The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius/Fanfic Recs

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.

These are recommendations made by Tropers for The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.

You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.

Authors and Websites


  • Recommended by Ivory 23
  • Pairings: Multiship, including Jimmy/Cindy, Sheen/Libby, Carl/Elke, Jimmy/Betty, Jimmy/April, and others.
  • This site features a collection of fanfics not available on


  • Recommended by omegaman
  • Pairings: Jimmy/Cindy, Sheen/Libby, Carl/OC
  • Comments: Why Ga DS 2000's fics hadn't already been added to this page is beyond me. He is, far and away, one of the best, if not the best, Jimmy Neutron fanfic writers out there. He is one of the best fanfic writers out there, period. His characterizations are always on the spot and faithful to the show. His OCs are genuinely well-written and interesting, his plots and stories are fantastic (often incorporating genuine scientific elements alongside the more tradition pseudoscience of the show). Romance is often a major subplot to his works, but not often the cnetral focus of his story, but even then, it is written beautifully. He's written sixteen stories, most of which get longer in length the more recent they are, but sadly, the last is a Dead Fic. Two of them are amazing crossovers with Kim Possible.

General Fics

UltraMom by BekBoo20

  • Recommended by Ivory 23.
  • Pairing(s): Sheen/Libby
  • Synopsis: It's Mother's Day in Retroville...but why is Sheen so sad?
  • Comments: Explores the history behind Sheen's Missing Mom . A sweet, poignant look at a side of Sheen we rarely see. This fanfic is also being made into a manga, which can be seen here: UltraMom Comic
    • Personally, This Troper is going to have to say that while the plot was nice, it was too rushed, and would have been better off written by somebody else. -- Alwaus. Roberty Mason
      • Let's take note this was her first fanfic, and she's gotten better.

The Other Side of Tomorrow by Mara S.

  • Recommended by Bahama Quadrangle.
  • Pairing(s): NOT a pairing centered fic, but it does include Sheen/Libby, Jimmy/Cindy Angst, April/OC
  • Synopsis: After Jimmy’s latest experiment in teleportation technology fails, the gang finds themselves plunged into an another universe. There, the kids meet up with the last people they expect, and slowly begin to piece together a vision of their own future far too terrible to imagine.
  • Comments: One of the few fics that features Cindy and April the Gorlock as the two lead characters, this one has it all. Action, Suspense, Comedy, non-squicky romance, and enough CallBacks and ContinuityNods to make it seem like a really epic TV movie. The characterization is spot on, and the author does a great job of creating a believable world with its own unique settings and relevant OC's. As an added bonus, the author is an excellent artist whose illustrations make the story that much better. In progress, nearing completion.

Tomb of Doom by Msrandom

  • Recommended by Ivory 23.
  • Pairing(s): Jimmy/Cindy
  • Synopsis: A mysterious phone call leads Retroville's Boy Genius, Jimmy Neutron, to the headquarters of S.E.F.S., where he receives a life or death mission. Apparently, Professor Calamitous has concocted another maniacal plan to take over the world. But to do it, he needs five precious stones that he hid in Queen Howsaboutislapya's Tomb...and he's forgotten where they are. It's up to Jimmy and his friends to travel to Egypt and retrieve them before Professor Calamitous does - and the whole world is depending on them. But with wild desert animals, sandstorms, mummies, Jimmy and Cindy's constant rivalry, (Ultralord Stories), and just plain bad luck, how can they possibly succeed?
  • Comments: Hilarious moments, diabolical cliffhangers, and adorably giggle-inducing romance make this fic incredibly enjoyable.

Shipping Fics

Maid of Honor by Sunshinedaydream

  • Recommended by Bahama Quadrangle.
  • Pairing(s): Sheen/Libby
  • Synopsis: Lord help us: Jimmy and Cindy are getting married. At the wedding, Sheen and Libby, now in their 20s, meet again after being broken up for five years.
  • Comments: A short and sweet S/L fic that ages the characters in a believable way.

To Cross the Rubicon by Pottergal

  • Recommended by Ivory 23.
  • Pairing(s): Jimmy/Cindy
  • Synopsis: A bet between Jimmy and Cindy turns into a life-and-death adventure.
  • Comments: A great read for anyone who likes JC and is okay with some fluff and cheese in their fics. It's well written, and true to the characters.

The Irony of It All by Well-Well

  • Recommended by Taffy Cat
  • Pairing(s): Jimmy/Cindy
  • Synopsis: Cindy's birthday starts with the promise of a surprise from her dad, but Jimmy Neutron is in a funk and things take a turn for the worse. Mysteries are cropping up and Cindy is determined to get to the bottom of everything.
  • Comments: A great fanfic for anyone who enjoys thick plots and twists and turns. The evolution of the characters is believable, and the story hints at a different side of Jimmy that doesn't show up often in fic.