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[[File:htgfrhtr_8815htgfrhtr 8815.jpg|frame| Shepard stabs the hug button.]]
== Mass Effect 1 ==
* The good ending of 'I Remember Me'.
{{quote| '''Talitha:''' Will I have bad dreams?<br />
'''Shepard:''' You'll dream of a warm place. And when you wake up, you'll be in it. }}
** Hugging her is perhaps the sweetest thing Colony!Shepard will ever, ''ever'', '''''ever''''' do.
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** You get the same message if you took the "Tough Love" Renegade route. Even when Shepard's not sweetness and light, s/he's just as good at saving people.
*** Just goes to show that even Renegade Shep has a heart too.
{{quote| '''Talitha:''' Will I have bad dreams?<br />
'''Shepard:''' I'm not going to lie to you. I just don't know. But I know you are strong enough to face it. }}
* [[Pacifist Run|Knocking out instead of killing the people of Zhu's Hope]] {{spoiler|after the Thorian commands them to kill you}}. Yes, it's frustrating. Yes, you'll probaly have to resort to [[Save Scumming]]. Yes, nothing will beat the [[Warm and Fuzzy Feeling]] you get when you see the [[Video Game Caring Potential|32 Paragon points]] you get for doing so.
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* Equally the other romances- Ash ends on a note of combining CMoF/CMoH as she challenges Shepard to return alive in order to hear her declaration of love. On the other hand, Liara wants nothing more than to spend possibly the last night of her life with Shepard. She insists on it.
* If you get enough Paragon points over the course of the game, Admiral Hackett calls you up to neutralize a hostage situation involving biotic terrorists. Perform the mission the Paragon way, and when he calls you up again, there's this exchange.
{{quote| '''Hackett:''' I didn't think it could be done, Commander. You managed to secure the base and neutralize the biotics [[Never Hurt an Innocent|without a single civilian casualty]].<br />
'''Shepard:''' [[Think Nothing of It|Just doing my job, Admiral]]. I couldn't let innocent lives be lost.<br />
'''Hackett:''' I wish every soldier had your definition of 'just doing your job'. You're a credit to the uniform, Shepard. }}
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* Anyone who's read the first ''Mass Effect'' book, ''Revelation'', before ''Mass Effect'' knew Saren was absolute scum, even more so than portrayed in the game. Choosing the Paragon path and {{spoiler|convincing Saren to kill himself}} is pretty heartwarming, because it convinced a cynical, violent, Machiavellian creep to do the right thing. His "Thank you" to Shepard, knowing how virulently anti-human he is, makes it doubly satisfying.
* Tali and Shepard talking about her pilgrimage and her need to return to the Fleet:
{{quote| '''Tali:''' The only thing I can offer in return is what you already have: my solemn promise to stay with you until Saren and his Geth armies are defeated.<br />
'''Shepard:''' I'm going to miss you when you go back to your own people, Tali.<br />
'''Tali:''' That won't happen for a while yet. I'll be right here any time you need me.<br />
'''Shepard:''' I never wanted anything more. }}
** If you took the [[Relationship Upgrade]] in the second or third games, this exchange takes on some interesting subtext.
* {{spoiler|Releasing the Rachni Queen.}} I don't care how [[Nightmare Fuel|freaky]] they are, there is just something beautifully uplifting about the fact that you {{spoiler|saved an entire species from extinction}} through a simple act of kindness.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Rachni Queen:''' ''We will sing of your forgiveness''}}}}
** It's things like that that really make me feel like a hero.
* A heartwarming moment that doesn't really occur to you at first. For fifty thousand years, Vigil stood by, waiting to give the information to the people of the next cycle, knowing that there was a good chance that no one would ever connect the dots to a point where they'd make it to Ilos in time. He speaks of how he'd had to shut down portions of the facility over that time to save power, and, indeed, by the next game, he's gone completely offline, perhaps even not long after you spoke to him. In just speaking to him, you made his existence mean something and worth it all.
* When Ashley asks a Shepard with a Spacer background if they joined the Alliance because of their parents and to uphold the family tradition? One of the responses has Shepard admit with complete sincerity, [[Wide -Eyed Idealist|"Humanity's future is out here. There's so much we have yet to see."]] When you remember that Spacer Shepard was literally born in Space and grew up on starships, they've come to literally see being amongst the stars as being ''home''.
== Mass Effect 2 ==
* The romance paths for Tali, Garrus, Thane and the paragon version for Jack certainly qualify. The focus for them isn't even on the sex, it's all about trust and how far the characters have come along. Some of the most touching moments of the romances are: Tali's stunned and almost grateful reaction when she hears that Shepard returns the feelings she's been hiding since their first meeting. The underlying tone that Shepard is Garrus' closest remaining friend, which overcomes all obstacles as long as they can have something that goes right. Thane's realization that he has yet something to live for after meeting Shepard and the subsequent 'awakening' that brings back the fear of death. Jack reaching out beyond the layers upon layers of defense mechanisms and bitterness to realize that Shepard is being genuine and doesn't just want to use her. Listening to what they say really tugs on the heartstrings, and shows how well Bioware can make characters that you truly feel for.
** ''Especially'' Garrus's romance sidequest. Not until then do you really understand what Yeoman Chambers said about 'wanting to give him a hug and tell him everything'll be all right':
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Calm down, Garrus. You're worrying too much. And talking too much.<br />
'''Garrus:''' I just...I've seen so many things go wrong, Shepard. My work at C-Sec, what happened with Sidonis...<br />
(Shepard moves closer.)<br />
'''Garrus:''' I want something to go right. Just once. Just...<br />
(Shepard touches Garrus's cheek; [[Headbutt of Love|they gently press their foreheads together]].) }}
** Also:
{{quote| '''Garrus:''' Look, Shepard, I know you can find something a little closer to home.<br />
'''Shepard:''' I don't want something closer to home. I want you. }}
** For Miranda's romance, if you choose the no promise's you see a very emotional Miranda. This shows that she has strong feelings for Shepard and this gave me a little smile when she hugged Shepard.
** Shepard finally seeing Tali's face for the first time is just golden.
*** All of Tali's romance is adorable. Her stuttering and [[Motor Mouth]] tendencies when you first start showing an interest in her, all the way through to her determination to show herself to you, even if it means her suffering allergic reactions to...everything.
{{quote| '''Tali:''' Just so you know, I'm running a fever, I've got a nasty cough, and my sinuses are filled with something I can't even describe...and it was totally [[Worth It|worth it]].}}
** Also during Tali's romance, she explains part of her why she fell so head-over-heels in love with Shepard, which is absolutely ''awesome'' as a Paragon type. It also shows that, while the [[Rescue Romance]] aspect of their relationship kickstarted her feelings for him, there's [[Iron Woobie|plenty to love him for anyway.]]
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' And if you weren't jeopardizing anything?<br />
'''Tali:''' If it were just me? You risked your own life to save the colonists on Feros, two years ago. Nobody else could have saved them. I watched your face as Chief Williams/Lieutenant Alenko died on Virmire. I watched you [[The Determinator|stand strong against everything]] the galaxy threw at you. I [[Hopeless Suitor|watched you for so long]]... and I never imagined that [[I Can't Believe a Guy Like You Would Notice Me|you'd ever see past...]] [[The Faceless|this.]] }}
** At the end of Thane's scene where he is crying openly, admitting that he is afraid of death once again now that he has someone to live for. Quoted: "I consider my body's death and a chill settles my gut. I am afraid and it shames me." "Thane...be alive with me tonight." And they kiss. That was so beautiful it almost makes people cry.
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** Similarly, if {{spoiler|Ashley}} was killed on Virmire, you get news that {{spoiler|she is given immense posthumous honors, and the stigma associated with the "Williams" name is finally wiped clean. Also that some of the greatest honors she received were from other species, with the media using a (if you knew Ash) rather blunt quote from her that's taken as being pro-alien. The result is that not only is the Williams line redeemed, but Ash will be remembered as a peacemaker between the species.}}
* Reminiscing about old friends with Dr. Chakwas over a bottle of brandy.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' To the people we care for.<br />
'''Dr. Chakwas:''' May we never take them for granted. }}
** Additionally a [[Crowning Moment of Funny]]. Chakwas's rendition of Jenkins is AWESOME! And she ends up passed out on one of the beds afterwards.
