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Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain: Difference between revisions

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*** Bullet qualifies too, it seems, as he stupidly thought he could stand up to ''dozens'' of the most renowned pirates in the world (including all the Straw Hats, many of the former and current Warlords, several "Worst Generation" Supernovas, many high-ranking Marines - including Smoker and Garp - and many previous [[Arc Villain]]s) by himself, after he lost an arm, no less. Granted, the only person who had ever bested him before was Roger himself, but quite a few of the pirates in the army he was up against could also make that claim, and he seems to have forgotten his arrogance is what led him and Roger to part ways and cause him to end up incarcerated at Impel Down. Long story short, it didn't end well for Bullet.
** Gecko Moria, the captain of the Thriller Bark pirates and [[Arc Villain]] of the arc of the same name. Now, some characters in ''One Piece'' start out with seeming utterly ridiculous, but then after a few episodes, you see them in action and they become truly awesome; Gecko was not this, he started out seeming utterly ridiculous (an [[Ambiguously Human]] vampire-like creature whose crew had sort of a cheesy Comedy-Horror theme) and ''remained'' utterly ridiculous. One of the Seven Warlords, owner of the largest ship in the world with a bounty of 320 million berries, he once slaughtered [[The Dreaded|Kaido]]’s entire crew (badly wounding Kaido himself) and had a potent Devil Fruit power that let him steal and control shadows, granting him remarkable powers of [[Necromancy]] - but unfortunately, it seemed the success had gone to his head, making him overconfident, sluggish, and lazy. Most of his appearances in the arc has him [[Orcus on His Throne|doing nothing but sitting on his fat behind]] sending out his undead minions and three lieutenants ([[Evil Genius| Hogback]], [[Straight Man| Absalom]], and [[Dark Action Girl| Perona]], all of whom were more competent with better developed character than their boss) do all the work. To his credit, when he finally ''does'' decide to get his ass off his throne and fight the heroes, it’s a pretty epic [[Final Boss]] scene, but it only leads to his very epic defeat that wrecks what’s left of his reputation, causing the World Government to revoke his Warlord status [[You Have Failed Me...|and decide to eliminate him]]. He manages to escape, so he ''might'' eventually become a legitimate threat, but until then, he remains this Trope.
** Bellamy from the Dressrosa Arc, an arrogant overconfident [[Miles Glorios]]. When he and Luffy first met, the Straw Hat captain didn't even ''want'' to fight him, seeing no real point in replying to his juvenile insults, but after Bellamy's crew assaulted the Saruyama Alliance and stole their things, Luffy decided to humor him. After Bellamy demonstrated his powers by bouncing around Mock Town like a super-speed slinky, Luffy... knocked him out with a single punch. Not with his Devil Fruit powers or Haki, one normal punch, and he didn't even call the attack like he always does. Then the second time they met, Bellamy challenged him again and... the same thing happened. Fortunately, he learned his lesson after that.
* Buaku from ''[[Dominion Tank Police]]'' and his sidekicks, the Puma sisters. They've always been wannabe [[Magnificent Bastard]]s, but they were slightly more competent in the manga. Granted, their failures are rarely their own fault, discounting their lack of foresight.
* ''[[Heavy Metal L-Gaim]]'s'' Gavlet Gabre is a particularly jarring example. He's introduced as the primary rival, but never once defeats the protagonist, Daba Myroad. {{spoiler|During the final battle at Sveto, he fails to defeat the unimportant and generic villain Rockley Ron, which makes the later the sole villain who makes it out of the show without being captured or killed.}}
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