Topic on User talk:FireKing813

Your proposed edit to "Dragon Age: Origins/Characters/Playable Characters" has been rejected in moderation...

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

... because the new content you added was copied word-for-word from the corresponding page on TV Tropes. This is copyright infringement as the material postdates the fork and TV Tropes' subsequent change of license in 2012. Because All The Tropes and TV Tropes run under different Creative Commons licenses, content created there after 2012 cannot legally be used here without the express written approval of all the editors who contributed to it.

Feel free to rewrite the material in your own words and resubmit it, but we strongly recommend you read our Copyrights policy first. You may want also to look into how our markup works, as the rejected content came with TVT-style spoiler markup, which doesn't work here.

Finally we strongly recommend that you read All The Tropes:How We Do Bans Around Here. This isn't a threat -- this is the wiki policy strictly controlling how and when user bans can be applied by an Admin. We want you to be aware that unlike TVT, we do not ban users on whims or because we're cranky.

-- Looney Toons, admin

@Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak

FireKing813 (talkcontribs)

But those were my own words. I was the one who put it there on TvTropes in the first place.

Looney Toons (talkcontribs)

Ah, that's a different matter entirely. I'll go back and approve the edit, then. However, in the future, please note in the edit reason that you are the sole author of the passage and can legally authorize its posting here.