The Main Characters

I'm Vanilla. Nice to meet you.

Vanilla R. Beans

Voiced by: Spike Spencer

The player character. An amnesiac boy who wakes up on Seagull Beach with no memory of where he is or even who he is. He meets up with Coriander (Connie for short.) and together they travel around in a trotmobile they found at the beach while he tries to uncover his identity.

  • Badass in A Nice Suit: Early in the game he can buy a fancy suit from a shop and wear it for the rest of the game.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: You certainly have the option to play him as this. For example:

 "I saw a blue thing... up on that cliff... kissing the boulder!"

"Yes, I have no bananas!"

  • Covert Pervert: You also have the option to play him as this. In fact, if you follow a certain questline just right you can have him peep on Connie while she's bathing with you in a hotsprings by having him peek though a hole in the wall.
  • Dirty Coward: During an early encounter the player can choose to hand Connie over to a bandit, all the while snivling and begging for the bandit not to hurt him. The bandit attacks you anyway, and you have to defeat him to rescue her. Connie is, of course, not very impressed with this course of action:

 "Oh my god! What a wuss!"

  • Easy Amnesia: Wakes up on Seagull beach with no idea who he is. Later, the player gets to decide... through dialog!
  • Multiple Choice Past: So, was he a rich kid from a wealthy family? The son of a coal miner? A playboy who gets all the ladies? Its up to you to decide! And it affects NOTHING!
  • Villain Protagonist: At first all you can do is be rude and spiteful, but by the end of the game you have the option of becoming this.
My name's Coriander, but you can call me Connie. Everyone else does.

Coriander (Connie)

Voiced by: Wendee Lee (singing voice: Nadia Gifford)

A young girl who is the lead singer of the Garland Globetrotters, a popular band that plays all over the country. For most of the game she is Vanilla's traveling companion, who tries to help him recover his lost memory while they go on adventures.

  • Feminine Women Can Cook: Unless Vanilla gives her bad ingrediants she can make a pretty good meal, but you'll need to show her a book if you want anything deep-fried.
  • Nice Hat: You can give her one of these as a gift and she'll wear it during one of the possible endings.
  • Stepford Smiler: Is very happy and sunny on the surface, but hasn't quite gotten over Chickory's death yet.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Donuts and honey. Giving her either of these items as gifts while on a date will give you a lot of hearts.

Supporting Characters

Wanna join the band?


The drummer and saxophonist for the Globetrotters. He is very kind and gentle and helps out at his parents' store when he's not touring with the band.

Good luck!


Voiced by: Karen Strassman (as Jessica Straus)

The sexy back up vocalist who is immensely popular with the bands male fans. Is secretly working for the Bloody Mantis under Dandelion's leadership.



Voiced by: Spike Spencer

A short guy who plays bass string for the Globetrotters and has a massive crush on Savory. (Which she and everyone else is heavily implied to know about.)

  • Butt Monkey: He means well, but often comes off as immature and says things when he should know better.
  • Heroic BSOD: Goes through one of these if you get the good ending because Savory ends up dying.
  • The Wobbie: Can be seen as such as his unrequited love for Savory continually goes unignored. There's even an option to convince him Vanilla got "personal" with her.
I'll change the way people look at music.


Voiced by: Kirk Thornton (singing voice: Ryan Kerwin)

The cool guitarist of the group. He leaves the Globetrotters fairly early in the story to pursue his own musical identity, but remains on good terms with the rest of the band.


Voiced by: Yuri Lowenthal

The former leader of the Globetrotters who left after his younger brother Chickory died in an accident. He played the violin when he toured with the band and has now moved on to crafting instruments at a small shop out in the countryside.


Voiced by: Tara Platt

The captain of the Juniper Berry, the boat Vanilla was last seen on before the events of the game. She instructs him on piloting Trotmobiles in an optional tutorial.


Voiced by: Stephanie Sheh

Connie's bedridden mother.