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** In ''Phantasmagoria of Dim. Dream'' Chiyuri is Yumemi's research assistant in "comparative physics".
** ''Mystic Square'' and ''The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil'' both have [[Ninja Maid|Ninja Maids]] in the form of Yumeko and Sakuya, the latter being by far one of the most popular characters of the franchise.
** ''Perfect Cherry Blossom'' introduces [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome|samurai gardener]] Youmu. You wouldn't recognize her as such from the fanbase, though.
** Eirin and Reisen from ''Imperishable Night'' both fit the part, being Kaguya's pharmacist and pet respectively.
** Komachi from ''Phantasmagoria of Flower View'' also counts, since her official job is to be [[The Ferry Man]] of the Sanzu River.
** In ''Mountain of Faith'' Sanae is the priestess of both the final and extra boss.
** ''Subterranean Animism'' reverses this trend by having the [[Big Bad]] and the stage 5 boss be the pets of the stage 4 boss.
* [[Badass]]: ''[[World of Badass|Every]] [[Adaptational Badass|single]] [[Badass Adorable|girl]]'', but [[Beyond the Impossible|that]] [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome|soccer]] [[Mundangerous|ball]] [[Memetic Mutation|is the most powerful thing in Gensokyo]]!<ref>The soccer ball is able to withstand every girl's spell card.</ref>
* [[Berserk Button]]: The fandom has one in the question "What anime is this?" as well as when someone on YouTube claims that ''Touhou'' [[A Worldwide Punomenon|stole from]] [ the McRoll.] For the uninitiated, the McRoll is based on Flandre's theme, ''not'' the other way around. Western fandom is also beginning to detest old memes ([[Hilarious in Hindsight|pads]], etc.).
** May the Lord have mercy on you if you tell Reimu she has awful night vision.
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* [[Mooks]]: Fairies, in addition to the lesser-used Fuzzballs and Doofy Ghosts. Fairies are [[Suicidal Overconfidence|suicidally overconfident]], weak, and effectively immortal (regenerative), though the last [[Gameplay and Story Segregation|doesn't manifest in the games]], probably because they "respawn" somewhere safe offscreen. These factors combine to make them pretty much perfect mooks.
* [[Multiple Endings]]
* [[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome]]: '''[ Touhou Soccer.]'''
* [[Mundane Utility]]:
**''[[WhatMundane Do You Mean Its NotMade Awesome|Touhou Soccer]]'', where the girls use their massively destructive spell cards to play [ s''occersoccer''].
** Turns out that ghosts make excellent air conditioners.
** Similarly, there's an entire pool on Danbooru of Cirno being used for mundane ends, such as chilling drinks.
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** Might be the case for some unexpected creatures. In one chapter of one of the manga, it's suggested a couple of times that a mysterious egg may be from a ''cat youkai''.
** The same chapter also confirms crow tengu having eggs, and while they're related to birds, the two examples we've seen of that species look basically human.
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Awesome]]: '''[ Touhou Soccer.]'''
* [[White and Grey Morality]]:
** Those who are [[Designated Hero|good]] are [[Somebody Else's Problem|apathetic to everything]] unless it affects either their interests or Gensokyo itself.