Topic on Forum:Trope Talk

Clearing Out Trope Workshop

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

We really need to do something with the workshop -- we have stuff in there that's been sitting untouched for a year or more. I'm going through the older candidates and flagging them for launch or deletion (or asking for a consensus one way or another), but in the future we should probably implement some kind of regular sweep to keep stuff from gathering dust.

Robkelk (talkcontribs)

The alerting part is probably a good jobfor a bot - tag anything that hasn't been updated in six months (or whatever number we choose) with a "launch or die" note and category.

Is six months too long to wait, or just right? IMHO, it isn't too short.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Six months to launch or die was just what I was coming into the forums now to suggest. There's no point in letting this stuff just sit here and clutter up the place because they might be worthwhile. If no one can be bothered to shepherd a trope through the workshop to a launch, it should get deleted.

TBeholder (talkcontribs)

Probably because most of those are left from before the transfer to new host. Then the workshop wasn't working correctly for a while, so everyone mostly forgot about it until recently.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Well, I've got it down to six candidates, two of which just need a little more work to polish them up, several of which just need some examples for launch; and a couple of which might be merged into other tropes or not, depending on how discussion goes.