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* In ''[[Might and Magic|Might & Magic 9]]'', the Great Honk is implied to be this. The Founder of the Temple of Honk stated that devout believers could achieve spiritual redemption via the Way of the Bread (which stated one should never get agitated and should instead rise up over adversity) which would result in the Great Honk’s blessing causing them to be reincarnated as geese. (The present-day cult is far less benign.) {{spoiler|In truth, however, the Great Honk (whose name is actually Philip) is [[Subverted Trope| nothing but a giant goose]] whom the goddess [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Freyja Fre] keeps as a pet. In fact, one late-game side quest has Fre telling the heroes to get rid of the cult - it’s embarrassing.}}
* ''[[Fallen London]]'':
** The Masters of the Bazaar, the rulers of London, are [[Bat Out of Hell]] as [[Not Hyperbole]].
** Sorrow Spiders are common fauna in London, but they are basically just [[Giant Spider]]s. The Spider Council is… different. Described in the narrative as “an abominable monster like an amalgamation of several large sorrow-spiders” the regular sorrow spiders graft the eyes of their victims onto this thing as part of the process to hatch more of them. The fact that it speaks [[Surprisingly Good English]] is even more unsettling.
** In [[The City Narrows| Spite]], cats (whom you can nab to collect Cryptic Clues) are [[Cats Are Snarkers|sassy]], [[Cats Are Magic|magic]], and [[Cats Are Mean|often mean]], and [[Talking Animal| most of them can talk]]. Black Cats, however, seem to stand out. Again, the narrative betrays their true nature, "You didn't know cats came in this particular black. It's as if someone's cut a hole in a shadow and filled it with ink.” Failing to catch one makes your character wonder if it was even there at all; successfully catching one is an eerie experience that seems more like the cat has caught you, and the reward is an Appalling Secret and a Tale of Terror (both of which are items in the same category of Cryptic Clues but more valuable). It seems these cats are minions of the Dutchess, [[Humanoid Abomination| who is herself something of an abomination.]]
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