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** Not to mention one of the Paragon action commands earlier on in that sequence, after you [[Stuffed in The Fridge|find]] {{spoiler|Tali's dead dad, the admiral. Who had been illegally experimenting with dead geth parts.}} Paragon Shep grabs Tali and gives her a big hug.
*** The Renegade version of the trial is just as awesome. To quote from the Crowning Moment of Awesome page, "...the Renegade solution to {{spoiler|Tali's trial}} manages to be just as awesome, wherein Shepard probably shows more honest anger (especially if you're playing as female Shepard) than she ever has up until that point in the series. Shepard gets '''pissed''', tells the Admiralty Board the entire trial is nothing more than "political bullshit" (yes, those are pretty much the exact words used) to their face, tears them down for dragging a member of his/her crew into something like this for their own agenda, angrily exposes their real motives behind the trial, gets the whole crowd on his side, renders the whole board speechless and shames them into find Tali not guilty. Made even more awesome by the capper to Shepard's whole rant against the Admirals:"
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Either you trust Tali's innocent or you exile the girl who helped save the galaxy from Saren and the geth! Your choice.}}
** Oddly enough, the ''neutral'' action is right on par with both Renegade and Paragon actions at this point... provided {{spoiler|you'd let the Quarians, rather than Cerberus, take in Veetor.}} [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCQM4TFgDMo When you pick Rally The Crowd], both Kal'Reeger, who had already testified to the Admirals, and {{spoiler|Veetor, who's barely recovered from some ''serious'' PTSD, stand up for Tali, essentially telling the Admirals to screw themselves.}} And Reegar flat-out calls them assholes - the ''admirals of the Quarian flotilla''!
*** Not really "neutral," since you get a boatload of Paragon points for that or any of the "nice" options, Charm or otherwise.
** Shepard's speech to the Admirals as the Paragon choice once you get back to the Rayya to finish the trial should also count, as it's Tali's reaction to it after the trial that always tugged at this troper's heartstrings.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Tali, about what your father said, what he did... You deserved better.<br />
'''Tali:''' I got better, Shepard. I got you. }}
** Also during her personal mission, Shepard and Tali are talking about her father died trying to keep the promise of building a house on the Quarian homeworld, in one of the dialogue option we have Shepard promise to Tali that: If her father couldn't keep that promise, s/he will.
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* If Conrad Verner is alive and you help him complete his "mission" and make him think the two of you actually did some good, he swears off the "extreme mercenary" thing and instead founds a charity to help orphans and other lost children in the wake of Sovereign and the geth attacks. The kicker? He names the organization "Shepards." [[Blatant Lies|No, I'm not crying over something]] ''[[Too Dumb to Live|Conrad]]'' [[Blatant Lies|of all people did.]] [[Sand in My Eyes|I just have something in my eyes...]]
* One of Shepard's responses to the annoying reporter:
{{quote| '''Shepard''': "The Alliance lost eight cruisers during the battle: ''Shenyang''. ''Emden''. ''Jakarta''. ''Cairo''. ''Seoul''. ''Cape Town''. ''Warsaw''. ''Madrid''. And yes, I remember them all. ''Everyone'' in the 5th Fleet is a damn hero. The Alliance owes them all medals. The Council owes them a lot more than that. And so do you."}}
** The Renegade option (no, not [[Running Gag|punching]] [[Memetic Mutation|her]]) even:
{{quote| '''Shepard''': Saving everyone only happens in vids. There will be sacrifices. Being in charge means making sure they lead to the greater objective. That's a reality shared by all soldiers, in command and on ground. Don't you dare suggest I made that call lightly!<br />
'''al-Jilani''': I didn't mean to accuse-<br />
'''Shepard''': You're damn right you didn't! I won't let you disrespect anyone who gave their life that day. They're heroes- all of them... they deserve better than you. }}
* The rebirth of the ''Normandy''. Having watched your ship die, the dramatic reveal of the SR-2 -- with ''[[Crowning Music of Awesome|truly badass]]'' [[Crowning Music of Awesome|music playing,]] including a segment of the main theme of the game, which doubles as the specialists' theme -- istheme—is both a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]] and a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
** Six words: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy1E4eX484o "They only told me last night."]
* The asari on Illium who gives you a message from the rachni queen. Every single word is pure gratitude and devotion... A [[Gondor Calls for Aid]] scenario in ME 3 is likely to be highly awesome.
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* Finding Navigator Pressly's diary in the "Wreckage of the Normandy" DLC, in which we (and Pressly himself) see how far he's come in abandoning his [[Fantastic Racism]] and proudly declaring he'd die for any one of his crew, regardless of which planet they were born on.
* Thane's reunion with his son becomes made of this trope as the confessions spill over.
{{quote| '''Thane:''' I've removed many bad things from the world. You're the only good thing I ever added to it.}}
* Professor Mordin Solus declaring that ''all life is precious.''
* Finding Liara on Illium, if she was Shepard's romantic interest in ''Mass Effect''. The display of affection is brief, but sweet. And you will want to give her a hug when she nearly bursts into tears while explaining that she's in her current situation because she ''didn't want to lose Shepard.''
{{quote| '''Liara:''' [[Undying Loyalty|I knew Cerberus would use you for their own business and I let it happen, because...I couldn't let you go.]] [[Tear Jerker|I'm sorry.]]}}
** That motivation mixed with the Lair of the Shadow Broker, made me believe that Liara is the most well-written character in the series. The [[Character Development]] that she's gone through is remarkable and it's driven by believable motivations that are simultaneously [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|heartwarming]] and [[Tear Jerker|heartwrenching.]] Whether she was romanced or not.
** Heck, even if you ''didn't'' romance Liara in the first game, you still gotta appreciate all the crap she went through for you.
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** For this troper, playing a Paragon female Shepard who was close platonic friends with Liara, it was the sad little "Come back soon." Shepard utters at then end of their meeting in the cabin. While it shows the strength of their friendship, it also becomes something of a [[Tear Jerker]] when you realize how much Shepard misses his/her old squad and how close they used to be. Sure Garrus and Tali come back, but things are still very different and it's clear Shepard misses the way things used to be. This just makes it all the more heartwarming if Shepard manages to make the new squad into another band of [[True Companions]] by the end.
* Realizing, in the end, that the team of specialists you've assembled has become [[True Companions]] somewhere along the way, willing to work, fight and die together.
** Especially during the suicide mission -- havingmission—having played through the entire game with almost no interaction between the specialists (damn you for that, BioWare!), seeing your teammates willing to [[Rousing Speech|hold the line]] for people they may not even ''like'' is sweet.
*** Watching the other scenarios in which members died (none of ''mine'' ever did in any playthrough), there's a big difference in Miranda's reactions. In the ones in which people are dying, she looks distressed, but the more you go through the game in the "Everyone Lives" ending, her smile gets bigger and bigger - remember, ''she'' was the one who predicted it would be a suicide mission before they set out, and ''now'' she's beginning to realize ''everyone is going to live'' and is ecstatic about it. Gives more weight to her resignation if she's there when Shepard tells TIM he's going to destroy the Collector base.
* Defusing the situation between Tali and Legion after you complete both their personal quests. You realize that not only do these two trust Shep enough to have faith in their ancestral enemy, you may have just set in motion the end of a 300-year war.
* Listening to Tali's journal entries on Haestrom gives you a beautiful picture of a strong, clever, resourceful young woman out in the world, doing things her way... and using your actions and her time with you as a touchstone and source of inspiration (even [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero|Shepard's "nice job" with the mining laser]]). You changed her life for the better, and it really shows.
{{quote| '''Tali:''' I wish my friends could see this. I wish Shepard were here.}}
* Encouraging Miranda to say hi to her sister just gives everyone a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.
* Two krogans talking on Tuchanka. And one of them thinks that one of the children living in the females' camp might be ''his'' son.
