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The World Ends With You/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The following lines make perfect sense in context.
    • "Dude. She's making fun of you."
    • "NOW! PANTS OFF!"
    • "The proof is in the pudding. The pudding...of their doom."
    • "Come get some hot stuff! Ooh! Hot! Hot stuff! Come get some!" "... I'll take one."
    • "F this! F it to the high heavens!"
  • Neku's response to Shiki asking if he knows Beat.

Neku: Don't insult me.

  • For someone who had recently taken a geometry class, hearing Sho Minamimoto smoothly saying "SOH CAH TOA!" was the funniest. Damn. Thing. Ever.
    • And if you take a geometry class after hearing Sho Minamimoto, well, you might just find it hard to focus without his voice in the back of his head.
  • Shiki is talking about how one's clothing choices reflects their personality. Neku shoots back with, "I wish I had more zippers... so I could tell you to zip it!" As a pun, it's rather mediocre. However, when one remembers that Tetsuya Nomura, TWEWY's character designer, is rather infamous for giving his characters zipper-laden costumes...
  • Some of the minds you read are pretty funny, particularly a skater lamenting screwing up a move, and consoling himself that he only needs one of those to have kids.
  • "It's tag, you dolt!"
  • "Take this!" "Dumbass!" "Come back when you grow a pair." The latter sounds even funnier if Beat says it after defeating Tigris Cantus.
  • Not to mention the Tin-Pin Slammer sidequest in 'Another Day', complete with Neku's 'emo urges', and Sho Minamimoto being the son of Ken Doi, the Ramen Shop owner!

Neku: Must...resist...emo...urges....!

    • Speaking of the Ramen Shop owner:

Neku: I'm looking for Dr. Pin.
Ken Doi: [[[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]] ...What? Who told you that name?

    • One of the most amusing bits of Another Day for this troper was:

Ken Doi: I'm sure you will, young man. Their hideout is in Miyashita Park.
Neku: .....
Neku: .....
Neku: .....
Neku: (How do you hide out in a park?)

    • Everything out of Shuto's mouth in regards to the "Crayon Warriors" thing.
    • "Shut up and walk, dear. ♥"
      • "If anything happens, I want to be there to wa- I mean, stop it." Who knew Shiki was a Yaoi Fangirl?
    • "This kid is the Roy G. Biv of Tin Pin strategy! When he sees a hole, he knows how to fill it!"
    • Joshua's numerous instances of breaking of the fourth wall. "What? I'm up against an unnamed character?! What a waste..."
    • "I should be pink, because pink is the color of love and a humanitarian like me loves people!" Says Joshua of all people, with a completely straight face.
    • For this troper, it was Neku finding out about Dr. Pin after all of the pins were stolen -

Shuto: Meet us at the ramen shop in Dogenzaka!
Neku: We're getting ramen?
Shuto: That's our secret base!
Neku: You have a secret ramen base?
Shuto: Go tell Doc there what happened!
Neku: There's a ramen doctor at your secret ramen base?

Beat: You's the idiots, you. We ain't treading on thin ice!
Uzuki: What?
Beat: Shibuya ain't cold enough for ice!

Kariya: .....

Neku: .....

    • * snerk* Beat Panel...
  • The solving of the enigma of What Happened To Def Märch's Mic.
    • "This mic is zetta sexy!"
    • And in that segment, they remark that there are freaky sounds in the megaphone someone left behind. They play it, and it's of Sho Minamimoto shouting "Sine! Cosine! TANGENT!"
    • Neku referring to the whole thing as "the detour from hell."
  • The more you buy from stores, the more the store owners like you. Every store owner, from Ken Doi to Mr. H, become increasingly friendly towards you, as they appreciate Neku's continued patronage. Every store owner, that is, except Mick, the recurring NPC who runs Shadow Ramen in Dogenzaka. This troper literally lol'd when he finally purchased enough Shadow Steak Ramen to discover that Mick is absolutely petrified of the prospect of Neku having a crush on him. Enter the shop and leave without buying anything, and you'll see what I mean.
    • Better yet. Although all the store owners are genuinely pleased for buying too much of their products on sale, they put up happy looks and are very excited to see Neku entering. Makoto's look is the opposite of that, which is this: (O_O).
  • The little conversation that takes place when Kitaniji first introduces Higashizawa to the rest of the Reapers.

