Topic on Talk:Combat Sadomasochist

The image that this page has at the moment is of a person saying "No way, it felt great", with no indication of what "it" is.

The image shows no combat, no sadism, and no masochism. All of the heavy lifting is left to the caption... which, honestly, doesn't do a good job of it. I'm not familiar with the work in question, so I can't even tell whether there's a better image available in the work. (Keeping in mind our wiki host's Terms of Service, of course.)

Does anybody know of a work-safe image for this page that isn't Just a Face and a Caption?

@Agiletek @GentlemensDame883 @Haggishunter @HeneryVII @Ilikecomputers @Jlaw @Lequinni‎ @RivetVermin @Umbire the Phantom @Utini501 @Labster @Looney Toons @GethN7 @Robkelk @QuestionableSanity @Derivative @SelfCloak