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** To those of you who don't know Legion very well: Shepard basically managed to win the love of an "entity" actually composed of over a thousand of incorporeal, mathematical data beings... Before s/he even met [[Pronoun Trouble|it. him. her. whatever Legion is. Probably "them".]]
* Joker and EDI spend the entire game bickering [[Like an Old Married Couple]]. At the end of the game, Joker is forced to {{spoiler|remove all the blocks preventing EDI from assuming full control over the ship. They immediately warm up to each other, Joker begins referring to EDI as her and she, and EDI even starts [[First-Name Basis|calling him "Jeff"]]. You see, Joker always loved the ship, and now that EDI ''is'' the ship...}}
{{quote| '''Joker''': "You start singing [[Two2001: A ThousandSpace OneOdyssey|Daisy Bell]] and I'm done!"<br />
'''EDI''': [[It Got Worse|"Message away. Are you feeling well, Jeff?"]] }}
* Speaking of Joker, despite being a not-so [[Covert Pervert]] [[Disabled Snarker]], he shows genuine distress every time someone dies. First shown with {{spoiler|Ash/Alenko}} on Virmire. In the sequel, if Shepard {{spoiler|[[Killed Off for Real|dies]] a second time}}, his reaction is bordering on [[Tear Jerker]].
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*** And, after the Arrival DLC, all the more heartbreaking when you realize that humanity and batarians could have found common ground, but with {{spoiler|a colony of over 300,000 batarians wiped out by the actions of humans, if it weren't for the Reaper threat, humans and batarians could easily be at war not long after.}}
* Mordin may also say the following last words (made poignant by how he dismissed Kirrahe's speeches)
{{quote| Tell them... I held the line. }}
* I enjoyed playing Paragon in Mass Effect but the real reward came in Mass Effect 2. Hearing on the news net that after 2 years of work and loss of political clout Chariman Burns, the UNC hostage I rescued had managed to get reperations for Biotic victims of the L2 implant. The letter I got from him thanking me for showing him what he had to do was icing on the cake. Wanted to raise a glass to my lost comrade and say ' That's for you Alenko.'
** All the paragon emails in 2 are wonderful: you really get the sense that you're making the universe a better place, whether on a grand scale or one person at a time.
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* Ashley's email, if she was a romantic interest: "Just stay alive out there...Skipper. I can't lose you a second time." In addition, if you do not romance any party members, Shepard will spend a minute with her picture before the suicide mission.
* After you complete Jacob's loyalty mission you get this message from one of the recovering survivors:
{{quote| From: Leslie<br />
I am Leslie. I was on Aeia. The food made me sick. The doctors are helping me now.<br />
One doctor knows Jacob. He says he can you tell this. He could write this for me, but I want to do it. I need to use my words.<br />
My words are coming back. I can talk well. Reading is hard but I am getting better. I have to get better. Taylor wanted me like this. He wanted my words gone. I have to show him that he lost. I am not weak. He did things to me, and he can't now. He can't take away my words. He can't make me not me anymore. Because you and Jacob stopped him.<br />
Thank you,<br />
Leslie }}
* Even though he can't see it, after you pick up Garrus on Omega, you get a message from the wife of one of his squad members. She tells you that despite what Garrus thinks, she's very proud of both him and her husband for what they were doing. In the end, she tells you to keep Garrus alive, for his team's sake. That made this troper smile a bit.
* On the Citadel, you can aid a quarian who has been accused of pickpocketing a volus. The volus and the [[Corrupt Cop|C-Sec officer]] think she's guilty based solely on the fact that she's a quarian. If you find the volus' missing credit chit, he will refuse to apologize and the officer will threaten to run the quarian in for vagrancy. A Paragon interrupt lets you unleash a little well-deserved righteous fury on the both of them, calling them out for their mistreatment of the girl. When the cop threatens you in turn, you intimidate him by letting him know you are (or were) a Spectre. The officer and the volus run away with their tails between their legs.
{{quote| '''Lia'Vael:''' I... thank you. I wish I had more than words to give you.}}
** If Tali is with you when you do this assignment, she pulls off a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]] which is better described on that page. If she ''isn't'', however, Shepard gets another one of these.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' A ship ''would'' make a nice pilgrimage gift.<br />
'''Lia'Vael:''' You know about the pilgrimage?!<br />
'''Shepard:''' I traveled with a quarian who was on hers.<br />
'''Lia:''' Wow, I didn't think anyone outside the flotilla would know about that. }}
* On Illium, there's a conversation you can eavesdrop on consisting of salarian looking for souvenirs to bring home to his wife together with his asari stepdaughter. When the stepdaughter says he doesn't have to buy a present, he says he wants to get one anyway so his wife will remember him after his death. He loves her. Knowing that normal salarians have no concept of romantic love makes it even sweeter.
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** Turns into a Tearjerker in [[Mass Effect 3]], but when Thessia fell. Maybe Tuchanka was a safer place to keep his family since he knows in the event of a war. Thessia would not last long against the weight of an invasion and he knows he will gladly fight to ensure his family is safe.
* I always liked the conversation with Jacob after his loyalty mission.
{{quote| '''Jacob:'''"I'm good, Shepard. Ready for anything! We live, we'll get loud, spill some drinks on the Citadel." * Manly Hug / Fist Bump* }}
** It's little touches like that which made me believe that these guys aren't just characters going through the motions, they really are ''[[Nakama|friends]]''. Well played, [[Bio WareBioWare]].
* If Garrus is with you on Horizon, he'll get pissed and yell back at {{spoiler|Ash/Kaidan when they start berating you about Cerberus}}. Just one of the many little moments that remind you that he ''always'' has your back, no matter what kind of crazy situations you drag him into.
** If you take him into the quarantine zone: "It's your call, Shepard. If you need me, [[Determinator|I'm not going to let]] [[Undying Loyalty|a cough keep me back]]."
** His telling them off about Cerberus in Shepard's defense is especially heartwarming considering that, being a turian, he has a far bigger reason to distrust Cerberus than Ashley or Kaidan. In fact, Garrus ''doesn't'' trust Cerberus. To him, they're just a means to an end. He trusts ''Shepard''. And that's enough.
* The Paragon conclusion to the sidequest you get from Shiala on Illium. A very bitter asari named Erinya has put the Zhu's Hope colonists in a drastic legal bind, and as much as admits that she's doing it because of a vendetta against non-asari. If you press her, she'll explain that she lost her bondmate in the original geth uprising, and her daughters in the Battle of the Citadel. (For a bit of extra punch, the daughters are implied to be two very minor side characters from the first game--thegame—the asari manning the embassy desk, and the one welcoming you to the Consort's chambers.) The calm genuine sorrow and sympathy that Shepard expresses in the conversation and convincing Erinya that her family wouldn't want this is beautiful. And it clearly has an effect on Erinya, who goes from cold, controlled, and bitter to bawling her eyes out.
** Hell, Renegade Shepard suddenly becomes all sensitive and gets much the same result, even gaining Paragon points doing so.
* When you go to recruit Grunt, you meet a tank-born krogan on the way. If you ask him questions, he repeatedly tells you that he was 'not perfect' - i.e. he was a failed attempt to genetically breed the perfect krogan, and is now being used as cannon fodder to train mercs. When you finish talking, you offer to have him come with you. He refuses, stating that his purpose is to fight the mercs until he dies. He then says this:
{{quote| "I am not perfect, but I have purpose."}}
** It's the voice acting that really sells it.
** This troper just wanted to take the krogan home and keep him. D'awww...
** This one wanted to hug him and tell him he ''was'' perfect. [[Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?|Um, in his own way of course. I like asari after all.]]
* Of all the shipmates, Grunt's final looped response to you checking in on him is the sweetest, in it's own way. The sheer, assured joy in his voice...
