Topic on Forum:Wiki Talk

Second draft, for comments.

This is the information sidebar template for characters.

The Template

{{Infobox character
 | title = 
 | subtitle =
 | image = 
 | caption = 
 | Central Archetype = 
 | Source Fiction = 
 | First Appearance = 
 | Actor = 
 | Age = 
 | Birthday = 
 | Gender = 
 | Height = 
 | Hair Color = 
 | Eye Color = 
 | Blood Type = 
 | Three Sizes = 


title is the character's name. This is the only required field.

subtitle could be the character's name in the original language, or a noble title, or a sobriquet.

image is the name of the picture you uploaded to illustrate the character, without the "File:" prefix. Note: The image will display at 200 pixels wide in this infobox, so please choose something that looks good at that size. If no image is listed, a placeholder will be displayed.

caption is a caption for the image, and is optional. If you don't add an image, the caption will not display.

Central Archetype is the character's main role in the story.

Source Fiction is the body of fiction – the "ficton", to use Robert A. Heinlein's term – that the character originally comes from. (No, please don't list every single work that John Munch has appeared in; just list the first one.) If you're using this infobox on a Characters subpage and the work isn't a crossover, it's safe to leave this field blank unless the character comes from a different work.

First Appearance is the name of the work where the character first appeared (for example, "Detective Comics #27")

Actor is the character's actor or voice actor (or both, for live-action works dubbed into other languages).

Age, Birthday, Gender, Height, Hair Color, Eye Color, Blood Type, and Three Sizes are all as of the character's first appearance.

  • Birthday should be day and month. (For example, original-anime Sailor Moon's birthday should be listed as "June 30", not "June 30, 1978".) Write it out long-form, please; "2-5" is May 2 in most of the world, but many people in the USA read that as February 5.
  • Gender is the gender that the character presents as, not the character's birth gender.
  • Three Sizes is for females only, and if included should be listed in the order bust-waist-hips.