Topic on User talk:FurryGirl

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

While I appreciate the additions you've made so far, I should let you know now - it's very unwise to copy wholesale from TVTropes. As the page linked indicates, it's a gray area with regards to licensing and the like, and it's better form in any case to develop trope pages from scratch via the Trope Workshop (with guidelines that you should check out when you can) rather than copying wholesale.

As far as further recommended reading on the note of what to do and what not to do, All The Tropes:What we aren't is also a good place to start, as is the general introduction, the Terms of Service and pretty much the entire About section.

EDIT: Clarified and added more links.

Umbire the Phantom (talkcontribs)

In addition to that, it's probably best to use the preview button before saving your edtis.

Derivative (talkcontribs)

I'll delete the page for obvious reasons.