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** Earlier on, Luffy's crew, the Galley-La company, and the Franky Family, despite having fought in a three-way battle before, team up when they realize that they're facing the same enemy, albeit for different reasons (rescuing Robin, dealing with Iceberg's assassins and preventing Pluton's revival, and saving Franky, respectively). Then again, the Galley-La crew had been fighting the Straw Hats under the mistaken belief that they were responsible for the attempt on Iceberg's life, which they just realized.
** While not as plot relevant as Impel Down, the movie ''One Piece: Stampede'' had the Straw Hats and many of their allies form a large team with several of their old foes (including Mihawk, Crocodile, Foxy, Wapol, Buggy, and Smoker) to oppose the common enemy. Justified, as the story takes place at the Pirates' Festival where everyone who is anyone in piracy was there.
** During the Egghead Arc, [[Murder, Inc.|CP0]] sides with the Straw Hats once they realize the Celestial Dragons are a common enemy intending to do them both in.
* In ''[[Ranma ½]]'', several Enemy Mine alliances emerge among the various members of the [[Love Dodecahedron]]. Shampoo, Ukyō and Kodachi regularly team up against any external threat to Ranma (or a new potential suitor). Ranma himself teams with Ryōga and Mousse against Prince Herb. Ranma and Ryōga do this often enough that they inch into [[Friendly Enemy]] territory by the end of the series.
** And inverted with Ryōga and Mousse in the anime: although they aren't enemies when they initially team up against their common enemy Ranma, by the end of the episode, they work so poorly together that they can't stand each other. The fact that Mousse is far more ruthless than Ryōga, and also has no qualms whatsoever about hurting others to get rid of Ranma—even Akane Tendō, Ryōga's [[All Love Is Unrequited|oblivious crush]]—does not help matters.
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