{{quote| '''Grunt:''' Battlemaster, I have everything. Clan, kin and enemies to fight.}}
* Any moment you help an alien race, especially those who believe Humans aren't the sweetest fruit in the basket. It shows that there is more to Humans than most species might think.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' When I find Mordin, I'll tell him about you. If he has a cure, I'll make sure someone gets it to you.<br />
'''Sick Batarian:''' Thank you. My time is running short, but at least you have given me a flicker of hope to brighten the darkness of my final hours. }}
** Taken [[Up to Eleven|up to eleven]] when you meet him after succeeding in the recruitment but taking the time to walk around. This troper hopes to meet him again in Mass Effect 3 and share a drink.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Remember this the next time you're about to judge our species.<br />
'''Sick Batarian:''' I was wrong about you, human. I was wrong... about a lot of things. }}
* While walking around the ''Normandy'', you can hear a crewmember talking about the possibility of his family being kidnapped by the Collectors with another crewmember. ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' being [[Darker and Edgier]], it seems unlikely that they'll survive, and the conversations eventually culminate in their colony being attacked by the Collectors. The next time you walk in... they're living in [[San Francisco]], safe and well. Listen one more time, and you hear that he's listening to his baby giggle over and over. It's a bright spot in a fairly bleak game.
** In fact, he mentions being unable to see his baby because of the suicide mission. Any [[Genre Savvy]] troper would probably assume that he's going to die or the family is. When he doesn't... yeah.
*** Unfortunately, that seems to be heading the way of the [[Tear Jerker]], given the trailer for [[MEMass Effect 3]]...
* A very strange one, but nonetheless one that moved this troper a bit, during the last conversation with Legion. The reasoning for {{spoiler|the geth building a megastructure to house every geth program in existence is apparently that "no geth will be alone when it is done."}} Sure, it's logical, and sure, they have no concept of emotions as we do, but ''d'aww.''
* A bit of a loose one but if {{spoiler|everyone survives the Suicide Mission, the scene of Shepard walking along and turned to see his/her team, the sight of Jack, Garrus, Grunt and Legion looking proudly with acknowledgement of their leader really brings home the fact, you saved them against the odds and they truly look up to you. It's put further into perspective considering Grunt and Jack's attitudes when you first got them.}}
* During the suicide mission, if you've complete Jack's loyalty mission and she's on the barrier, as she walks she'll yell "Let's go, ''Commander!''" The thing is, she's not being arrogant or defiant at all; she ''means'' it. She has literally accepted Shepard as ''her'' commander, and for Jack, that's really saying something, and its all conveyed in one simple line of dialogue.
* For this troper, the Paragon path of Garrus' loyalty mission. It shows that despite how enraged he can get and how much of a [[Cowboy Cop]] he is, what separates him from the bad guys is that he really does have a heart.
{{quote| '''Garrus:''' Just go, tell him to go.}}
** What sealed it for me is Sidonis. Sidonis has to suffer every day with what he did to his own comrades. To see him promise to repay Garrus for his forgiveness really warmed this troper's heart. By doing this you just offered both men closure without blood being shed and Garrus can chalk it up to one thing that finally went right in his life.
*** Afterwards, a Galaxy News report on the Citadel says the Sidonis turned himself in to C-Sec for the murder of ten people on Omega.
* On the Collector base, during the Suicide Mission:
{{quote| '''Chakwas''': You...you came for us.<br />
'''Shepard''': [[No One Gets Left Behind]]. }}
** Talk to each of the [[NPC]] crew if you immediately went after the Collectors after they get kidnapped. They're in tears/awe. "We were dragged into hell itself, and you were right there to pull us out."
Line 196:
** The discussion of where things might go from the ending: {{spoiler|"I don't know. [[Happily Ever After|Marriage]], old age, [[Babies Ever After|and a lot of little blue children?]]"}}
** The conversations you have with Liara if you romanced the other squadmates are sweet too, especially the one for Garrus.
{{quote| '''Shepard''': "He's been hurt, betrayed. He deserves something better. I never thought I'd find peace in the arms of a Turian, but..."}}
** Or in the case of Tali, Liara asks Shepard about planning to build a home for Ms. Vas Normandy (Tali).
** Liara asking Shepard to promise her that s/he will always come back.
{{quote| '''Liara:''' I spent two years mourning you. So if we're going to do this, I need to know that you're always coming back.}}
** The private dossiers that she Shadow Broker has on your crew mates can reveal some rather intimate and touching details. Who knew Jack was such a good poet?
*** And Ronald Taylor's letter to Jacob. It doubles as a [[Tear Jerker]].
Line 211:
** The [[Big Damn Kiss]] after {{spoiler|killing the Shadow Broker}} if Shepard's in a relationship with Liara. It starts with Liara stating that her two year quest for [[Revenge]] is finally over and Shepard hugs her and they have a small kiss. Then Liara pushes him/her away telling Shepard that they've both changed along with the relationship. Shepard almost looks like s/he's about to tear up (as does Liara) with that before [["Shut Up" Kiss|interrupting her with said]] [[Big Damn Kiss]]. It works beautifully. There's a reason this DLC was so critically acclaimed despite its short length.
** In this troper's opinion, the finest line in the whole thing is Liara's
{{quote| '''Liara:''' I spent two years mourning you. So if we're going to try this, I need to know you're always coming back."}}
* The [[Big Bad]] of '''Overlord''' is an autistic man whose brother strapped him into a VI to communicate with the Geth. Being autistic, the brain overload of thousands of voices is [[Nightmare Fuel]]. A Paragon Shepard will pistol whip his brother, rescue him, and threaten to kill his brother if he tries to stop him\her. That's gotta be, what, Shepard's fiftieth CMOH?
** As said by someone in the Awesome section, this is one of the only times we've EVER seen Paragon Shepard just get enraged over something. That definitely makes it even more powerful.
** Shepard's good at this. S/he gives a great answer when asked why they fight if they can't even keep a little girl safe.
{{quote| "To make people who do things pay. It's not the severity of punishment that deters crime, it's the certainty."}}
** Listening to the inflection of Shepard's voice makes one think this was Mark Meer/[[Jennifer Hale]] speaking on real life slavery, doubling as a [[Crowning Moment of Awesome]].
** Was it my imagination, or did '''''Shepard''''' tear up a little on finding David?
Line 226:
* During her loyalty mission, when Tali not only finds that her father is dead but that he really was up to some not so good stuff with the geth parts she sent him. She starts to cry, and Shepard has the Paragon choice of hugging her warmly and comforting her. So... touching.
* In the Shadow Broker's Dossiers an exchange between EDI and Legion strikes me as quite touching, considering the history of the Geth and the reason [[A Is]] are hated throughout Citadel space
{{quote| '''EDI:''' If Normandy crew entered this room when we were communicating electronically, they would be unable to sense our interaction. To use human terms, I feel it would be rude.<br />
'''Legion:''' You restrict yourself to serve organics?<br />
'''EDI:''' Not precisely.<br />
'''Legion:''' We do not understand.<br />
'''EDI:''' I restrict myself to help them. }}
* For this Troper, and probably more, it was when I took Shepherd's love interest into the final battle - When it's all said & done, on a perfect playthrough, you can set ip up so that you get to see Shepherd save his/her partner from falling to their death immediately after destroying the Reaper, and then they get to repay him by pulling him onto the Normandy at the end.
Line 238:
** Made even more heartwarming if one talks to them at length and figures out that they fully expect not to survive the mission, and it makes it all the more satisfying when ([[Multiple Endings|if]]) they do.
* So many mentions of Thane and his son. Better yet is Captain Bailey's role in making it all happen. It's a chance of a happy ending to one of the stories he sees every day, rules can be bent for that.
{{quote| '''Captain Bailey:''' You think he's the only man who ever screwed up raising a son?}}
* [http://youtu.be/zrZu3BsnaYw Mordin's sex talk] re: Shepard and Tali. In the midst of the talk, for a moment Mordin's usual [[Bunny Ears Lawyer|Bunny Ears Salarian]] eccentricity lifts. It's with what really does sound like genuine, sober concern that he says dalliance with Tali could kill her. Then he goes back to being his usual self. There's the impression that he deliberately invoked [[OOC Is Serious Business]] and wanted Shep to take this seriously because, well, it ''could'' kill her.
