Topic on User talk:Kuma

I'm rejecting your most recent edit to Trope Workshop:Metaphysical App

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)
Kuma (talkcontribs)

I do apologize, I didn't realize there were changes made to the page until after I made the edit. I wasn't trying to change it because of how I thought they look worse but because of ignorance due how it's been a while since I checked for changes on ATT. I didn't think anyone would work on them since it's been a while since I have been on the site. I hope that it wasn't trouble for you and I will make sure to not make that mistake again. I will check the history of the pages' that I need to work on and I wish to improve whatever problems you can identify. I do wonder how my grammar and usage is bad especially when I read and re-read while also using Grammarly. It might be a mistake with the current goals in Grammarly that might cause the problem or something that I haven't notice; so, I could use your perspective if you can leave reply. Also if I may ask, would think I still need a proofreader?