood Japan: Difference between revisions

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(replaced disambiguation link, moved animated movie entry to film section)
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{{quote|''"Moon over Japan,''
''White butterfly moon!''
''Where the heavy-lidded Buddhas dream''
''To the sound of the cuckoo's call...''
''The white wings of [[Turn A Gundam|moon butterflies]]''
''Flicker down the streets of the city,''
''Blushing into silence the useless wicks of sound-lanterns in the hands of girls."''
|[[H.P. Lovecraft]], |''Poetry of the Gods''}}
[[Japan]] in modern Hollywood is a mix of old and modern. All Japanese are [[Japanese Politeness|polite]] [[Inscrutable Oriental|but inscrutably]] [https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20200129-what-is-reading-the-air-in-japan indirect], [[Asian and Nerdy|superintelligent]], [[Gadgeteer Genius|great at technology]], and [[Salaryman|salarymen]], [[Otaku]] or [[Kimono]]-clad [[Yamato Nadeshiko]]. They love green tea, ramen, sake and sushi, sleep in apartments the size of shoeboxes, squeeze into overcrowded trains to go to work, worship at Shinto shrines, and make fantastic electronics. Pop culture is composed entirely of [[Widget Series|Weird Japanese Things]], and they also know [[Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting|martial arts]] lest they be menaced by the [[Yakuza]]. Some of this, though, is [[Truth in Television]] - but ''only'' some of it.
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