Topic on User talk:DocColress

Complete Monster Discussion

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

So Doc, I've been thinking, and I think I've found a new Complete Monster example for the Mega Man series! The villain Ra Moon is pretty much the only candidate I could see qualifying as far as the original classic series is concerned, and he hails from a Japanese only game called Super Adventure Rockman. Since I've watched the game's cutscenes, I'd like to make a proposal for him.

Ra Moon is an ancient alien supercomputer that Dr. Wily finds in a temple underground in South America. Whenever Ra revives Wily's robots from the second and third classic Mega Man games, Ra Moon offers to strengthen an electromagnetic field around the temple which causes technology to go haywire so Wily can use it to dominate the world. It turns out however that Wily was never in control and that Ra Moon was duping him. During the game's climax, Ra Moon reveals that he came to earth 20,000 years before the games took place, and felt disdain for the primal humans and decided that they needed to go. Ra Moon used his abilities as a corruptor and gave humans the capacity for violence, and provided them with the ancient stone tools they'd need to wipe themselves out with. However he grew bored with the violence that he orchestrated and had them construct a temple for him that used to slumber underground before being found in the present by Dr. Wily and fully intends to finish what he started. While Wily thought he was simply holding the planet hostage with the electromagnetic field, Ra was strengthening it so it could shut down all of the planet's technology, kill off all robots, and wipe out humanity by destroying the technology they rely on so much so he can replace the planet's life with his own robots, and decides to kill Mega Man, Wily, and Wily's robot servants before being shut down by Mega Man for good.

I personally think that Ra Moon qualifies. He's an alien A.I, but he's not shown to operate under blue and orange morality, he just hates humans and wants to wipe them off the face of the earth so he can populate it with machines and was willing to use and manipulate Wily in order to further his own agenda. Admittedly, he doesn't understand love as he makes an off-hand remark saying "Love? What is that?" whenever Wily yells that he loves his robots, though I don't feel that it would disqualify him as there are sociopathic Complete Monsters who don't understand love as well (Lord Voldemort comes to mind). Of course though, it's ultimately up to what you think of the matter.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

So he wants to kill EVERYTHING, humans and robots alike, all to strengthen himself and play God to a new race of machines? Sounds like he passes quite easily.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

Okey dokey!

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Also, do you know how to insert images on trope pages? All folders in the Magnificent Bastard trope requests images, but I can't seem to get them on.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I hate to say it, but you're asking the wrong guy.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Do you know who to ask, though?

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

Maybe Geth since he's a coding wizard, but he is pretty sick right now so any responses may be a bit slow.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

[[File:Image.jpg]] is how you add images to pages, click the image tab next to the links section on the WikiEditor (if enabled) for a wizard to make it easier.

Read here for more help.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

OK, thanks! :)

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

Hey Doc, I've noticed that you've been adding images to the various Complete Monster pages. That's good, but too many of them just show a character standing there, pretty much what people call "Face and a Caption" syndrome. Shouldn't these images show us the evil deeds that the characters are committing?

For example, I found a nice picture that could replace Ronan's in the Marvel Films section: It shows Obadiah Stane when he's ripping Tony Stark's reactor from his chest. Unfortunately it is pretty big, not to mention long as well, and the only other version of the image I could find was incredibly small. I personally think that not every page has to have an image if there are none of an evil character engaging in villainous acts.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Does ATT even have a policy against "Just a Face And a Caption" like TV Tropes does? I know that images showing the villains committing evil deeds was required for the Image Links page, but I saw nothing about the page images themselves needing to be specific. It's hard to demonstrate a Magnificent Bastard doing magnificent things in images, so why should Complete Monster be so different?

I agree that not every page has to have an image, but I tried to get as much as I could and I'm pretty much done now.

NoxiousSludge (talkcontribs)

I'm sorry, I thought that image policies were the same here as they were on the main site. Just forget I said anything.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

A gentle reminder: this is the main site. We are not affiliated with TV Tropes, and we broke away from them in part because we did not like many of their policies. Do not assume that just because it was so on TVT that it is so here.

GethN7 (talkcontribs)

To my knowledge, we have no such rule, and that is not specifically required, as what make the party in the picture qualify is described on the page.

DocColress (talkcontribs)

Thought so. Still, some images might be substituted for better ones. I'll see what I can do.