Minamimoto: Hey, Megs-- Who’s the bulldozer?
Kitaniji: Meet Higashizawa-- this session’s Game Master. He’ll be handling my affairs in my stead.
Higashizawa: You do me a great honor, sir. Watch! I will turn this week’s fracas into a fricassee!
Minamimoto: You planning to erase them, or EAT them?

  • The NPCs' thoughts are occasionally amusing, but this one takes the cake.

Uhh, I'm not good with crowds...
Crowds bring out those symbols–the weebers!
I can see them everywhere!

There! Clinging to that guy's back–WEEBERS! Weebie weebie weebie...

    • There's also this.

I thought I saw someone with wings the other day...

No more caffeine.

    • Another goes something like "HEY, YOU. Yeah, you. Stop reading my mind."
    • A bit of a variation; a few NPCs can think something along the lines of "What are you doing reading my mind? If you think you can mind control me, you've got another thing coming!" It was probably foreshadowing, but this troper found it highly amusing to see the same sprite a few chapters later thinking decidedly differently.
  • When Kariya catches Joshua using his innate power, he criticizes him for a bit before letting him off with a warning.

So let's just say I blinked. Not next time, though. You'll be erased before you know it.
...By Uzuki. Later!

  • Some of your partner's reactions when you run away from a fight. My personal favorite:

Joshua: Oh, we're running? You didn't seem the type.
Neku: ......
Joshua: Well, I suppose it's inevitable...sometimes. Hee hee...
Neku: I suppose you're an ass. All the time.

    • Worst is when you do it too many times in a row and Josh... says... nothing. That creeps Neku out more than anything else in the entire game.
      • Actually, you have to think of the entire process. What was quoted above is what happens after you run away just once or twice. When Joshua's starting to get annoyed, he starts grinding Neku's nerves a little bit more. When Neku complains about that, Joshua swears not to say another word on the matter...hence his silence when he's really annoyed. He's being even more of a Jerk Ass than he usually is.
    • His annoyance at showing 777 the wrong phone-past-photo is at least worth a smile, too.
  • This gem from around the middle of Joshua's week: "Har har, you're killing me, Josh. Oh wait..."
  • Uzuki's continued annoyance at not being able to do anything in Week Two. The Tin Pin match is particularly memorable.
    • Later, the "tag game" with her in Week Three. Uzuki's Hair-Trigger Temper is always a reliable source of humor.
  • When Def Märch lost their microphone in Week 2, BJ finds a megaphone in the phone booth he was in a while before. They see that it has some recordings on it. What are they? "SINE!" "COSINE!" "TANGENT!"
  • Neku answering his phone at some point. "Hello. Dead kid talking."
  • Neku and Beat are together, and Beat's idiocy starts getting on Neku's nerves.

Neku: "Must... trust... partner..."

  • You can use the Rhyme pin on Reaper Beat. How's that for Video Game Cruelty Potential? Impractical, yes, but still funny.
  • Neku and Joshua playing Tin Pin Slammer in the beginning of the fourth day, what really kicks is Neku doing a pose very similar to Joshua after he won and keep in mind that's the only time he used that pose. 2nd one on the bottom.
  • If you scan the NPCs' thoughts, the one labelled "Clones?" will earn you the following message:

So then, CAT's this group of twenty different creators... all with the same face?

Makes sense... I think?
Is that even possible?

    • Funny enough on its own, but when you play Another Day and get the Secret Reports, you find out that this is in fact entirely possible, because Hanekoma, being an Angel, is able to visit alternate universe versions of himself - who's to say he never had 19 other selves help him out for a bit?

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