The World Ends With You/Fanfic Recs

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for, followed by winning The Game and coming back to read them again, here:

These are recommendations made by Tropers for The World Ends With You, all of which have been signed. After a few samples, you will be able to judge whether you might be interested in the 'fic, based on who recommended it. No-name recommendations will be erased. Discussion of the recommendation is welcome on the discussion page. As such discussion is important, do remember to add the discussion page to the watchlist, if need be.

Do warn when a fanfic may head into romantic or non-canon territory. Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business.

Authors, and Websites


  • Recommended by starstuff99
  • An author who seems to have an endless muse for TWEWY stories, she's equally adept at humor and drama. She has around a million stories for this fandom, some of which are oneshots and some of which are in progress. Her stories are generally pairingless, although hints of Neku/Shiki and Beat/Eri sneak in there sometimes.
  • Special recommendations include Rhythm for humor and lighthearted fun, and Elegy and Wiping the Slate for drama.


  • Recommended by P Miller 1
  • One of the well Authors, Make some Good Story, Post-Games. And have a story for the "Lesser-Known Pals" with a story call Moon and Sun that Ship Ai/Makoto and some More.

General Fics

Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.

Dividing by Zero by Ersatz.Love

  • Recommended by Kris Mahai
  • Synopsis: Post-game, and contains spoilers from the secret reports. "The battle was lost, but the war's not over; the Composer's biggest threat has yet to be erased, after all." Minamimoto-centric.

Krick-KRACK by The Light's Refrain

  • Recommended by Rhyme Beat
  • Synopsis: Post-game. All was well after the Shibuya game, right? Wrong. Things are going to hell. All the creativity has gone to ultra-competitiveness. Meanwhile, both of the Bito siblings are lost without ambitions.

roulette by Lucky Dice Kirby

  • Recommended by Keltena
  • Synopsis: Fairness is a subjective thing. Not every problem has a solution, once you mess with the numbers enough.
  • Comments: The author lists it as onesided Joshua/Neku, but it's really more of a gen fic unless you excel at reading pairings into fanfics. The style is straightforward and almost painfully honest, and gives an accurate representation of what might become of Neku and Joshua's relationship postgame.

Playing for Keeps by FlikFreak (Crossover with the Kingdom Hearts series, put on this page because it takes place in the TWEWY-verse.)

  • Recommended by Sapphire Blue
  • Synopsis: Sora is sent to Shibuya to investigate some strange activity coming from there. But instead, he ends up being thrust into the Reaper's Game. He's partnered up with Neku, who's back due to an accident but was instructed to help Sora. Together, they find out that the Heartless have come to Shibuya. Neither of them knows much about the other. But they still have to figure out what's going on, while still making it safely through the Game. (Note From the Future: Written way before KH3D.)

Chapters by Azalee

  • Recommended by starstuff99
  • Synopsis: /ReseT/ Neku finds a new app in his phone.

Joshua Trips by Kipper Snack

  • Recommended by Spencerrr
  • Synopsis: ...well, he does.

Noise of Regalement by The Light's Refrain

  • Recommended by Ellamew
  • Synopsis: Your life. Another life. Sanity. Humanity. How easily these are taken for granted. In the end, what must you sacrifice for a power you don't even want?

Dreamless by Tenshi No Akuma (alt link)

  • Recommended by Marshmello
  • Synopsis: After the Game, everyone has changed... except Rhyme.

Shibuya's Composer by Natalie Field

  • Recommended by Little Miss Sophie
  • Synopsis: Sight has always been a problem for Yoshiya Kiryu. Not because of what he can't see, but because of what he can... The story of how Joshua became Shibuya's Composer..

Know You Better by The Genius Mage Divine Wolfe

  • Recommended by Death Note Fan
  • Synopsis: Post-game, one-shot, friendship fic. Shiki knew she needed to tell her, but the words were lodged in her throat and seemed content on staying there.

Down the Sewer Hole by Ellamew

  • Recommended by Theboywonder
  • Synopsis:One uneventful day, Rhyme's beloved bell pendant takes a tumble down the local sewage system. Worried brothers, bad coffee, math frauds, and tale-telling shoes aside, she wants it back.

Proof of Life by Etoile Luna

  • Recommended by Keyseeker
  • "Synopsis": While Joshua struggles to survive in the game between him and the angels, Neku struggles to understand the Composer. After all he's the only one who can help Joshua, as his only friend in the RG.

The Game by Pugatorie's Respite

  • Recommended by The Thnikkaman
  • Synopsis: A summary of the premise of TWEWY In Poem Form!

How To Become Composer by meiflower

  • Recommended by Anderling
  • Synopsis: There was one way. It was murder.

Shipping Fics

Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.

Aftermath by Jestry

  • Recommended by Arc Varanus
  • Pairings: Neku/Shiki
  • Synopsis: Aftermath of the Reaper's game. In which we attempt to pick up the shattered pieces of our lives, and glue them back into some semblance of reality.

Monochrome by The Genius Mage Divine Wolfe

  • Recommended by tropertea
  • Pairings: Neku/Shiki
  • Synopsis: Neku Sakuraba used to see the world in shades of black, white, and gray. A visit to Shiki's house and a small garden changed everything.

Infection by Zilleniose

  • Recommended by notsomuch.
  • Pairings: Joshua/Neku, sort of
  • Synopsis: "Neku, Neku... did you honestly think I'd let anyone else kill you?"

Signal to Noise by twigcollins (Alternate link)

  • Recommended by moooomoooo
  • Pairings: Joshua/Neku
  • Synopsis: Hey, what’s the worst that can happen?

Things You Don't Do by weaverofstars

  • Recommended by Death Note Fan
  • Pairings: Eri/Shiki, Joshua/Neku
  • Synopsis: There were a lot of things that Eri had to learn not to do when she became friends with all of them.

Out of Body Experience by Br D Pirate Man

  • Recommended by Infinite Lunacy
  • Pairings: Neku/Shiki
  • Synopsis: From the fic itself: Neku has won the Reapers' Game but is unfortunately reincarnated in Eri's body. How would he cope with everyday life from now on? Rated T for language and ecchi sexiness. The final part is here, along with an "extras" chapter!