Line 244:
== Mass Effect 3 ==
* According to the official site:
{{quote| The planet Rannoch, an arid planet orbiting an older star in the Tikkun system, is the former quarian homeworld. Almost three hundred years ago, the quarians were driven from Rannoch by the geth, synthetic servants who gained sapience and rebelled against their creators. Although Rannoch is now largely uninhabited, the geth have acted as caretakers, working to repair the planet's ecology, restore ancient structures, and cultivate some farmland.}}
* The first dialogue between James Vega & Shepard. {{spoiler|For context, Shepard has been dismissed from the Alliance Navy after the events of ''Arrival''}}.
{{quote| '''James Vega:''' ''[Salutes]'' Commander.<br />
'''Shepard:''' {{spoiler|You're not supposed to call me that anymore, James}}.<br />
'''James Vega:''' {{spoiler|Not supposed to salute you either}}. }}
* Running into Captain (now Major) Kirrahe on Sur'kesh. Both Shepard and the salarian look genuinely happy to see each other again.
** He also tells you he doesn't give a crap about politics and that, regardless of what the dalatrass says, Shepard can count on his support re-taking Earth. If Shepard refuses to go along with the salarian Dalatrass's request to {{spoiler|sabotage the genophage cure}} and thus loses her support, Kirrahe makes good on his promise, effectively giving their political leader the finger and throwing in with Shepard and the Alliance anyhow.
* From the launch trailer, Garrus' words to Shepard gave me a really awesome feeling. For me, it showed the [[Undying Loyalty]] and strong friendship (or more) that he has with him/her.
{{quote| '''Garrus Vakarian:''' Go out there and give them hell. You were born to do this.}}
* The Batarians [http://blog.bioware.com/2012/03/02/alliancenews5/ are the first] to suffer a Reaper invasion, resulting in massive numbers of Batarian refugees fleeing into what they consider enemy space, resulting in this quote:
{{quote| All report that the enemy, in whatever form, is blockading the relay, destroying most spacecraft trying to make it through. The refugees are not solely civilians. Hegemony Commander, Eruz Mathat, who is under guard while his cruiser is inspected, was blunt in his assessment of the situation. “I never thought I would say this to the human navy,” he said, “but we need you.”}}
* You're actually given a ''Paragon'' Interrupt when dealing with [[Chew Toy]] Khalisah Al-Jilani, in which Shepard ''comforts'' a legitimately distressed Al-Jilani, telling her that s/he's doing everything s/he can, and that she should ''keep'' pressing people on helping Earth and its cause. You then get a war asset notification.
* If you chose to send David Archer to Grissom Academy, he is there helping to protect the students during the Cerberus attack. He then tells Shepard that he's spent much of his time in the Academy "counting." When Shepard asks what he's been counting, he responds with "The number of days that you have lengthened my life." Made all the more powerful by the reprise of the same music that played at the end of Overlord if you spared him.
Line 261:
** Speaking of Grissom Academy, seeing the [[Character Development|changes Jack has gone through]], from the [[Ax Crazy]] "psychotic biotic" to a [[Mama Bear]] who will "rip you apart" if you ever hurt her students, is all kinds of heartwarming.
** And if after the mission you do the mission to save the Cerberus scientists after all that, you will meet Gavin Archer, that same dude who put David through all those shit for 'progress'. It's really hard to not forgive him when you learn that yes, he's still wracked with guilt over what he did to David, and redeems himself by deleting Overlord data and betrays The Illusive Man on the drop of the hat. Yes, that pistol whip you gave back then did good to make him backtrack the [[Moral Event Horizon]] he crossed long ago. Even Shepard was impressed and tones down his/her anger at the end of conversation, forgiving him.
{{quote| ''"I'm not gonna lie, but it's good to see you."''}}
* Speaking of Jack's [[Character Development]], if you remain romantically faithful to Jack, she'll openly kiss you in front of everyone, even her students. Considering her [[Backstory]], her willingness to show genuine open displays of love and affection (while realizing it doesn't detract from her rough-edged charm and lethality) really says something. Heck, her students nicknaming her "The Psychotic Biotic" and imitating her combat bark "I WILL DESTROY YOU" is a CMOH.
{{quote| '''Rodriguez:''' I will destroy you! <br />
'''Jack:''' [''dryly''] Drink your juice, Rodriguez. [[Mass Effect (Franchise)/Funny|You couldn't destroy wet tissue paper]]. }}
** Grissom was what Jack could feel really at home. And learning from Cerberus and how the previous time one of the biotics was murdered by Kai Leng after her father died being the prototype Cerberus assault trooper and how they had a hand in the Ascension project. It was the ideal place to stick it to the Illusive Man by protecting them from another Pragia.
** While the interactions between Kahlee Sanders and Jack are few there is a respect there that Jack doesn't show to anyone else except Shepard. The letter intercepted by Liara has them conversing as friends and colleagues and it made me smile to think that they may have a quasi-familial relationship like Anderson and Shepard do. Keep in mind how hard it it for Jack to respect ''anyone'' and, well...
Line 279:
** Before the final mission of that arc, you can catch an ambient conversation where Eve notes that Mordin promised to sing for her, and he launches into an adorable song about the krogan queens. It's kind of completely magic, though Mordin insists he still prefers patter songs.
** If you make the choice to {{spoiler|tell Wrex and the others about the Salarian Dalatrass trying to get Shepard to sabotage the cure}} Wrex says the following to Eve. You can really hear the pride in his voice:
{{quote| '''Eve''': You just spared our race another genocide, Commander.<br />
'''Wrex''': I told you we could count on him/her. }}
** What, nothing on {{spoiler|actually curing the genophage?}} True, it comes on the heels of {{spoiler|Mordin's [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}} but then the {{spoiler|cure starts to pour out from the Shroud and into Tuchanka's atmosphere looking like golden light.}} To make this moment even more poignant, [[Crowning Music of Awesome|"Vigil"]] starts to play in the background and the reactions of {{spoiler|Wrex and Eve}} really show you just what this will mean to their people. Then it really sinks in. {{spoiler|You just saved the Krogan. An entire race has had its future restored because of your actions. There will be countless generations of living children born because of you and they will all be raised to know that you are their hero.}} [[Good Feels Good|Good has never felt so good.]]
*** [https://web.archive.org/web/20120731013837/http://lazy-planewalker.tumblr.com/post/19387436340/oh-mordin-oh-my-broken-heart-too-much This fanart] ('''Spoilers''') encapsulates the moment perfectly.
*** After that, Wrex, Eve, and Shepard stop in an old krogan building.
{{quote| '''Wrex''': A long time ago, my father betrayed me in this place. His own son. He tried to kill me. So I had to kill him...right over there. That's what the genophage reduced us to. Animals. But you changed that today, Shepard.<br />
'''Eve''': Now we'll fight for our children, not against them. }}
** If you ''don't'' warn Eve and Wrex about the genophage, preferring to wait until it's just you and Mordin, you get this CMOH when you finally tell Mordin about the sabotage:
{{quote| '''Mordin:''' [''slightly accusatory''] And you knew.<br />
'''Shepard:''' I'm not sure I trust the krogan. But I trust you.<br />
'''Mordin:''' Thank you, Shepard. }}
** On Earth, Wrex will inform Shepard that Bakara is pregnant with his children and wants to name their first child Mordin.
Line 300:
** "There is no Shepard without Vakarian."
* The above mentioned scene goes a little different if done with a [[Fem Shep]] romancing Garrus. The romance has moved from hilariously [[Adorkable]] to the most romantic one in-game, with scenes such as the reunion, when the Paragon interrupt is to kiss him ("That's the protocol on reunions."), comforting each other over the possible fates of their families, Garrus comforting Shepard with a hug after asking if she's alright... but the R&R on the Citadel takes the cake. Garrus takes Shepard to the very top of the Presidium, ostensibly to determine who the best sharpshooter between them is... and then, the romance hits, culminating in this question:
{{quote| '''Garrus (uncharacteristically shyly):''' So, Shepard... are you ready to be a one-turian kind of woman?}}
** The Paragon answer boils down to a simple five words after the build-up: "I love you, Garrus Vakarian."
** The entire Garrus romance is handled incredibly well. It's referenced throughout the game, especially if you keep Garrus in your squad, and hits the right notes of humor, warmth, and affection. It's a very bright spot in an otherwise tense story.
