Survivor: The Living Dead
Survivor: The Living Dead is a 2010 indie survival horror game by Radical Endeavours. The game sees you take control of a girl named Amber who gets trapped in an abandoned house during a zombie outbreak, and must use household objects to defend herself.
Tropes used in Survivor: The Living Dead include:
- Bare Your Midriff: The female zombies.
- Chainsaw Good
- Driven to Suicide: The owner of the house can be found in a locked room, with his brains blown out next to a shotgun.
- Kill It with Fire
- Molotov Cocktail: One of the DIY weapons available in the game.
- Plunder: Guns can be obtained from certain zombies and the dead homeowner.
- Our Zombies Are Different: Most are fairly typical, although there is a rare variety that gives off clouds of poisonous gas.
- Shout-Out: The game is a self-confessed Romero homage. In particular, the opening cutscene is based directly on the first scene of Night of the Living Dead.
- Your Head Asplode: The effect of using a shotgun on a zombie at close range. One variety of zombie also reacts this way to the fire poker.
- Zombie Apocalypse
- Zombie Infectee: as well as a standard health metre, Amber has an infection metre which gradually raises after she has first been bitten.