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Strife Strips

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Strife Strips (aka This Strife) is a defunct Sprite Comic by Peter "Maverick" Bridger. It mainly ran from 2000 to 2007, and still updates, every once in a blue moon that is. The comic focused on the wacky and sometimes epic adventures of Duke Nukem and his housemate, the Doom Marine. Many other characters from the The Nineties era of computer games would occasionally be featured, the most fleshed out being Commander Keen and Walter from Half Life.

The comic was made in Duke Nukem 3D's engine, Build.

Flash animator Andrew Kepple (credited under his old alias, King Sluggy) was heavily involved with the site for some time, producing the site's most popular feature, Strife Toons, a Stillborn Serial which ran for four episodes: one regular, a two parter and a fan mail special. Kepple also drew a couple of spinoff comics called That Strife.

In 2010, the bulk of the comic archive was moved to a new address (http://www.strifestrips.com/) which itself is defunct as of 2020 and was never archived by the Wayback Machine. The only way to see the archive is to browse the Wayback archive for the original site, linked above.

Tropes used in Strife Strips include:
  • Batman Can Breathe in Space: Doom Marine can, but that is just because he is to stupid to notice the difference.
  • Backup Twin: After The Doom Marine's assassination (see below), he is replaced by his brother, The Green Doom Marine, who "knows pretty much the same stuff [as his brother did]" and loves green.
  • The Ditz: The Doom Marine.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: The Doom Marine's assassination by Agent 47. It was done in response to complaints about him wearing red body armor and not green.
    • Red Marine stills makes appearances after his death, in form of a ghost, constantly declaring that "Green Marine sucks!"
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: The first episode of Strife Toons from 2006, wherein 3D Realms is destroyed and Duke Nukem is rendered powerless because it means that Duke Nukem Forever will never be released. It might, however, qualify as a Funny Aneurysm Moment for a Duke Nukem fan.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Lame Duke to Duke Nukem.
  • Schedule Slip: Got hit HARD. Probably harder than VG Cats

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