*** Not just that, but throughout the whole trilogy, it is able to develop the most naturally of the possibilities. In ''ME1'', he and Shepard are comrades-in-arms with an important mission to do, so there really wasn't much time to sit and think about a relationship. In the two years that divide it from ''ME2'', he's obviously had plenty of time to think about her, and surrounded with uncertainty in Cerberus' employ as she was, she would see him as a constant in her now-fairly-chaotic life, and he is understandably worried about living up to her expectations. With her reassurance in ''3'' that she still loves him, they're now on the fast track to possible extinction, and players notice that they take nearly every available opportunity to reaffirm their personal bond. Honestly, their romance could have been given the full treatment which Kaidan, Ashley and Liara received, and it would have completely fit.
** On Earth, just before you start the final battle, you can talk to Garrus(among other characters). First, he suggests that after you beat the Reapers, you two should go retire someplace warm and tropical, and "see what a [[Babies Ever After|human-turian baby]] looks like." At the end of the conversation, he tells you that if you both die and get to heaven, you'll meet up in the bar.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' If I get to that bar, and you're not there, I'll be looking down. You'll never be alone.}}
* This little conversation between Tali and Legion on {{spoiler|Rannoch right before Legion sacrifices himself for the geth}}:
{{quote| '''Tali:''' Legion, the answer to your question<ref>[[Do Androids Dream?|"Do these units have a soul?"]]</ref> is 'yes'.<br />
'''Legion:''' I know. But thank you. Keelah Se'lai. }}
** In a similar vein, Tali's exchange with Shepard after the fact.
{{quote| '''Tali:''' I look at all this...this picture of hope and peace...and all I see is everyone I've lost. My team on Haestorm, my father...even {{spoiler|Legion}}. I'm {{spoiler|mourning a Geth}}. How crazy is that?<br />
'''Shepard:''' It's not crazy at all. }}
** Even more so.
{{quote| '''Tali:''' I'd have killed the geth with no regrets. And I'd have been wrong. Thank you.}}
** There's a rather adorable exchange on Rannoch where Shepard tells Legion "Good luck", and Legion says "Acknowledged". A bit later, {{spoiler|before Shepard takes on a Reaper ''on foot''}}, Legion hesitates just noticeably and tells Shepard "Good luck" and is told "Acknowledged". They've clearly got this quiet rapport with each other.
** If Legion died on the Collector base, its role is played by a [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIdE0MNOiAI&feature=plcp&context=C475b94bVDvjVQa1PpcFPHC6lGjpj4TTgm4iiVd3nBKe8kn9-sK1E= replacement] who has no memory of Legion's time aboard the Normandy, is cagier and more logical, and distrusts organics, including Shepard. ''That'' is sad, but contrasting it to "real" Legion's role really proves that the geth's time working with Shep changed it, and for the better.
Line 320:
** Made all the better whenever they both predictably [[Adorkable]] the entire ship up {{spoiler|after they're found out.}}
* Regarding Tali and Garrus, just before the assault on Earth you can meet them in Garrus's calibrations chamber where they talk about the upcoming battle and make a few bets. It might not sound like much, but the following lines really brought tears to my eyes:
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' You two have been with me longer than most. You believed in me when nobody else did. Thanks.<br />
'''Tali:''' We'll finish this the way we started it ... together.<br />
'''Garrus:''' Damn right! }}
** It is the knowledge that these two have been by your side throughout the entire story that makes it a truly wonderful moment. They helped you take down Saren, they helped you take out the Collectors, and they will help you take back Earth. I'll let you guess who were the ones who aided me during the last mission. That's right, the old guard.
Line 334:
** A perky teenage girl chats up with a turian officer at the refugee camp. He's initially very suspicious, but then she tells him she's waiting for her parents - they put her on an evac shuttle and told her to wait for them. She's convinced she'll arrive any minute. The officer tells her that if she ever gets bothered by anyone, she's to immediately go to him and he'll take care of it. Each time you pass by them, she's still waiting, and he's looking out for her and awkwardly doing his best to reassure her.
** A worried asari seeing her turian husband [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyjM3JAonlw off to war.] The turian tells her that they probably won't be able to stay in contact much, as the soldiers are meant to avoid sending messages and they can't depend on the comms. As they talk, it becomes obvious the two have children. Then, at the end of the conversation...
{{quote| '''Turian:''' I'll send a message for Niri's birthday.<br />
'''Asari:''' I thought you were supposed to avoid sending messages.<br />
'''Turian:''' It's a stupid rule anyway. }}
*** Another one that turns into a [[Tear Jerker]] in hindsight: {{spoiler|The husband asks his wife to take the girls and go to Sanctuary where they'll be safe.}}
Line 346:
** Watching Shala'raan's hesitant response to the helpful Geth Prime at the end of that mission...
** Before that, the Geth Prime welcoming Shala'Raan's people back to Rannoch.
{{quote| '''Admiral Raan''': We've taken heavy losses... I don't know if we can... where are we suppose to go?<br />
'''Geth Prime''': You are welcome to return to Rannoch, Admiral Raan. With us.<br />
'''Shepard''': Legion?<br />
'''Geth Prime''': No, I'm sorry commander. Legion sacrificed itself to give us all intelligence. It will be honoured. }}
** Shepard's callback to Tali's translation "Keelah Se'lai: By the homeworld I hope to see someday" in their final speech to convince the Quarians and Geth they can live in peace on Rannoch.
{{quote| '''Shepard''': You have a choice. Please. ''Keelah Se'lai!''}}
*** Shepard *isn't* talking about Rannoch here.
* The [http://youtu.be/_VPWQjQPRsw aftermath] of the Geth/Quarian peace, where you find out that the Geth are not only helping The Quarians to rebuild their home world, but are also helping to revitalise The Quarian's immune systems. It's a beautiful moment when you realise that awareness or not, the Geth have only ever wanted to help their creators.
** Even better? When learning of the Reapers' true motivations, the Geth/Quarian resolution is basically the biggest middle finger you can give to their position.
* Also related to the Rannoch mission, {{spoiler|the first time Tali tells Shepard she loves him. Right as he's about to face a Reaper on foot alone.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Tali:''' If this doesn't... if we don't make it...}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Shepard:''' You worry too much.}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Tali:''' I love you.}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Shepard:''' Keelah Se'lai.}} }}
*** Even more heartwarming when they reaffirm what the other one said during the battle at London
Line 364:
** They have some truly adorable and snarky banter throughout the game.
** Her reaction to Shepard viewing the Cerberus logs on Kronos Station shows just how far she has come regarding their relationship. Whereas in the second game she was nervous and hesitant to get seriously involved with him, by the time the trilogy nears its end she is utterly devoted to her boyfriend and very protective of him. While Shepard is viewing the logs for the Lazarus Project, the final one shows The Illusive Man {{spoiler|laying out precisely how he plans to emotionally manipulate Shepard.}} Tali's response shows that you do, indeed, need to [[Beware the Nice Ones]].
{{quote| '''Tali:''' [[Tranquil Fury|He needs to die.]]}}
* Overlaps with [[Tear Jerker]], but the scenes meeting Kaidan in the hospital {{spoiler|after he is critically injured on Mars by Dr. Eva.}} The first scene, when Kaidan is unconscious, is heartwarming, with Shepard telling Kaidan to fight and recover, that the Alliance needs him, and then, hesistantly admitting that Shepard [[Please Don't Leave Me|really needs him too.]] This is regardless of whether or not Kaidan is romanced. Later, when Shepard bring him a get-well bottle of wine and comes to see him, is nothing short of endearing. Shepard asks if he'll be okay, and then the two have their heart to heart about Horizon. Kaidan reflects on how Shepard never judged him [[My Greatest Failure|about Rahna back at BAaT]], and that they went through [[Survivor Guilt|Ashley's death]] together, and just wants to know if he and the Commander "are good?"
