Topic on User talk:Raymanbell

  • (cur prev topic) 20:39, 16 November 2020 . . Looney Toons (talk | contribs) commented on "Do not set rules for what is or is not an example of a trope without first gaining consensus for setting those rules" (Raymanbell, if you received notification about this thread, it's because I edited a typo in Robkelk's message and it may have triggered a...) . . +213
  • (cur prev topic) 20:38, 16 November 2020 . . Looney Toons (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Do not set rules for what is or is not an example of a trope without first gaining consensus for setting those rules" . . 0
  • (cur prev topic) 02:48, 12 October 2020 . . Raymanbell (talk | contribs) commented on "Do not set rules for what is or is not an example of a trope without first gaining consensus for setting those rules" (I’m sorry. No excuse. It’s just that I’ve been so obsessed with the tomboy and tomgirl thing so much and always been searching constantly...) . . +169
  • (cur prev topic) 14:18, 27 September 2020 . . Robkelk (talk | contribs) edited a post on "Do not set rules for what is or is not an example of a trope without first gaining consensus for setting those rules" . . +2
  • (cur prev topic) 14:17, 27 September 2020 . . Robkelk (talk | contribs) commented on "Do not set rules for what is or is not an example of a trope without first gaining consensus for setting those rules" (Your edit to Sensitive Guy and Manly Man, which I have already reverted, set forth rules on what could or could not be listed as examples...) . . +2,277