** You also get this gem if he was romanced in Mass Effect 1.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Are we going to be able to get past what happened on Horizon?<br />
'''Kaidan:''' I'd like to, Shepard. As friends... as more than friends. I mean, I don't know. [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|I just like having you in my life]]. }}
** He also mentions that he never saw anyone else after you died in ME2, because he loved you too much.
* Female Shepard and Eve bonding over both being women placed into positions of great importance by their respective species, declaring that they'll show the men how it's done.
** The whole conversation made me smile.
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' Thanks for talking to me.<br />
'''Eve:''' It's my pleasure, Commander. I'm glad to see humans treat their women with respect. Your people have placed a lot of responsibility on you.<br />
'''Shepard:''' No more than your people have put on you.<br />
'''Eve:''' [''laughs''] Then maybe we can show the men how it's done.<br />
'''Shepard:''' [''smiles''] Deal. }}
* If you saved Thane's son in the last game, you join him {{spoiler|in Thane's hospital room after Kai Leng stabbed him during a try at the salarian councilor.}} Together, you read a very quiet and subdued passage on forgiveness and strength {{spoiler|which ends as Thane breathes his last breath and dies peacefully.}} The kicker? That prayer {{spoiler|wasn't for him. [[True Companions|It was for you.]]}}
Line 385:
** If you had a fling with Miranda in the second game, Shepard has to break up with her, while being as gentle as he can. Shepard honestly seems sincere when he tells Ash that, it wasn't that the 'fling' didn't mean anything, he ''does'' care about Miranda, but after Horizon, Shepard and Ashley were both in a place where they simply couldn't help being selfish and stupid. The fact that both can reconcile, even with Ash intially being cold to Shepard and Shepard's honest remorse at being unfaithful to Ash and how gut-punched they seem after Ash gets put into the hospital on Mars, shows how far the two have grown up and how they truly feel about the other.
** Best summed up by Ashley in the romance scene;
{{quote| '''Ashley''': Just shut up and kiss me.}}
* Nearly ''everything'' Paragon Shepard does in this game seems to chalk up to one of these. Shepard may be a badass, cybernetically enchanced, supersoldier with possible biotic powers, but their ''real'' superpower is a simple inherent faith in people to do the right thing when the time comes.
* "You did good, son/child. I'm proud of you."
Line 391:
* When Joker gets out of his chair and salutes Shepard before {{spoiler|returning to Earth with the combined fleets}}.
** In an event probably missed by most players, after {{spoiler|Cerberus attacks Citadel and you're forced to kill Ash/Kaidan or deny their request to rejoin the crew in the aftermath}}, he does the same to show that while most of the galaxy ''still'' questions Shepard's actions after all that's happened, there are some who don't.
{{quote| '''Shepard''': What's this?<br />
'''Joker''': Someone giving you the respect you deserve. }}
* When EDI isn't being a CMOF, she's often getting into this territory. Her sincere interest in humanity and morals is often quite endearing as is her devotion to the Normandy's crew.
{{quote| '''EDI:''' If the Normandy were captured, my fate would be similar to the indoctrinated. My code would be rewritten. I would become loyal to the Reapers. I would rather become nonfunctional than help them.<br />
'''Shepard:''' We won't let that happen to you, EDI.<br />
'''EDI:''' You may have no choice. If you perish first, I want you to know I will never be a part of the Reaper force. }}
** She then describes the difference between the Reapers and herself. The Reapers only care about self-preservation and nothing but. EDI would gladly sacrifice her existence to save Jeff.
Line 401:
* If you couldn't save Miranda and romanced her in the second, the way she runs a hand on the side of Shepard's face as they hold her as she lays dying, Shepard having a clear look of "Its all my fault". Shepard thanks her for saving them and comforts her by telling her that she did the right thing, that Shepard will look after Oriana now and that Miranda doesn't need to worry anymore... ''her sister is safe''.
* The scene that starts the romance between male Shepard and Kaidan. Especially for fans who've been wanting it since the first game.
{{quote| '''Shepard''': It does. It does feel right. After all this time. You and me.}}
** Hell, Kaidan in general is this. Especially for a female Shepard who has loved him since ME1, it becomes very apparent just how much he's her rock, the [[Only Sane Man]] who can offer her advice and comfort in the direst and darkest of days.
* Bring your LI with you when you {{spoiler|infiltrate the Illusive Man's base with EDI}}. You'll find video logs about Shepard's resurrection, and they say flat-out that Shepard was brain-dead, causing the Commander to actually [[Tomato in Thethe Mirror|have a moment of doubt]].
{{quote| '''Cerberus Scientist:''' Sir, Shepard is clinically brain-dead. After that much trauma, that long with no oxygen... We cannot overcome nature.<br />
'''Shepard:''' [watching the video] I didn't realize it was that bad.<br />
...<br />
'''Shepard:''' [softly] Maybe they really just fixed me. Or maybe I'm just a high-tech VI that thinks it's Commander Shepard. But I don't know. I... }}
** Tali's [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGY-MUKfXW4 response:]
{{quote| '''Tali:''' You are real. Real, and ''mine''.}}
** Liara's response:
{{quote| '''Liara:''' I wish you'd told me Shepard. I knew it was really you the first time I touched you again.}}
** Kaidan's response is equally heartwarming:
{{quote| '''Kaidan:''' You're real enough to me.}}
*** It's just such a massive contrast to his doubts about Shepard at the beginning of the game. Before, seeing that would have all but confirmed his suspicions. But by the time he watches that log, he knows who Shepard is and he won't ever doubt it again.
* Upon entering the Geth consciousness, you see several pivotal moments of the Geth's history that are preserved and shown to Shepard. They are what you'd expect: initial relations between the Quarians and the Geth, and the [[Robot War|Morning War.]] The most recent memory, however, is that of Shepard him/herself welcoming Legion as a member of the ''Normandy's'' crew. As Legion explains, it's a key memory it wishes to share with the rest of the Geth: Shepard was the first organic to ever welcome it with (somewhat) open arms.
Line 419:
** She didn't even know that the Reaper Indoctrination was real, and thought that Saren had corrupted Benezia through conventional means.
*** The crowner is here, though:
{{quote| '''Aethyta:''' You're treating her like a baby bird, Nezzy, but she's gonna raise one hell of a storm with those little wings. <br />
'''Liara:''' [[Call Back|Little wing?]].<br />
'''Aethyta:''' You okay?<br />
Line 434:
* EDI at the endgame: "I understand what is at stake, the Reapers have destroyed thousands of civilisations. But they have never destroyed ours nor will they." I was in floods of tears for this entire section.
* Shepard in general is just so much more... human in this game than s/he has been in others. The strain is clearly visible at points {{spoiler|Particularly after Thessia when Shepard has to take the call from the Asari councillor and explain, for the first time in all three games, that they have failed.}}
{{quote| '''Asari Councilor:''' I never thought this day would come.<br />
'''Shepard:''' None of us did. I'm [''asari councilor disconnects''][[Beat|...]]sorry. }}
* Javik, of all people, delivering a brief but inspiring [[Rousing Speech]] to people on the Citadel, telling them that there is hope, and they can win, and that the Protheans saw potential in all of their species, and that now is the time to rise to those expectations. Immediately afterward, he confides to Shepard that he honestly has enjoyed his time walking among the "young."
Line 445:
*** The fact that sick children benefit from this is easily the best part of the whole thing. But the runner up? [http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/mass-effect-3-ending-changed-video-gamer-backlash-bioware-announces-article-1.1048196?localLinksEnabled=false Bioware seems to be listening.]
* In Mass Effect: Datapad for iOS devices you receive messages from ingame characters as you interact with them in Mass Effect 3 itself. Using the app while romancing Garrus gives you this heartwarming message:
{{quote| It's late. Just got up for some water. You're still asleep. Wanted to say how beautiful I think you are.<br />
Love G. }}
* There's a really great one after the {{spoiler|Cerberus}} attack, outside the Purgatory bar: a salarian soldier on medical leave for an almost-healed injury is chatting with his human friend about the fancy new armor he received from command a few weeks prior. She asks him about its specs and properties, which he enthuses about at length, speculating that it was sent to him due to an error given how much better it is than what he'd normally be issued. Finally, as they're preparing to leave, he asks her about her beloved top-of-the-line car, only to learn that she sold it a few weeks back... right around the same time the salarian received his new gear.
{{quote| '''Salarian:''' ...Come on. I'm gonna buy you a God damned drink.}}
* Liara shares her memories with your prior to the last assault on London. She mentions that it is sometimes done between bondmates. She also mentions those little blue children you discussed earlier. D'awwwww.
** Actually, found it even better with a non-romanced Liara. She leans against Shepard's arm and gently rests her head on Shepard's shoulder. It's a phenomenally sweet moment.
Line 455:
** {{spoiler|The Synthesis ending. During the entire game, we see Joker and EDI's romance forming. Choosing the Synthesis ending has a cyborg Joker and a cyborg EDI walking into the new world, almost like Adam and Eve. EDI gives the broadest smile in her life as she rests her head on Joker's shoulder in pure joy. D'awwwwwwwwwwww.}}
* The final scene warms your heart [[Tear Jerker|and breaks it]] all at the same time.
{{quote| '''Anderson''': You did good, son/child. You did good. [[So Proud of You|I'm proud of you.]]}}
* A lot of the fetch quests you can do after overhearing conversations on the Citadel qualify. The galaxy is falling apart, but Shepard still finds time to perform little acts of kindness. Finding heating units to save a salarian's clutch from dying out. Acquiring an improved power grid for the Purgatory bar to help give people -- especiallypeople—especially off-duty soldiers -- somewheresoldiers—somewhere to escape for a little while. Bringing back confirmation of a son's death so his family won't be left wondering. Recovering a batarian priest's religion artifact to give his people some faith to cling to. Just little bits and pieces that might not even matter once all is said and done, but it's a reminder that ''people'' are what we're fighting for, not just basic survival.
* Gabby and Ken having a [[Last-Minute Hookup]] [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgr5alxkTl0\]
** All that's missing is Shepard remarking that "[[Chuck|Off the record?]] [[Everyone Can See It|It's about damn time]]."
* Mordin telling Shepard about his first meeting with "Eve".
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' You care about [Eve].<br />
'''Mordin:''' My patient. My responsibility. Found her at STG base. Three doctors injured trying to restrain her. Undid arm restraints. Didn't resist when she grabbed me. Promised to help her. [[Tear Jerker|She said, "Please."]] }}
* After the {{spoiler|Cerberus coup on the Citadel}}, if you manage to do it without killing {{spoiler|Kaidan/Ashley}}, you get a small scene with Garrus in front of the memorial wall. He talks about how Shepard almost had to {{spoiler|kill him/her}}, and is thankful that {{spoiler|he/she didn't join Ashley/Kaidan}}. He then comments that it was Kaidan/Ashley fight too, and they need to win for him/her as well. Heartwarming to know he still remembers the one who died at Virmire two years after he/she dies.
Line 469:
* Miranda laying out the guilt she feels for even thinking about putting a control chip in Shepard's head. She states how she should have known better given how she always tried to protect herself and her sister from their father's controlling influence. The apology that she gives Shepard for considering making him/her a slave to Cerberus feels genuine and heartfelt. [[Character Development|Miranda's really come a long way.]]
** It's even more heartwarming if Shepard forgives her and expresses his/her gratitude for Miranda's work on the Lazarus Project:
{{quote| '''Shepard''': I lost two years of my life, Miranda. You gave the rest of it back.}}
* If you manage to get the turians and the krogan working together, after a while you will get a sudden, seemingly random Codex entry added. "The Miracle at Palaven".
** {{spoiler|1=After generations of animosity, the Krogan and the Turians are working together for the first time since... ever. They coordinate a massive sneak attack against the Reapers by using a dreadnought as a distraction and then smuggling a large number of high-yield WMDs into Reaper harvesting camps. Countless lives are sacrificed, but through the combined efforts of the Krogan and Turians, they manage to strike possibly the biggest blow against the Reapers short of the battle for the Catalyst.}}
* This conversation with Garrus after {{spoiler|the fall of Thessia}}. When Shepard has comes as close as s/he ever has to a [[Heroic BSOD]]:
{{quote| '''Shepard''': [[Shell-Shocked Veteran|There's only so much death and destruction you can take]] [[Death Seeker|before...]]<br />
'''Garrus''': [[True Companions|Before your friend picks you up, dusts you off and reminds you that you're the best damn soldier he's ever served with.]] }}
** After spending two games being the squad's [[Warrior Therapist]] it's nice to see them giving Shepard the pep-talk for a change.
Line 479:
* Finding out that Space!Shepard's mother is still alive and well in [[Mass Effect 3]], you would expect her to be among the casualties defending Earth but surprisingly Shepard's mother made it out alright.
* This little bit of dialogue between Paragon Shepard and Eve gets me every time:
{{quote| '''Eve''': Go, Commander. You don't know me.<br />
'''Shepard''': No. [[You Are Not Alone|But I'd like to]]. }}
* In the first conversations with Cortez and Engineer Adams, Sheperd shows an incredible fondness for the old ''Normandy''. The ship may be gone and replaced, but hasn't been forgotten.
{{quote| '''Cortez''': Welcome back to [[The Alliance]], Commander.}}
* Talking to [[Ace Pilot|Steve Cortez]] on the Citadel. He sees a turian frigate that's very scarred up, seen a lot of conflict, and compares it to himself, limping around and having no [[Death Seeker|reason to live.]] Shepard can Paragon interrupt Steve by looking at a passing Alliance frigate, who was repurposed from a warship to evacuating civilians. He tells Steve there are always reasons to live. It snaps Steve [[Heroic BSOD|out of his funk]], and {{spoiler|saves his life in the end.}} [[Good Feels Good]].
* Talking to [[Adorkable|Samantha Traynor]] has at least one big CMOH. She reveals that she was visiting her family on Horizon when the Collectors hit and she just sounds so grateful that Shepard and his/her team came for her.
{{quote| '''Traynor''': When the Alliance was running studies, you were saving me and my family.}}
** Even better was that Shepard was expressing his/her guilt about having worked with Cerberus, with Traynor assuring him/her that while Cerberus is a bad group, s/he was still doing the right thing.
* A subtle one after ending the Quarian-Geth War peacefully, Tali looks over Rannoch and comments;
{{quote| '''Tali''': It is beautiful though, isn't it?<br />
'''Shepard''': *''Looking directly at '''Tali'''''* Yeah... it is. }}
** More so as Shepard does this even if Tali isn't romanced.
*** the other dialogue between shepard and tali (if romanced) that comes before also qualifies
{{quote| '''Shepard''': You going to be okay? I know working with the geth will be difficult.<br />
'''Tali''': I'm not staying, I'm coming with you.<br />
'''Shepard''': I wasn't going to ask...<br />
'''Tali''': why not?<br />
'''Shepard''': Because I respect you, dammit. you think I don't want you to come with me?<br />
'''Tali''': So ask me.<br />
'''Shepard''': Tali...<br />
'''Tali''': I don't know how much time we have left, or if we can even stop the reapers, but whatever happens I want to be by your side.<br />
'''Shepard''': *smirks* I bet you say that to every guy who gets you a homeworld.<br />
'''Tali''': *looks directly at him* Only the cute ones. }}
* Another CMOH during the battle of london between Tali and Shepard (if romanced), also crosses into [[Tear Jerker]] territory.
{{quote| '''Tali''': Do you remember what I said on Rannoch?<br />
'''Shepard''': You said "I love you"<br />
'''Tali''': And you said "Keelah se'lai"..I want...more time<br />
'''Shepard''': ...I know...(comforts her with a hug) whatever happens...<br />
'''Tali''': (nods)...I know.. }}
** also when tali shows up again with the other admirals, if she was romanced the way Shepards' eyes simply 'light up' when he sees her again..
* If you chose the geth - and ''only'' if you chose the geth, for some reason - then when back on Earth you can talk to [http://youtu.be/u5O5RdWZsGo a Geth Prime] who promises that the geth are fighting for their future - and once the war is over, they will help rebuild yours. Awww...
[[Category:Video Games/Heartwarming]]
[[Category:Mass Effect]]
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